
THE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK THE ATLANTIC VOICE for If our understanding of God is limited, our capaci ty to receive from Him must also be limited. Divine Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic Zone ideas, wisdom and power are available to us oll; the use we make of them depends on ourselves.
Editor English Section: C. NATION If our motives are inspired by divine Love, and we trovel along the path revealed by Divine Wisdom, we Year Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday October 8ih. 1938 No. 215 and all associated with us, shall be blessed.
ecc. eccecoes CHAMBERLAIN ACTION SHOCKS CIVILIZATION PUBLIC MANIFESTATION AGAINST BOUND WIRELESS NEWS ARY QUESTION By Britain playing so deli. ter disgusted, while every smal Chancellor Adolf Hitler enberately into the hand of Ger ler nation of the world is disap Much agitation is being ex in keeping with superior instered Sudetenland early on the many Checoeslovakia has been pointed. Hitler bloff has perienced in San Jose and tructions. endeavoured to 4th. instant on a triumphal tour outraged and sacrificed just as gained him another and much other interior localities in stop it, but they eventually of the territory he had won Aby sinia was, and the honour nore important victory. consequence of the large and desisted as the thousands who without a fight from Checoesof the Empire destroyed by Like the Abyssinians, the frequent public manifesta were participating in it not lovakia. Several thousand perthe bowing of her Premier be Chek have been sacrificed, and ions in opposition to the pro only shewed their determisons met him at the frontier.
fore the bluit of the German though their preparations for posals for settling the Pananacon 01 continuing but They cheered Dictator. Who could have exloudly, almost wi were all complete, they ma Boundary question. very carefully abstained from peeted that, at so mad with joy. Konrad Henlein, critical a nad to admit they were forced These manifestations are committing themselves in any the Sudeten Nazi leader, whom time as this, the prestige of to submit to the demands of the we understand, having the way against Law or Order. Hitler named Sudeten Reich the great Emp. re would have German Chancellor in view of trong support of the mem The subsequent marches been throw in the dust by such the last moment capitulation of bers of the country Legal through the principal thor Commissioner for his work on behalt of Academy, as well as the Stu oughfares of the Capital have the panied Chancellor. They tions of the universe have hence As one sees it, Russia has dents of the Liceo and other not been interfered with forth any respect the been outflanked by the intric educational centres, and a lar although clashes of an indi crossed the former German bor der into Sudetenland at Wilname of Britain or her pledgedgue of Britain Prime Minis ge number of prominent cividual nature are reported denau, one half mile from Henword?
ter; while Mussolini is disma tizens and well known poli between members of the poli lein home town, Asch, at 11. 16 When it was observed that yed, as there was no certainty ticians. When the first of ce force and some of the stu a. Hitler entered Sudetenthe entire world favoured the whatever of Italy ranging her these demonstrations com dents.
land several hours after his aratitude dopted by England, forced til side the Germa. menced the police authorities, my, which formerly annexed France and the Soviet Union in the event of war. Even J2the Asch Eger region, heart of and that it was supported by pan has been pleasingly surRubber Plantations to be Extended the territory, at 05 a. Thou almost all the smaller States of priced as she had expressed a sands lined along the cold, driz Europe, we felt that Hitler, yee desire of keeping aloof unless The Rubber producing rations to other sections of zly streets. Hitler automobile ing his bluff was useless, and France unprovokedly attacked trees which were planted in the Province. They will estab was preceded from Selb, Gerknowing the mass of his natio Germany.
this zone some years ago, and lish plantations wherever many, by two armoured cars nals did not desire war, would What has become of British were latterly taken over by they can locate suitable and and detachments of Brown have backed down; but Cham reputation? The British Empi the Goodyear Corporation sufficient lands we are told.
TO PAGE 11 berlain capitulated and threw re is doomed. The return of the and included in their expe We are certainly pleased the respect and admiration for German colonies in Africa will rimental cultivations under to know of this, as the results his Empire to the winds The be the next act of humiliation, their concession for the ex of such extended activities members of the Liberal and just as soon a Hitler has con ploitation of the rubber in on the part of the CorporaPERSONAL Labour Parties are shocked solidated his forces in mid dustry, are reported to be tion must, eventually, be of completely: Russia is altogeti TO PAGE 11 giving such good quality ma great benefit our economic On Thursday last Mr.
terial that the Company have conditions.
206 brat Frank Riley the exceedingA NEW POLITICAL PARTY FOR JAMAICA decided to extend their opely popular Secretary in, this Zone, to the General ManaTHE COSTA RICA. PANAMA LIMITS ger of this Division of the new Political Party hasing more of their Island home; United Fruit Company accome into existence in Jamaica. had spoken more of it; had brea There were much heated If one views the contention tivities. left for the interior It is called the People Natio thed more of its atmospheric discussions during recent sitt calmly, it would seem to ap on a short vacation. He was nal Party and has been form influence with the result that ings of Congress as to whe pear that most of the opposi accompanied by his highly ed by Mr. Manley, all kinds of organizations had ther the project regarding tion is not because the propo esteemed wife.
and his Associates sprung up in all classes of the our Southern Frontier, not equitable and Although it is understood On the 18th.
a community, creating a marked proposed by Panama and ac just, but because of a spirit Mr. and Mrs. Riley will only September meeting was held at the Ward growth of opinion among the cepted by our Execusive, of antagonism to the desire be away from us for about Theatre in Kingston; there was young men and the dawn of the should go through our Legis for a friendly adjustment by ten days, the Atlantic Voice unprecedented attendance, feeling that the Island is and lative Assembly in the usual the President and his Execu hopes they will have a most the people filling the Theatre, should be their home and coun manner or be considered in tive Officers. The evidence of pleasant time, and derive the North Parade and the Vic try.
secret sessions. After lengthy such a spirit only tends to re all the benefits possible from toria Gardens. Several promin Continuing his most interest debates had been indulged in tard the honourable progress the cooler and more bracing ent personages were on the plat ing, address, the popular Attor by many of the Deputies, it of the country.
form. Mr. Manley presided and ney at Law told his vast audi was decided by 33 votes to atmosphere of the Capital.
outlined the reasons for the ence that in the past the majo 10; that the matter should be launching of the Party and what rity of the inhabitants regarded given consideration behind would be its Aims and purpo Jamaica as merely a place in closed doors.
Sir Stafford Cripps, a which to live, or to visit and Much of the opposition to member of the British Parlia meet friends or relatives. There ment and a prominent Labouri was however, a great difference broken down after examinato have the proposals seem te, emphasized in very clear and between living in or visiting a SERVICIO DE VAPORES forceful language the need of place and belonging to it with tion of the maps shewing the original boundary with Cosuch a Party in the Island. he feeling that one life, lombia, coupled with the exSolidos semanales de Limón para Nueva York con In his explanatory remark is only such a spirit, he affirmed planations of ex. President escolo en Cristóbal y Hobana.
Mr. Manley stated that the Party thing he, at the present time, don Ricardo Jimenez in supwas a great necessity in view saw in the Island and it was Llevondo cofé para todos los puertos of the fact that the democratic that which had determined him port of the reasonableness of It Europeos y Americanos Institutions of the country had to support the People Natio the demands of Panama long ceased to lead public opi nal Party with all his soul. It does seem as if the governVAPORES SALIDAS nion or to inspire considence, as is only such a sprit, he affirmed, ment of don Leon Cortes has also on account of the enormous which encourages the develop taken the right course in agrowth of progressive ideas ment of a national consciousnss dopting the proposals submit QUIRIGUA Octubre centering around the develop and leads to self government and ted by Panama as to the proment of labour. He declared that to that which JAMAICA resemble per boundary which separaOctubre 16 may during the past decade the peo civilization. The Party would tes both countries.
It has been shewn it is VERAGUA Octubre 23 ple had been concentrating more he run on true democratic lines, and more on their individual and he would so work as to ena claimed, that the limits oriaffairs. They all had been think ginally came up to the North River and not only to the Sixaola, hence the visit of the ALVARADO y Cio. SUCS.
nation Representatives to GREAT LAWN FETE Agentes para Limón y Puntarenos, the area in dispute has resulton the LAWN of the BAPTIST CHURCH ed in the verdict that, desPoro otros informes dirijose a las oficinas de lo MONDAY 10th. OCTOBER 1938 pite, the objections of the discountents, Panama has her Promenaders and the Lookers on will Enjoy UNITED FRUIT COMPANY rights in the claims set forth, Themselves as usual and it is only righteous that los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rico YANKEE BAND WILL AMUSE ALL her pretentions should be atADMISSION 50 tended to as they justly deTELEFONO 315 cocoeco serve.
as sals are an ses UNITED FRUIT COMPANY To page Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

    EnglandFranceGermanyHitlerItalyLeón CortésMussoliniNazismPresidentes de Costa RicaSovietURSS

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