
THE ATLANTIC VOICE PAGE our Buy Your Suits on Easy Payment Plan Reply to Mr. Mitchell Explanation Make your choice. Pay The Costa Rica Burial Scheme Society The Xmas. Lottery Drawing This Society, under the wise, Drive has been arranged to reFrancisco Fonseca Ch. The Christmas drawing of 150 and those with the two eadership of Mr. Black suscitate the rank and file of National Lottery will figures 100 colones each. The st san, has been struggling for her membership LAWYER NOTARY create a splendid opportunity ending number only will give PUBLIC le Kistence for some time now. Plans are also under consifor investors. The principal investors a return of 60 per 1Office: sithe has undoubtedly done much dation which, if adopted, will prize will yield the unusally ticket.
mood to our suffering communi cause the Sick Quotas to be Adjoining to the City large sum of 150. 000, follow There will be 2863 prizes ia 5, pay; but, in keeping with the made more convenient to the Public Library ed by three others of the res all with a total cash value of ed caard times which have affected financial status of her nany ENGLISH SPOKEN pective amounts of 50, 000: 472, 510. 00 from an issue of civery Association in our Provin members; while the benefits to 20, 000 and 10, 000. There 25, 000 tickets divided into twen FORMER JUDGE OF THE me, she has been overtaken by be derived, in times of sickness will then be two other prizes of ty pieces, each piece being of LIMON DISTRICT COURT queonomic stringencies, more so and distress, will be placed on 5, 000, and five of 2, 000; ten the value of 1, 50 or 30, 00 те quince many of her members a basis more in keeping with of 1, 000 each, thirty five of the entire ticket.
taave been getting nonfinancial the present cost of existence. ties have been doing a wonderC 500, and ninety of 200 each. We beg to congratulate the nand dropping away, hence a All these Benevolent Societal amount of good and will connection with the principal pri of this effort The ten approximations in con Junta in charge of the matter, TIL to further im tinue to do so as long as their Management inspire confidence, ze will be of the value of 500 prove the attractions of our lotcolones esteem and true fraternal love; those for the second prize will show their appreciation in no each; while each of tery and hope the public will but where these are absent as be worth 200.
uncertain would manner. We also the spirit of humility, disThe ninety approximations, however offer the suggestion content will arise and a lack of covering the remainder of the that, in keeping with the risk zeal and loyalty manifested.
THE VOGUE TAILORS We sincerely hope. that in centena of the first prize, will taken by purchasers, the value view of the years of humanita each be worth 60 colones while of the tickets bearing the three those referring to Rogers rian labours put forth by the the second ending numbers of the Grand guides of this Society, for the prize will be thirty colones each Prize be fixed at 1, 000 each benefit of her members and the one. Tickets bearing the three every piece being then worth ending numbers of the grand fifty colones.
general community the present prize will of carry a value efforts will create a real impetus for a crowded re instantement as desired.
Dear Mr. Editor.
was told by some one that the Among the Baptists da May again encroach on Pen is mightier than the See Our Lines of your generosity for sufficient sword, and he replied Not During the evening of Monspace, Tweeds, Serges, Palm in your interesting those Pens. meaning the day next the accustomed plea Weekly, for these a few lines Express and the Atlantic Beach, Linens and sant associations anent a letter appearing in Voice. yet it is significant between the Drills.
Baptists, and their friends will your last issue, signed by one that the latter should now cli be evidenced on the lawn of Mitchell, who did not be his mouthpiece.
e si Preithe Mission then style himself here, when the Just today was given a dent.
great Fete announced and spo flysheet inviting all Negroes ken abuot in all parts will take In his letter, which is a to attend a Big Race Conany amount from one place.
reply to an earlier publica ference at the Liberty Hall si ta Some of the visitors are go tion, Mr. Mitchell tells us of here. The third paragraph of colón upwards. We make ing to see what a Fete really the great success of the Uni this sheet read in part Re embodies here; while others versal Negro Improvement member it is not a your suit to your entire will meet friends from the dit Association under his presi question but the Race. At satisfaction.
ferent Sections of the Lines and dency. He also tells us the last, therefore, the people 94 join in the thrill of the rythms little discussion at the elec will see there is no handed out by Professor Yarkee tion of the Carnival Queen Association and it remains to and his chosen troupe.
was greatly exaggerated, as be seen if there will be a it was only a political discus Building in a short Still Gallant At 85 sion with each side boosting while from this.
their candidate. will be It was my earnest intention news item emanating from glad if Mr. Mitchell will, in of attending the Big Race Harleston, England, gives the your next issue, tell us why Conference, as it was supposinteresting Air Base al Puerto Rico Suggested very at information the Little discussion endeded to pertain to the affairs of that Thomas Gallant, an in three parties going to Co the Association, but as this eighty five year. old retired lonel Breceno College that was, apparently, a mistake, farmer of Rushall, recently mar same night.
in view of the flysheet, deSAN JUAN, Puerto Admirel Hepburn said Miss Violet Turner Mr. Mitchell present at cided otherwise.
ico strategic position for a navy had a Puerto Ricon ba School Teacher. This was his titude is rather a surprise to aval air base for four plane se in mind for several years fourth marriage.
many. few weeks ago he Voice in the Dark quadrons was stressed by as a tep in the defenses of the ear Admiral Hepburn, entire Atlantic coast. San Juan CACAO embarcado en LIMON AGOSTO 1938 ead of the naval commission is approximately 1, 000 miles lat will report to Congre east of Guantanamo, Cuba, Fecha VaPOR Embarcadores Consignatarios DESTINO Kilos in new Atlantic and Pacific long used as Caribbean naval efense bases.
With the re establishment of ne Atlantic squadron, the com burn Commission it flew over On the arrival ofthe Hep Agto. 14 VERAGUA Cia. Bananera Mosquera COLOMBIA 698 43094 nission members indicated the the Isla Grande air base, now 21 CHIRIQUI Karl Kitzing Orden HAMBURGO 250 17500 23 Jesirability of establishing an being developed by the insu CARIBIA Limon Trading Co.
Orden HAMBURGO 160 11200 28 CARIBIA Castro Stlantic advance air base, with Schuback Schre HAMBURGO MO 2084 lar government, getting Karl Kitzing (Ramos) Ordea an Juan as the most HAMBURGO 100 7000 likely Emil Looser (Pena)
Orden HAMBURGO 75 goint.
5227 good view of the site that is Niehaus Co.
Orden PERU 100 6900 During conferences at La proposed for the navy. Niehaus Co.
Orden PAN 150 108. 50 Fortaleza, the Governor palWhitin a short white a lar Niehaus Co.
Orden CHILE 200 13800 ace, attended by army, public be filled as part of the harbor ge portion of Isla Grande will ealth other officer, TOTAL 1698 117155 naps were referred to showdredging proyect. When comng that Puerto Rico is nearly pleted it is estimated the airport will be worth 7, 000. 000 quidistant between New York Resumen ind the Panama dollars.
Canal and he easternmost possession in Pan American Airways use Co. 283 sacos HAPAG LLOYD 815 sacos.
he Atlantic except the neara small part of the island as a y Virgin Islands.
commercial base with facili ties for land planes and seambarcadores Sacos Kilos DESTINO Sacos Kilos planec) Do ing joint maneu vers last winter the marines based nearly 100 planes there.
Gia. Bananera de 633 43091 COLOMBIA 639 43094 When the Isla Grande base Niehaus Co.
450 31050 HAMBURGO 615 Abarrotes y Licores 43011 Karl Kitzing 850 24500 CHILE 200 13500 LA IBERIA at the eastern end of San Juan Limon Trad. Co.
160 11200 PERU 100 6900 Harbor is completed the army Imil Losser 75 ESTRADA 5227 JAPAN 150 10350 according to Colonel 0. Castro 30 2051 Precios Econónico Wright and Major Frank Hyde of the Engineer Corps, Artículos del País would want base facilities. It TOTAL 1698 117155 TOTAL 1698 117195 was understood the naval com Wee. Le mission agreed that this would would be arranged.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
the ried a Sacos and SALOMON CHIN 03


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