
TIENDA MIL COLORES in was PAGE THE ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY, OCTOBER 15th. 1938 THE DEDICATION OF RE LONDON APPEARANCE BEING RAPIDLY CHANGED UGIOUS BUILDING Slowly but surely, despite The progressive London Uni he desperate efforts of pri versity new building, its six vate bodies, the face of Lon teen stories towering above The dedication of the Peacdon is changing. The fine old old Bloomsbury, seems to ty costal Union Baptist Religious Georgian building of Lond pify the new trend. Although SUCURSAL. LIMON. AP. 578 building took place on Sunday on most famous squares are a city ordinance prohibits octhe 9th. instant. The ceremony disappearing.
cupancy above the seventh was performed by Pastor Geor Everywhere the housebrea floor, the university, trustees ge Davies in the presence of ker is at work and in his decided to go ahead with CABALLERO: GENTLEMEN: a very large gathering. The bui wake, the builder. Shops and their skyscraper in the be3 ding was filled to its capacity flats (the Londoner word lief that before long this resIf you desire to be properly Mr. Nation performed the for apartments) are the do triction will go Ud. que gusta vestir bien le dressed, we offer you an 10duties of Master of Ceremonies minating theme in their rau Berkeley Square, in comofrecemos un incomparable comparable lot of and addreze were delivered cous symphony, Office build mon with most of th fashiosurtido en CASIMIRES LSby, among others, Messrs. GLESES que acabamos de re ENGLISH TWEEDS is already ings are springing up to grea nable West End, Shaw Davis: Hylton and ter heights than ever before. changed beyond recognition cibir. Contamos con los estiJ. Davidson Mrs. McPher making the new London tal Most of the famous old struclos más modernos y a precios just received son cho gave a most interestingler and sharper.
tures have been replaced by que nadie nos iguala.
We give the most modern discourse, she recounted the nodern, new buildings.
Visite nuestro almacén Style at Prices which cannot tarting of the movement portunamente y ordene sus be equalley.
the vicinity which was then con AMSTERDAM CLOSES JUBILEE CELEBRATIONS sidered unworthy of encourege trabajos para NOCHE BUEPay us an early visit and NA y las FIESTAS CIVICAS ment. She was however pleased order your work for NOCHE Amsterdam. The Nether ballet of hundreds of dande la capital, para que noso BUENA and the SAN JOSE to note the great change which inds Sixty thousand percers followed, and a proces tros podamos darle buen cum CIVIC FIESTAS. We desire had taken place in the conduct, sons cheered Queen Wilhel sion depicting the country plimiento y dejarlo satisteto please you in every resof the services, until there was mina when the last act of the history concluded the show.
now the acquisition of pect.
the jubilee celebrations for her The Queen, accompanied by beautiful chapel in which any forty years reign occurred at Prince Bernhard and the one could make their devotions the Amsterdam stadium re Crown Princess remained at Enrique Yankelewitz, Proprietor. in peace and comfort. This accently after a week of festivi the palace all that day, the complishment certainly, tie.
strain of this week numeA. Roden, Cutler she concluded, great credit On her arrival the Queen rous functions having been to Mr. Davis and his co wot received from two East In considerable.
dian Princesses a large bou Not a single arrest occurrCRIME IN THE UNITED STATES Many of the visitors from the quet of fresh flowers brought here during the festivities Line districts and elsewhere all from the Dutch East Indies and no case of serious misbe so delivered congratulatory ad ty a Royal Air Mail plane. havior was reported in this ci dresse, among them were Miss After the singing of hymns ty of 800, 000.
May Davis of 28 Mile and her Eesy people would imagine ing of the most intense des that the men of the Fede, cription in every phase of cri mother. Mr. Brown of Cuba ANGLO CUBAN TRADE PACT ral Bureau of Investigation of minal investigation and activi Creek, Mrs. Robinson from Ca The Cuban British the United States have to take ties, especially such as are par huita and Miss Pugh from Bocom tions that proved unacceptacas del Toro gave very encouramercial treaty became effectible to Britain. Last July 27 care of four and a half million ticularly needed to cope with ging speaches men of known criminal habits. the shewd, modern criminal.
Mr. Plurkett ve last month upon an ex the Senate withdrew the re Within the last four year 16. 000 discourse on co operation was change of ratifications at the servations.
of these dangerous criminals The Taxpayers of the United very enlightening as also tho Cuban State Department, Cuba grants certain tariff were apprehended and convic States pay a little more than re by Messrs. Milliner and Phil Juan Remos, the Secretary concessions and exemptions lipo. 1. 160. 000 per annum tec.
of State, represented for Cuba, from the labor laws and pro very attractive programmel and Eric the maintenance of the InvesCunliffe Buxton, mises to refrain from prom What is a man, is a questigation Bureau, which amount special choir under the leaders, ed for his country.
of songs, anthems, etc, by a British Chargé Affares, act rating further restrictive intion often asked, and though is refunded several times over, hip of Mrs. Francis, an old pusurance legislation affecting the term is generally supposed in the value of the stolen propil of Miss Minnie Britton, in 19. 1937 and ratified by the The treaty was signed Feb. British concerns. In return Cuba obtains tariff concesto me: a Gun man, a crimi perty recovered the fines imterspersed the addresse ns1 who operates his gunposed in case brought before The Cuban Senate in August of sions that, it is expected, will choir from Bananito against the police, it is really the Courts, as well as the varende. the same year with reserva increase her market for tobared some fine items, parti the sobriquet given the mem rious savings afforded the goco and sugar.
cularly the two entitled bers of the government Fed vernment. The amount which We Come eral Bureau of Investigation by crime costs the government is. Count on Me Two and Tienda HOLLYWOOD ladies the criminals themselves. In however, almost unbelicvable.
from Creek rendered two beauorder to be admitted to the the Through plunder, direct Avisamos a nuestra numero We beg to advise our numetiful duets and had to respond sexvice, these men must be bet and indirect monetary cost of sa clientela que acabamos de rous patrons that we have to an encore.
ween the ages of 23 and 35 crime reaches the stagering to recibir un gran surtido de cajust received The Chapel commands a plea years. be graduates of tel of approximately 15 billion recog.
simires ingleses y de lino: Large Assortment of Insant view of the vicinity, and is nized Law Schools, and dollars every year.
In glish Tweeds and Linen Hacemos vestidos para cabareally a credit to Mr. Davis and sessed of impeccable characters words, lawlessnes7 cost the llero a 75. 00 en abonos se We make Suits for Gentlemen They are also required to be ver United States nearly 100 eve is also evidence of the thrift, his small body of workers. It manales o mensuales. at 75. 00 on Weekly or se ile, adaptable and capable ofry second.
Visitenos y se convencerá. Monthly payments.
Co operation and determinameeting any situation that may Visit us and be convinced.
tion of a poor lot of labouring arise. On appointment, BERENZON.
they Apartado 515 Despite these somewhat dis people, and exhibits a true spiare given fourteen weeks train couraging facts, the detection rit of colonization.
and suppression of crime is DISORDERS INCREASING IN PALESTINE making rapid advance because 9000000 00000967 the back. bone of organized Francisco Fonseca Ch.
Despite the drastic and de four automobiles in which he gangsterism has been practiLUIS WA CHONG termined efforts of the Bri and his party were travelling cally broken. Kidnapping LAWYER NOTARY tish Authorities to put an end in the vicinity of the Holy les: frequent and Bank robbeto the disorders which have City; very fortunately no one PUBLIC ries are steadily declining. Cri GUACIMO GUAPILES Office: minals are realizing more for long been proceeding in was hurt.
and the mandated territory of Pa Four battalions have recAdjoining to the City more that they cannot commit Abarrotes en general lestine, between the Arabsently been sent from EnglPublic Library crimes and go unpunished. Eve and Jews, conditions are said and and a regiment from In ENGLISH SPOKEN ry effort is being made to comto be getting worse.
Precios sin competencio On the dia to reinforce the soldiers bat end plunder the ravages of FORMER JUDGE OF THE 11th, instant an attempt was already operating in the trothe 500. 000 individuals of o Tienda bien situada LIMON DISTRICT COURT made on the life of the Goy ubled areas. Veterans on the known criminal tendencies throng hout that country.
oernor of Jerusalem, when reserve lists are also being 26. 05. 06. 2006 bombs were thrown at the called out to join the Police forces.
Shortly after the arrival of Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso the regiment from India they We beg to call your ottention to our remark at the back de su recibo que dice: fought, it is reported, an all of receipt which reads: night battle with a strong Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina This bill must be paid at our office before body of Arabs, who were beadentro de los primeros 10 días ten and had to flee from the the 10th of the month.
de cada mes.
vicinity leaving much fightBe so good as to comply with this request and do noi Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena ing material and several prioblige us to suspend our service, a step which soners.
de tener que coztor su servicio.
we would much regret to take.
Around 21, 000 British soldiers are now supposed to be under arms throughout the various districts of the country other DO COMPAÑIA ELECTRICA DE LIMON Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica


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