
TIENDAMIL COLORES Restaurante. Siquirres Enrique Yankelewitz, Proprietories New Political.
oi in PAGE THE ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8th. 1938. Record Tobacco Crop Sarguinary Encounters in Palestine TORONTO Tobacco is the Dominion now contain aUnder date 7th instant, not generally considered about 80 per cent of the homeat the military authorities Canadian agricultural crop, grown varieties. Fifteen years Jerusalem announce that the but tobacco growers in the ago only about 35 per cent Dominion will receive ato of Canadian. grown tobacco loss of lives, among the insurSUCURSAL. LIMON. AP. 578 ut 18, 000, 000 for their crop went into Canadian products. gent Arabs, during the previous twenty four hours, this season. Sixty one million The remainder of the crop totalled around two hundred pounds of tobacco were har goes principally to the British as the result of a series of GENTLEMEN: vested this year, the largest isles.
CABALLERO: fights in the northern reamount ever grown on Cana The Canadian Government gions of the country.
If you desire to be properly dian farms.
experimental farms have The British troops were Ud. que gusta vestir bien le dressed, we offer you an inTobacco growing in Cana been mainly responsible for said to be on the alert to put ofrecemos un incomparable comparable lot of da has become an important the development of the tobac down any new acts of viosurtido en CASIMIRES. INindustry during the past ten CO. grow industry. lence.
GLESES que acabamos de re ENGLISH TWEEDS years. Acreage has steadily cibir. Contamos con los estiincreased and this year.
Pos. CRE1996 los más modernos y a precios just received.
80, 000 acres were planted que nadie nos iguala.
We give the most modern South western Ontario, along the shores of Lake Erie, has Visite nuestro almacén 0Style at Prices which cannot the largest acreage, with portunamente y be equalley.
ordene sus It has been on the light, trabajos para NOCHE BUEPay as an early visit and sandy lands of Norfolk Coun El tren de pasajeros de Limón a San José se detiene en NA y las FIESTAS CIVICAS order your work for NOCHE ty, Ontario, that the most phe Siquirres 20 minutos, para que los pasajeros puedan olde la capital, para que nosoBUENA and the SAN JOSE nomenal development has ta morzar cómodamente. Compre su tiquete en el tren para tros podamos darle buen cumCIVIC FIESTAS. We desire ken place. In 1924 only thirty que sea atendido a la llegado. El precio es 50. EL plimiento y dejarlo satisfeto please you in every res acres were planted to tobacco Restaurant queda a la derecha de la Estación. Cantina, cho.
in that country, while this Cigarros y cigarrillos. Se habla inglés.
year more than 35. 000 acres SULLIVAN were planted to the flue cured varieties used for cigaretA. Roden, Cutter te making and commanding the highest price. Nearly all 000 OOOOO. the rest of the Ontario crop is of the cigarette variety, with a small amount to heaTHE HERRING TRADE IN LONDON vier kinds.
Most of the Canadian crop FROM PAGE As it is now declared that greater variety of ways. It has is sold for domestic consump atrue aid to real patriotism, as the inauguration of Milk Stalls played, we are told, a conside tion. Tobacco products sold in ble the masses of the country to it inspired one with the pride has greatly increased the con. rable role in the history reach to better things, this being pride of being a Jamaican, sumption of this commodity in Northern the desire of every true demo with a keen desire of making Europa and these THE ELOCUTION CONTEST crat.
London, the first of a chain of Stalls are expected to give it a The Party would pledge the Island a national unit in the Herring stands will soon, it is comparable role in the English a widespread educational campa world and its political actividiet.
said, be opened in that city.
Let us not forget that St. ign among the people. They ties.
These Stands will offer the Anthony Burial and Sick Aid did not desire a foolish elector Sir Stafford Cripps delivered Society will, on Monday the ate at the mercy of every de what was regarded as a masterpublic the popular fish in a 17th. instant, be amusing and gogogue, unable of unravelling piece of political oratory variety of ways. There will he fresh herring salt herring, pic entertaining her members and the tricks of undisciplined poliwhich he fully supported all Mr.
friends with programme of ticians, who regard politics only Manley had pointed out. Among kled herring, red herring, baco COMERCIANTE eleocutionary and other items as the means of securing selt many other things of interest, ned herring; then herring gril por más de 20 años he said he had never before witnessed in this aggrandisement.
led, stuffed, poached and dethe Establecido en la Provincia gone to city.
Referring to the political meeting as he was convinced Vende al detal, Vinos y Lviled, as aloo kippers and bloa cores extronjeros y del país, We understand that several ters. There may probably still Constitution of the Island, Mr the new Political Party, repreMISCELANEA very talented elocutionists will Manley said the people should be senting all that is best and most be other forms in which the abarrotes en general, be competing for the Maxwell educated to understand it and progressive in the life of Jamaifich will be placed on sale, as stablecimiento esquina prize, while some speeches of to realize what a rotten system ca, will try to achieve for the none other in European waters Norte del Mercado.
They great merit will be offered by they had.
should is known to be consumed in a be Island eactly that which he Entre certain of our youths.
educatted to be capable of de had been working for in EnIt is also understood that His ciding the kind of Jamaica they gland the happiness and prosLordship Bishop Odendahl will must aim at for their children perity of the common people, THE CONFERENCE grace the function with his pre and their children children. not the interests of the wealthy sence and that the Judges will They at present. he continued, and fortunate few which is all There seem to have been anticipated brilliant gather be Ladies and gentlemen of ca had a remarkably rotten Cons too often the objective of politi some misunderstanding in the ing in consequence, we have libre in such matters.
titution, an almost perfect de cal entities which tend to decarrying out of the intentions no doubt, of a Handbill issued gradation of political life, forceive one regarding their obas an instance, the country po jective. Politics insist, Sir by the President of the Li Mitchell in which it was statmon Division of the Jed that the Conference was Still Prolific lion yet they only had a total as an American Socialist puts it, Association not a question, but of about 60, 000 voters: due to how to take the money from the The necessity for a Con one of the Race. Many leaders the system under which, if one rich and the votes from the poor LONDON. Planted in 1775, did not pay a minimum tax of with the avowed object of preference among the members of the Organization were the the famuos vine in the royal ten shillings, he could not vote. tending to protect the one from of the Negro Race was moot refore absent from the deli gardens at Windsor has yielded This was an ed by Messrs. Farquharson, berations, as example of the the other. He, however, desirthey claimed more than 1, 000 bunches of things the Party would endea ed to see the new peoples of the Scharsmidt and Wellington they had many pertinent grapes this year. The best bun vour to remedy. No man, of Madre de Dios and sup questions for discussion for ches, some of them weighing concluded, can be a sincere and creating a great, glorious and he world rise in their power, and ported by Mr. Eugene Roper the benefit and vital interests more than two pounds, have honest democrat who does not more humane civilization of Liverpool. The idea was la of the Society: He gone to the King table but accept the elementary principle also hoped that in developing ter on approved by Mr. Mitmost have gone to hospitals and that the object of civilization their new political life, chell, and all seem to have It was very disappointing other institutions all over the is to raise the standard of liv people of Jamaica will also so the been set for a huge meeting that such a thought should country, ing and seourity of the masses develop their cultural to devise the means of a clo have arisen as it does not tend ambiDespite its age, the old vine of the people, though from a tions until they became a new ser understanding among the to a unification of the many is still throwing out fresh lack of true democracy, the in people, a new humanity capable adherents of the Universal interests involved. It is hoped shoots. Its parent is the great terests of some in this country of taking over the reins of goNegro Improvement Associa an amicable explanation will, vine at Hampton Court Palace, predominate above and beyond vernment from the dying and tion; but at the appointed afford amelioration to the which was planted in 1768. all other classes.
time there was a lack of the points at issue.
decadent people of Western Mr. Manley discourse was Europe.
Speaking of Mr. Manley lea dership. Sir Stafford, said Nos permitimos llamar su ctención a la nota al dorso We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back have no fear for the Party led de su recibo que dice: of receipt which reads: by such a man.
It has been my Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina This bill must be paid at our office before privilege to meet great political dentro de los primeros 10 días leaders and so called statesmen, the 10th of the month.
and say with no desire to flade cada mes.
Be so good as to comply with this request and do not ter, but with a sincere desire Lc rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena oblige us to suspend our service, a step which of doing my best to advise the de tener que cortar su servicio.
we would much regret to take.
people of Jamaica, that have not come across a more experienced, better equipped, wiser, more honest or more able leade: than you in Jamaica have in Mr.
MUNICIRAMAR Manley Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de cultura y juventud, Costa Rica.
Edgar Young a of the Conference announced at the last moment by Mr. 163 year old Vine pulation was more than one mil. Stafford declared, in knowing COMPAÑIA ELECTRICA DE LIMON


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