
seventh Erustees on Uni The city retail trade was its six much inconvenienced lat nday by the unexpected clo e of every Chinese establish nt, the people had to go all und the city in order to obtheir purchases for the s requirements. The few with ps conducted by persons ot of Chinese nationality, did exceedingly brisk bu iness the Cieneguita Crossing seal hundred persons could seen at Mr. Clarke eslishment awaiting ervice, being the only busines ce open in a very large ra3. Several of his friends had ascist him to cope with the the behis res: in com farnioalready gnition struc lced by CIGARRILLOS Yes Sir Better Taste The lovers of pur various NS oholic beverages had to tra of dan. se ceveral hundred additioprocesyards to satisfy their thirst.
untry his, the 27th. anniversary show the Independence of China nied by a Republic, was observed the oughout the country by med at oplete absterance from lay their by all members of this ele nument residing among us.
been EVIVALISTS ARRESTED VION a vlies misbe his ci Cash Coupons nt e Certificates (Green)
for the Christmas Contest Spirit and ng un Monday last was another red fer day for the Western end the city, in consequence of visit of the 2nd Comandanof Police and a number of men to the Balm in that trict, and the arrest of twen nine persons. An immense plaowd, of course, came out to 27 e the procession to the Cuar ге tiff When the police arrived at ons hc Balm, there was no JumpDito ng going on, some thee women and a man tere said to be in the making seous giration, which indu esd a large crowd of the idle ill the nes to gather to witnes solish gestures. They were all ken to the Jail. Those who ere able to prove they were ere lookers, on, were liberad; but those wanted as Poimaniacs. were remanded for le following day for trial JAPAN WARNED BY BRITAIN WIRELESS NEWS beiore the Police Court.
From well authenticated cir Viene de la Pag. him Czar of all the Russias, cles comes the information that RE ORGANIZATION OF BRITISH POLITICS the British Minister in Tokyo comment on the denunucia looked for leadership to his son and heir 21 years old has notified the government of tion by the Soviet Airmen.
Vladimir Cyrillovitch.
Japan that the good relations, There is to be a thorough re gether to consider several Ca now existing between the two BUDAPEST. Local newrganization of the composition, binet changes leading to what nations, are being endangered spapers allege that several of the government of Britain can be regarded as a govern by the Japanese invasion of hundred Jews had been TO ROME On the 13.
in the near future with a view ment of real national concen the Southern regions of China. unded up by police in East instant Italy warned French of re. inforcing the political tration. in which there will situation of the Empire. It is be provided the new ministe. Great Britain is largely inte concentration camp at Nagy cism against nourishing hopThe Minister pointed out that ern Hungary, and sent to a and British enemies of Fashe thought that the reason why rial department of National Chamberlain had to accept the Defence in keeping with rested in these regions and that Kanizsa, near the Yugoslaves of a Preventive War agthe by means of the port of Hong border. No official informa ainst her and Germany. An great facrifice of Checoeslovaquideas given by Sur Wins la at Munich is because England ton Churchill kong she maintain commercial tion concerning the report offic. diplomatic informaconnections with Canton, the was available, tion, Lelieved written by Mus is regarded as not yet prepared Intense armament producapparent new objective of the solini himself, gave unccafor at great war.
tion will al o be puched with Japanese offensive.
PARIS. Proud and band ditional approval to Chancethe greatest effort. Airplane in As soon as Premier Chamber factories will be remodelled some Grand Duke Cyril Vla llor Hitler speech at Saar15 lein gets back from his vaca and a new one instituted so as dimiovitch, pretender to the bruecken. Hitler said Germation, the Chiefs of all the polito speed up the making of ma vanished Russian throne, died ny wants peace but continues tical parties will be called tony thousand more machines on in Shanghai declare that Foreign military observers in exile on the 13th, instant, to rearm as there are those the and thousands of mourning abroad who do not want peg poetese500 000600e, military measures will also be bou 50 000 troops at Hachang, the most improved lines Various Japane e have disembarked. White Russians, who called Ice.
Fernando del Barco taken under consideration for to the south of Hongkong and the purpose of facilitating tha 70. transport hip: were at BRITISH SOVEREIGNS TO VISIT CANADA mediate mobilization when ne anchor there.
ABOGADO cessary, as well as for the For the first time in history, of next year and remain og Oficina Limón calling out of re erve experts et Advices coming from Chine the King and Queen of the Canada for about three wee. cs; Frente almacén Peña Sucs.
a moment notice, for the se sources state that three Ja British Empire will set foot they may then pass over to the Apartado 446 different branches of the ser panese coloumns, headed by a on American soil. They have United States on a visit to Fre vice. There is also the sugges large aerial force, had initiated been invited to visit Canada by sident Roosevelt; though this Ftion for inaugurating territorial the advance against Reichow, Mr. MacKenzie King, the Do has not yet been definitely daSan Jose armies. The Diplomatie Servi. the important point in the minion Premier, and the incided. The visit will, it is expec Frente Botica Francesa rce is also to be remodelled along highway connecting Canton vitation has been accepted. ted, carry far reaching possibiApartado 626 Tel. 4420 with several departments of the with Swatow, and lying about The Royal visitors will leave lities in the political situations Fmilitary and naval services. 80 miles east of Canton. England sometime in the Spring of the world.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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