
PAGE THE ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY, OCTOBER 22nd. 1938 TIENDA MIL COLORES Enrique Yankelewitz, Proprietor is, twenty Anniversary Celebration at Puerto Viejo hour Dear Sir: LONDON TO BUILD WOUNDING AFFRAY AT MOIN HUGE AIRPORT Correspondent reports the local Agent of Police, but that at about p. last Sa up to the 18th. instant no leturday, Elfrida James and gal proceedings are known to Iceline Williams of Moin had have been instituted.
With the shortage of airport aquarrel which was suppos. The residents of the district SUCURSAL LIMON. AP. 578 facilities becoming increased to have been settled in an are suppo ed to be much con ingly acute, the Corporation of amicable manner by the in cerned with a feeling of in the City of London is pressing tervention of nearby friends, security, as they fear a simiforward with is 600, 000 air It, however, appears as if Ellar attack may at any time CABALLERO: GENTLEMEN: drome scheme at Fallop, about frida was not at all satisfied, be made on one of them witIf you desire to be properly a dozen miles from the old ci for on reaching her home she hout any attempt being made ty. The site, nearly 1, 000 acres secured a bottle which she to punish the offending parUd. que gasta vestir bien le dressed, we offer you an 10in extent, was acquired some placed in a bag and went inty.
ofrecemos un incomparable comparable lot of time ago, and the necessary ap search of Iceline. She locat. It might be well if the Gov surtido en CASIMIRES INpropriation for its developmented her about a quarter of a ernor of the Province will GLESES que acabamos de re ENGLISH TWEEDS has already been provided.
mile away, and immediately have an enquiry into this alcibir. Contamos con los estiThe rapid growth of ai traf drawing the bottle from the leged strange conduct on the los más modernos y a precios just received.
fie in recent years has put an bag struck the unprepared part of the local authority, que nadie nos iguala.
We give the most modern almost unbearable burden on woman full on her forehead Why was not the wounded Visite nuestro. almacén. Style at Prices which cannot the airports in and around Lon and face inflictin several woman brought here for meordene sus be equalley.
portunamente y don. Croydon began operating wounds; one of which is said dical aid to avoid possible in in its present form ten years rabajos para NOCHE BUEPay us an early visit and to be an inch and a half long, fection and consequences NA y las FIESTAS CIVICAS ago when, at a cost of about order your work for NOCHE The affray is stated to have which may be costly to the ie la capital, para que noso BUENA and the SAN JOSE 250, 000 it was laid out cording to the latest ideas for happened in the presence of government?
Iros podamos darle buen cumCIVIC FIESTAS. We desire plimiento y dejarlo satisfe to please you in every resefficient operation has had to be utilized. Croydon, it is said, Tienda HOLLYWOOD cho.
efficient operation Croydon it Avisamos a nuestra numero. We beg to advise our numieis said, hes become so outmoded that without the expediture of sa clientela que acabamos de rous patrons that we have recibir un gran surtido de cajust received.
a prohibitive sum it must vent simires ingleses y de lino. Large Assortment of EnA. Roden, Cutter ually lose its place as the naMeanwhile various schemes ha Hacemos vestidos para caba glish Tweeds and Linen liero a 75. 00 en abonos se We make Suits for Gentlemen ve been considered for providmanales o mensuales. at 75. 00 on Weekly or ing London with a satisfactory Visienos y se convencerá.
Railrey Monthly payments.
RESIDENTS OF MATINA PETITION GOVERNOR airport. The Southern Visit us and be convinced.
proposal to develop a modern BERENZON.
Apartado 515 airdrome at Lullingstone, about Dear Mr. Editor: and Sain Rivers. As there Charing miles from We shall be very glad if you apparently, no way by which Cross, is still awaiting govern can affort us the necessary spa we can be relieved of the dread ment assistance. The site, comce in your valuable Journal fored floods, we have petitioned prising about twenty acres, out side the fog belt, is to publication of the attached Pe the Governor to do somethiag be The Editor, After all had been allowed Ultion which has been sent to for our Districts of Matina, Es brought within half a a short rest, the special enterHis Excellency the Gevornor of trada and Zent, so much noted journey of Victoria Station by crave your indulgence for tainment in celebration of the our Province.
for the production of Banana, electric railway, according to sufficient space to return sin anniversary was opened by Mr.
As a community of working Cacao and other valuable crops.
cere thank3 to those who at Phillips, the President of the The new airport at people, we are obliged to resi We hope our All Seeing Fath Fairlop tended the Anniversary of the Scheme, with a short address of de where we carn our honest er will direct our cause so it for commercial purposes in En 4th. instant. The School Scheme by the reading of a full and inwill be the largest ever used School Board Scheme on the welccmo Which was followed livelihood, thought we find our may result with the greatest gland. The terrain is flat and selves seriously handicapped by good for u.
was founded on the 29th. Nov. teresting report regarding the the site can be brought into di ember 1936 by the following transactions of the Board from the repeated overflowing of the With thanks for insertion.
rect connection with London by gentlemen. Mesr.
Great Matina, Chirripo, Barbia Special Correspondent.
Phi its inception. This was briefly extension of the London Passen lips, Bryan, Rowe, commented on by the President ger Transport Board electric Patterson, Sunnie, Goo and THE PETITION much appreciated by the system dridge, Douglas, Douglas. large audience.
and Davis. campaign Mr. Paddifoot was here The Governor, this, we are asking you to act for the advancement of the introduced as the Chairman for Honoured Sir: before the members of the Mu cause was commenced imme the social part of the function nicipal Board, with the view We, the diately, and on the 4th, Octo consisting of an atractive proundersigned three of securing us the necessary puhundred Petitioners respectiful blic lams, which are really inber of the following year, Mr. gramme of songs, recitations, COMERCIANTE ly approach you in this form to dispensible for our progress. Granston, was employed dialogue, etc. He was given a por más de 20 años solicit the following: We have no doubt you will as Teacher for the Shool, and vociferous ovation. The celebra Establecido en la Provincla great has been hir success.
Vende al detal. Vinos y LItion was an entire success, full It is some years since we en do all that may be possible to In opening the joyed the facility of lights along have our wishes granted in cores extronjeros y del pals, celebrations of joy and gladness, full of insMISCELANEA in connection with the 1st. An piration and hope. The opportuour public pathways; but all convenient time and for which abarrotes en general. niversary of the Scheme, the nity was taken of distributing that may now be seen for, per we shall be much obliged, mean stablecimiento esouina children, all attired in their the prizes to the four children chance a remembrance, are the time, we beg to remain.
Norte del Mercado. uniforms, formed up at the Li who had excelled in the Chilpost. As we feel our townships Yours respectfully.
Entre berty Hall at 11. 30 a. mand, dren Harvest in the month merit something better than (Signatures)
escorted by Miss Patterson of July. Miis Ida Bennett made who bore the Costa Rica flag the distribution to the followSolución a un jeroglifico and two Directors of the Boarding. Matter David Byant, a PENSION COLON de prensa who carried the Emblem of the Longman Junior Aritmetic; Scheme, they proceeded to the Miss Mavis Patterson, a TropiEsquina opuesta del Cuerpo de Bomberos El New York Times. el más Cuartel where due respect was cal Reader: Miss Fulalee RedAPARTADO POSTAL 326 SAN JOSE importante diario judío de Nue paid the Official Representative gard and Miss Daisy Blake one va York, publicado en inglés, en of the government by the sin Piano. forte Tutor each. The Exquisito Servicio en Comidas su memoria anual para los ac ging of the country National unveiling of a Map of the land cionistas, hace constar que cada Anthem and the reading of an of Jamaica, drawn by Mics Esmera do Servicio en Cuartos subcripción representa al pe address by Miss Patterson. Peterson, ucidon t1 intucPRECIOS ECONOMICOS riódico una pérdida anual de 20 This was very graciously ack tion of the teacher was anodólares. Esto no obstante, el nowledged by the Officer in ther event which demonstratATENDIDO POR SU PROPIETARIO beneficio neto anual, de esta Charge. The processio then re School had made. In fact, too VISITENOS SE CONVENCERA empresa periodístice, para de turned to the Liberty Hall by much praire cannot be given los 20. 000. 000 de dolares, gra way of the more important ave Tetcher Cranston for his unceas cias a los anunciantes.
nues of the district.
ing efforts to bring the School to the standard it has reached.
We most sincerely thank Mr.
Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back Paddifoot for the very able de su recibo que dice: of receipt which reads: manner in which he carried Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina This bill must be paid at our office before through his part of the interdentro de los primeros 10 días e ting function, and the great the 10th of the month.
patience he excercired in the de cada mes.
Be so good as to comply with this request and do not handling of so very long a proLe rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena oblige us to suspend our service, a step which gramme. We also truly apprede tener que cortar su servicio.
we would much regret to take.
ciatite the sincerity with which he exhorted all to continue the good fight with all their strength.


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