
THE SAMARITAN ORGANIZATION THE ATLANTIC VOICE 27 4 2 The Fraternal and Benevolent Organization of the Good Somaritans and Daughters of Samoria includes in its cons titution the celebration of a day in each year, when all its members meet and render thanks to God for mercies meted Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic Zone out to their Society during the previous twelve months.
Editor English Section: NATION In keeping with this regulation, the members of the local Organization attended a special service at the BapYear Limon, Costa Rica, Saturday October 22 nd. 1938 No. 217 tist Church last Sunday when an eloquent address was delivered by the Rev. Forde. On the following day they spent an enjoyable time of Barley Penn in Cieneguito. WIRELESS NEWS OUR BANANA INDUSTRY This is a beautiful thought by the Samaritan Order, and worthy of emulation by the other benevolent Socie VIENA. Six Recent cables indicate that mentioned that his programCatholic ties. It affords an opportunity of all coming together in Priests and an employee of the United Fruit Company is me of conversations with the joyous comradership to renew the brotherly ties and obli Cardinal Innitzer have been gradually withdrawing opera Directors of the Company ingotions to which they are pledged, freed from the rigidity arrested in continuation of tions from the Republic of cluded the possibility of mak what Nazis of the ceremonials in Court gatherings.
declared Colombia. Her commissaries ing improvements in nur were In We feel that every Society ought to set apart such a measures against the treaso are being closed, her railway country Banana Trade.
nable attitude of the Clergy operations curtailed and, na as much as there are rumours day, so as to manifest thot pleasant companionship which toward the Nazi Party and turally, her fruit output gra regarding the withdrawal of should exist among all members, and offord them the op Adolf Hitler personally. Thodually diminished. Her chief certain boats from the servi portunity of becoming better acquainted with the idiocyn se arrested were suspected, or principal employees arece, yet we are assured our crasies of each other, as well as placing them in closer re it was said, of organizing a being distributed between Ja Atlantic Fruit will be taken lationship with their spiritual, physical and material inclidemonstration before St. Ste maica Costa Rica and other as long as they are fit for notions. These jovial gatherings also help all to more sinphen Cathedral during centres of intense activities marketing, and in view of the of our cerely meet their fraternal ties, pledges and obligations; we which Catholic youths chant This should certainly mean practical experience cd after the Nazi fashion etter days for this Division. farmers, we are certain there therefore earnestly entreat the leaders of all fraternal and we want to see our Bishop On his leaving for Boston will be little room lor combenevolent societies to adopt the splendid idea set forth by Mr. Chit plaints.
using the word Bishop in rome weeks ago, the Samaritans.
stead of the customary Fueh Tenden is supposed to have rer.
REGARDING THE PEACE PACT LONDON. The Daily He. CANTON CAPTURED BY JAPANESE rald Newspaper reports that the announcement of the viAdvices from Hong Kong According to well informDespite the protests and re It is expected Mr. Chamber sit of King George of England dated the 21st. state that the ed circles, Great Britain and signation of Mr. Duff Cooper Iain will soon be raising the to the United States at the important city of Canton has Germany have started diploas First Lord of the Admiralty, question of returning to Ger close of his Canadian tour been captured by the Japa matie negotiations with the as well as other leading mem many, the colonies she lost as a next Spring, will be made in nese. The Chinese resistance Japanese government with a bers of the Conservative Party, result of the World War, the his speech from the Throne is reported to have been ex view of bringing the warfawhich it was thought might revision of Britain existing re at the opening of Parliament, ceedingly short, and that af re to an end. It is not yet have forced Mr. Chemberlain to ttion throughout Europe, in November 8th. It was also ter destroying the factories, known in what manner the an election contest, he has in view of the concessions made stated that the British Em the industrial and electrical proposals have been received, dicated he intends to push Pea by the Totalitarian Stetes: the bassy in Washington and the plants. as well as all works though it is stated that Jaceful negotiations with the Dic possibility of solving the Span United States State Depart retired before the formidable signation of Marshal Chiang of military importance, they pan would insist on the retators.
ih conflict by inaugurating a ment were arranging a proIn his defence the Prime joint agreement with Germany, visional programme for the advance of the invaders who Kai Shek and the complete Minister is stated to have de Italy and France, and the brin approval of the King and Pro to reach the city had covered re. organization of the govclared that the sacrifice of Che ging into operation of the An sident Roosevelt a distance of 80 miles in nine ernment of China as a base co:lovakia was the only alter glo Italian pact as well as a native to war; while the settle four Power agreement SOFIA. Troops and polidays.
for discussing such proposals.
which ce clamped a strict blockade ments provided as a consequen would prevent wer and elimina on the Bulgarian capital on CALL TO WORLD DEMOCRACIES ce of the collaboration of the te all suspicion on the part of the night of the 14th. while Four Power are expected to the smaller Powers and the So wholesale raids netted thouIn answer to Hitler ac side, asserted the noted Ves provide the means for solving viet Union. maiority of the sands of persons suspected of cusation that he is a war teran, and they have but to other long pending and distur leiling English papers cor plotting to overthrow the gov monster. Winston Churchill be united to be obeyed.
bing problems and bringing der the peace terms are well ernment of King Boris. Of Britain First Lord of the Ad Churchill, along with forabout the limitation of re ar worth the price paid. The Ti ficial quarters declared a ve miralty during the World mer Secretary Anthony Eden mament TO PAGE ry widely organized conspi: democratic countries of the First Lord of the Admiralty, War, has issued a call to the and the recently resigned racy had been uncovered, and that an uprising would have world, including the United Alfred Duff Cooper, GUILLERMO NIEHAUS Cº cecurred if the King had not States of America, to form a charged by Hitler in a speech ordered such drastic measu common front against. Mo at Saarbruecken on the 9tl.
res. Seizure of large stores ofral and Military Aggression instant, with being men who LIMON arms was reported. All street of Dictators. The preponde like to make war.
traffic was suspended, and no rant world force are on our one was allowed to leave his home during the police drive. Telephone communication with other countries was also suspended for 16 hours. It is believed that the assassination of Major General YorSERVICIO DE VAPORES dan Peyeff. Chief of the Bulgarian Army General Staff.
Salidas semanales de Limón para Nueva York con was the signal for the revoescala en Cristóbal y Habana.
lution to start. It was also said that the plot was engiLlevando café para todos los puertos TO PAGE Europeos y Americanos Spanish Insurgents VAPORES SALIDAS Suffering VERAGUA Octubre 23 CHIRIQUI Octubre 30 In order to bolster the ranks of the Insurgent ForTALAMANCA Noviembre ces weakened by the recent withdrawal of thousands of SERVICIO DE CABOTAJE LANCHA their Italian helpers, the Bur gos government is reported to ENERGY lave lowered its standard for ALVARADO y Cía. SUCS.
recruits. Al men between the Agentes pais Limón y Puntarenas.
SALIDAS: Dios lunes y jueves a medio día para Caages of 18 and 30 who had to previously failed huita, Puerto Viejo y Menzanillo.
Para otros informes dirijase a las oficinas de la SALIDA: Jueves por la noche para la Barro del Colohealth requirements are rado, el Bluff y Bluefields.
be re. examined by military UNITED FRUIT COMPANY Foards.
los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica LLEVANDO CARGA PASAJEROS It is also reported that th.
army has suffered heavy los TELEFONO 3156 sia on the Ebro front.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

    DemocracyEnglandFranceGermanyHitlerItalyNazismWorld War

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