
Sth. 19 Italilan Troops THE DR MAX PERALTA MIXTURE.
guido años de Cardui loce las.
nguna for Women SC Dr. Medal Jr.
or the 50. 000 Italian troops, sion of the League of Nations fighting on the side of the na hould arrive today at Barcetionalists in Spain, the first lona to surpervise the evacuaBILLIOUSNESS OR INDIGESTION batch of 10. 000 have been ortion of the volunteers fighting COSTIVENESS, FOUL BREATH, HEADACHES, dered home by Mussolini for with the Republicans. The Com LOSS OF APPETITE, SKIN ERUPTIONS, NAUSEA, Besides easing functional the purpose of facilitating ne mission is made up of represen has obtained its rapid and great popularity by havpains of menstruation, Car gotiations leading toward the tatives of twenty nations.
dui aids in building up the removal of misunderstandings It is rumoured that the Briing cured an immense number of persons who sufwhole system by helping with England and France, tish Premier is pressing for fered from LIVER and STOMACH complaints. These women to get more energy snt ths bringing into force of the retirement of a much larnow gratfully recommend it to all who suffer from and strength from their food.
the Angio Issian Pact sig ger number of Italian soldiers cuch complaints as ned some time ago.
as also a certain porportion of It is alleged that a proposal aviators and mechanics, airpla is ncr way to get the contendnes and other war material AN ULTIMATUM ing factors to agree to the di prior to his agreeing to the viding of Spain into two Repu Pact being placed in force.
The War Is Here blie a: a definite settlement of Mus olini is said to be entirely CHANCE GAMES the warfare.
against these additional weaThe International Commis kenings of the nationalist forSt. Anthony Association the KNOW. will seal the CONTINUE се.
declares. It will be on Mon, fate of the winner by their It was thought that this day night, 17th. instant, in independent, secret votes.
the illicit Game had been wiped Catholic Schoolroom, Should there be a tie between EDGAR ODIO GONZALEZ out of Limon, but last week where there will hardly be two or more of the contestend some arrests were made, RODRIGO ODIO GONZALEZ standing space, that the tenants, the Chairman will draw and an important citizen was Abogados y Notarios se Elocution battle will be a casting vote and the prize among the number. The parties fought between SAN JOSE. LIMON six well awarded accordingly.
Lowyers. Public Notaries were taken to the Cuartel and Office in Limon adjoins that of the Municipality known star contestants who The Bugle sounds, and the Temanded for the following will strive to gain the valu drum rolls; so lets all be there opposite the Park Monday.
able Maxwell prize and secu on time, 30 on the PAO This renewed action on the re the Limon Championship dot. Be sure to secure your Title Badge.
part of the authorities, is being tickets in advance to avoid SIQUIRRES IN DARKNESS ting closely watched, as some funTen Judges, carefully cho the rush.
oney tale ore in circulation resen Ladies and Gentlemen in ther garding the Catch. Some per This busy central section curing and distributing the H59 Maart cons are alleged to have some of our Province being depri necessary power for the lighttime ago secured permission, ved of its accustomed modern ing system have been demore and had accordingly been set lighting system now revels lisned and removed, hence Ro ling openly, while there is the in utter darkness with the the darkness.
further rumour that certain appearance of a century old To the visitor who must monthly payments are being township.
made by other parties.
Certain misunderstandings perforce remain in Siquiof Takes the pleasure of informing his esteemed clientel have, we gather, been exist rres over night, the lack that he has removed his Dental Clinic to the apartments BOOTH ing for several months, bet the usual lights is most disween the Municipal Authori tressing and savours of retroBEST previously occupied by Dr. Badilla, between the Consulate ties of the Canton and Messrsgression rather than progress, BAKED BERLIN of the United States of America and the British Pharmacy Lindo Bros. the suppliers of much to the discomfort and BREAD inconvenience of the commer the Electricity. In consequenBUNS ce of this the Board would cial interests of the vicinity.
BISCUITS CAKES not renew the Contract, and It is said that the National now all the facilities for proElectric Company of Limon FRENCH CHEMISTS HONOURED THE PEOPLE BAKERY and Cartago has been invited 0, Box 179 Limốn to go to the rescue of the unA fortunate town by the inauIn every country of the discovery in September in REVISED MAP BEING PRINTED guration of an efficient light world men have had differ 1820 which has saved the limg service.
ent ways of expressing thems ves of thousands of persons Washington Engravings There is a great ideal of elves when they wish to shew and still continues to do so.
for the new official map of speculation however as to their respect for those whose Prior to 1820 quinine was the United States, ordinarily AFTER how long it will take for this names are handed down to unknown in its present form, DAY IN THE revised every two years, ha to be realized, and some of history. On the other hand, and still less was it recognive just gone to the printers. SUN the merchants are believed the methods of appreciating zed as a weapon in the fight Congress at its last session to be considering the matter the works of Great Men vary against malaria, the most for appropriated 15, 000 dollars of installing their own plants proprotionally to the extent midable existing disease, It is for the revision. The General by means of the Oton ma of the sphere in which they to these two Frenchmen that Land Office has the job of chine to be had from Messrs. have become celebrated. Thus humanity owes the use of this kecping the map up to date.
John Keith Co.
we see statutes to the memo natural product as a remedy Revisions include new na ry of generals and sover for malaria, a remedy whose tional parks, naval, military eigns, explorers and states importance is daily being and Indian reservations chan OIL PLANT DESTROYED BY FIRE men, inventors and scientists. confirmed.
ged boundaries, new towns, There are as many mauso Since the Malaria Commisand changes in river courses.
Linden, New Jersey, ked at a killing pace to keep and the imposing and just has published its findings, lums as statues in the world sion of the Lague of Nations The new map will carry was the scene, on the 13th. the fire from spreading to the ly celebrated tomb that the according to which the scienin that between Mississippi and instant of a terrible confla huge oil distillery across the French have built in Paris fortifically established dose of occasioned railroad Louisiana, on the Gulf. The gration which on the Napoleon is an excellent ex six grains of quinine per day alteration follows a Supremuch damage to the oil in shore of the narrow strait ample. Not far from this is used with increasing sucme Court decision.
dustry located there, and that separates New Jersey tomb, however, the tourists cess for preventing malaria threatened, at one time, With the exception of to from New York City Staten find another monument erec in all regions infected by the 10 per cent of the maps held envelop one of the nation Island. The distillery and the ted to the memory of two disease, the value of this beby the General Land Office largest oil centres.
30 large sized tanks surroun men who were less popular neficient products is becomStarted by an explosion of ding it were threatened when than Napoleon, but certainly ing more and more appreciafor sale to the public, the maps will be turned over to a 1, 680. 000 gallon tank, which the seams in a 3, 780. 000 ga did more for humanity.
by Hon fuel oil tank gave way.
ted. It is worth considerably Congressmen for the distribu was quickly followed This statue, which is in the more than a statue. For trewhich were tion. Each Congressman has other explosions, the flames The 22 tanks Bouleyard Saint Michael, ho ating malaria, the Commisburst 500 feet in the air from destroyed ranged from 5, 000 a quota of ten maps.
nours the memory of the ion recommends a daily dose The maps are large in si firemen and volunteers wortwenty two of the tanks. 1, 500 to 90, 000 barrel capacity.
French Chemists, Pelletier of 15 to 20 grains of quinine ze, about six feet by eight.
and Caventou, who made a during to days.
They therefore require ple space for mounting walls. Most of the maps turn SPECIAL FOR MEN ed over to Congress go to PURCHASE YOUR MEDICINES schools and educational insNEW ARRIVALS OF titutions. With ten maps avai STRIPED and PLAIN TWEED and SERGES IN DRUG STORE lable for free distribution eve ry two years( a CongressAT PRICES TO MEET EVERY man, if he stays on Capitol which merits your Confidence, REQUIREMENT Hill long enough, can SEE US FIRST AND BE CONVINCED lly distribute a Land Office The Botica Alemana map to the larger schools in JACK ORANE Sucs.
his district. Barring unexpect The People House LIMON ed wear and tear, a map will Lic. Paul Kleefeld. Prop.
last many years: Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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