
THE ATLANTIC VOICE PAGE 11 of prematurely aged, fertilinets use as EYES Chamberlain MURINE FOR YOUR eveo Another Strike Threat FIRE IN RAILWAY YARD in Jamaica Alexander Bustamante, laShortly after one o clock last was quickly passing it on to Sunday the sounds of Police other cars. Due, however, bour leader, threatens a great to the rejuvenating whistles brought out hundreds the timely presence of the Yard trike in the Island of Jamaica hormone proparation of the city residents, many of master, Mr. Lorenzo Richard, without the giving of any war whom had probably just settled and his men, several cars were ning.
FOR WOMEN themselves for their Occording to Dr. Rich Weiss.
accusto zaved destruction, He explains he had promised those med siesta. They could be seen which had got ignited Ask for our strated outlet were the Conciliatory Committee at running in all directions till a quickly removed and the fires the hearing of the whys and UN SALE IN ALL DRUGSTORES volume of smoke directed their extimguished. The one in which wherefores of the recent riotous attention to the Railway Yard the blaze originated was entire occurrenes in that Island, that he would never call a strike SOUTH AMERICA HIGHWAY PROGRAMME where it was observed a freightly destroyed.
car containing a quentity of As usual there was no Wa without giving seven days noha the dried banana leaves ter to be liad.
tice to all concerned. However, Peru great highway from tiago, eighty four miles along as the mysteriously taken fire, and Companies connected Lima to Pucalpa is but one the Andes, but the governwith the Fruit Industry had, of many important road ment is in the middle of the since that time, set certain of building projects in South third year of a five year road their men to obstruct his meet. America. Peru program is building campaign.
SPECIAL FORMEN ings and plot against his life, ambitions. In addition to the he had decided to also play a Andes Amazon project, 35. 000 began a drive to link her proThree years ago Argentina NEW ARRIVALS OF port by calling an all Island men with 000. 000 worth strike as soon as his vincial cities with Buenos STRIPED and PLAIN TWEED and SERGES plans of new road machinery are were mature.
laying pavement from her zil has made steady progress Aires. Road building in BraAT PRICÈS TO MEET EVERY norther border to Bolivia.
in recent years.
REQUIREMENT Venezuela has several reSEE US FIRST AND BE CONVINCED RELIEVE markable highways. From La 00000 oseoa Guyra a spectacular concrete JACK ORANE Sucs.
TIRED road leads over the mountaon ins to. Caracas, and to The People House LUIS WA CHONG LIMON Porta Cabello, some 176 miles. One can also go by bus from Caracas to Bogotá, Co GUACIMO y GUAPILES Murine soothes lombia, about 800 miles.
and refreshes Irritated eyes.
In Colombia, work is protranjeros y del país Tienda bien situada Use it daily, EYES gressing on a highway which will connect Bogota with the Abarrotes en general FROM PAGE Caribbean.
and eastern Europe and subChile only concrete road Precios sin competencia mits a formal demand for them.
WIRELESS NEWS The world knows, except connects Valparaiso with San apFROM PAGE parently Premier Chamberlain, WOMEN Shirted Storm Troopers, who that no Peace can be expected remained at the Border.
AGAINST WAR AND FASCISM by the making of pretty speeTurn dark weak ches to Dictators; for as the days into sun days. Be strong Latin Americans are often movement for liberty. By liber London Fortnightly Review Ma happy. Cardui, gazine says. The Patriotism famous medicinal HENDAYE. Insurgent arquick to resent what they may ty. mean freedom from ca interference exploitation Gonzátonic, helps prevent from pitalis regard as of the German Race is not only tillery, aviation and periodic discomfort.
infantry the Colossus of the Love of Country, but Love of North. lez Pena, warned Mexican wor smashed at government lines But to one yanqui 50, 000 Lakers to learn Spain lesson more Country. for they are anew during the night of the tin American listened recently and crush the potential enenever satisfied. No German Lea 5th. intensifying their offensive with enthusiasm. The speaker mies of the revolution when it der has ever said or will ever against government positions on say what Germany desires in or the Ebro front on Eastern Spain. audience was gathered in the was John Lewis, and his is easy. vplit in sentiment arose der to be politically satisfied.
Government reports acknow None knows. Polity as ledged the attacks were becombull ring of Mexico City for because, while European deleInternational to an a civil order, is an alien concep Soon after this, he placed his ing as severe as earlier drives Against War and Fascism, De fascism, some of the Mexican Congress gates emphasized oposition tion to him. Vountary discipline theory in practice by waging before the Checoeslovakian cri as the basis of domestic stabi a feudal war against germanic sis and bad weather combined legates, including representati and Puerto Rican delegates in lity, and mutual concession, as Austria and a war of rapine Ameri to bring a temporary halt to ves of the American League sisted on denouncing the means of international Pea against France in 1870. But large scale operations. At the for Peace and Democracy, had can and British economic impe ce, have no meaning for him. even then he left the problem same time insurgent aviators been invited by the, Mexican rialism as well. This discord International relations, the Ger unsolved for the answer to bombed the government ports Confederation of Workers, nearly led to blows, but was With the workers of man never feels himself tied by the question What is the Ger of the composed with the adoption of Barcelona and Valencia, the any of the rules of the political man Fatherland is contai wounding three persons and dam orkers of the Western Hemis resolution drafted by game. For him international ned in the poem of Ernst Arndt aging three British ships.
phere. declared Chairman Le Spaniards that: Fascism is en law is only a useful convenien. It is everywhers where thewis, we join against our com gendered by the economic con is ce which it may suit him to re is a German Here then we LONDON Wind reaching mon Toe. We shall continuedition of imperialism and invoke in his favour according ve this truth in the seizure 93 miles an hour in some secto strenghen our organizations and immediate cause of war.
to circumstance. He will never of Austria and the treachery tions, lashed the British Isles because we know that betwen admit that it lays down any against Checoslovakia.
Does and caused deaths during the ourzelves and fascim there can NATIONALIST PLANES rule of conduct which should the British Premier not see night of the 4th. instant. lar be no peace. He charged that be obeyed by him, or that it and realize all this? does he ge tree crushed a South London reactionary corporations in SUPPLY MADRID WITH constitutes a code of ethics to not see that the presumptions double decker bus and killed the United States will which he should in honour con of the German Dictator should three.
to open fascism when they BREAD form. It is not merely that law he checked?
find it convenient to do so. An advice from Madrid dismust give place to Power, but He has lost the chance of his that closes that on the 3rd that German Truth, German political life, for he had the honour, German Faith, are for whole world listed on his side to the Japanese News Agency the growth of facism in La. air fleet ofthe Insurgent Party, him conceptions apart. They are ready to crush them. Hitler has said a Soviet Russian Border tin America. Against such mo flew over that city in mass forto him so sacred and holy that however out manoeuvered Bri Patrol had taken 13 Manchou vements he warned, workers mation and dropped 178, 000 they cease to have any value if tish diplomacy and his victory kuoan boatmen prisoners on one organizations must always be rolls of bread.
they are profaned by the rest will in all probility secure him of the river frontiers between on the alert.
Each roll was wrapped in of mankind participating in the friends Chamberlain has Manchoukuo and Siberia. The There were delegates from paper marked. present from them.
lost, thus bringing shame to release of the men was prompt Europe, too. Leon Jouhaux lea the nationalists to the women, In 1818 Prince Bismark ma those whose proud boost hadly demanded by Manchoukuo.
des of French labor, decla children and old people of Made the great remark that the hitherto been. am a Brired: Germany and Italy, the drid.
necessity of solving problems tish Subject.
Fascists and the Nazis, cannot The rolls aggregated a weight must be by blood and iron.
impede the world workers of about 60 tons.
TOKYO. The Japanese 000 ooove coc ooooood News Agency reports that Poland had assured Japan she LOTERIA NACIONAL would not enforce sanctions against her in pursuance of the ADQUIERA PRONTO SU BILLETE y GANE recent action of the League of Nations Council, which voted Tiene el gusto de comunicar a su estimable clientela that article sixteen of the Coy 35. 000 enant, the Sanctions Article, que ha trasladado su clinica dental al antiguo local ocuwas applicable to Japan becaupado por el doctor Badilla, entre el Consulado de Estados La LOTERIA NACIONAL puede enriquecerlo! se of her war on China, but left each member free to decide Unidos de Norte América y la botica British Pharmacy.
Compre su billete y espere una fortuna.
whether to apply punitive mea sures.
vacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas 00:2000ecod CARDUL turn TOKYO. Harbin dispatch of eroployers would welcome thirty planes belonging to the Dr. Medal Jr.


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