
THE ELOCUTION CONTEST Patriach In Barbadoes The long looked for contest song In gathering Roses. LA PROVEEDORA in among our Star Elocutionists which she advised her hearers By the institution of the ALMACEN PARA FAMILIAS came off on Monday night last, to be ever mindful of the Old Age Pension Scheme in the 17th. inctant, at the Hall Thorns when gathering their the Island of Barbados, LIMON. COSTA RICA it of the St. Anthony Society. Roses.
was disclosed that Simon Ofrece un extenso surtido de abarrotes, frutas frescas, when there appeared Mrs Ber The principal item of the en Grant of Christ Church is frutas en latas, frutas secas, lateria fina, aceitunas, nard, Teacher of the Catholic tertainment, the Contest, was well and strong at 106 years jaleas, galletas de toda clase, confites, chocolates, etc.
School; Mrs. de La Bastide, now reached and after the Or.
of age. He has eleven children Miss Iris Bruce; Mr. Cunnin chestra had rendered a rousing 24 grand children and 29 Cbsequia por cada Colón un tiquete numerado que puede gham of the Pathfinders selction, Dr. de la Bastiganar si las dos, tres o cuatro últimas cifras corresgraet grand children who are Mr. Franklin of Zeat, and de, President of the Associaall alive.
ponden con las del Premio Mayor de la Lotería Mr. Barnett of Westfalia, to tion, introduced the six Compe del Asilo Chapui; Un Colón, Cinco Colones vie for the Prize so very kin titors. The first to come Foro Diez Colones, respectivamente.
dly donated by Mr. Anthony ward was Mr. Cunningham Maxwell, a Justice cf the Pea, with his subject. Edinburgh Mercadería de excelente calidad, precios ce of Jamaica, and a brother after the Battle of Flodder in law of our lamented citi Field. Mr. Franklin followed moderados y buen trato, son el lema de zen, the late Mr. Jack Orane. with the memorable oration of esta casa The Judges selected to deci the Earl of Shatham (William de who should be the Cham Pitt) before the House of Lords pion Elocutionist of our Provin on the American war against ce were Messrs. Burrow; the British in the year 1777.
for women who NEW LATIN AMERICAN EMBASSY Hylton; Harold Smith; Char The next Competitor was Mr.
are run down and les Hayling; Charles Gourzong, Barnett, who rehearsed the suffer from report from Thomas; Washington both nations during recent years.
periodic Jessie Execution of Mary Queen of discomfort discloses that the United States which has produced a progressWright, Mrs. St. Clair Weeks: Scotts, so beautifully portray.
and the Republic of Colombia ive growth in the importance of Mrs. Carnegie and Mr. Eed by the Author, Henry Glass have decided to raise their lega their trade relations.
ford Bell. Mrs. de la Bastide two in favour of Mr. Barnett.
tions to the state of embassies.
then gave us Longfellow paThe Envoys of both countries The changes will be effected as will be advanced to the rank of Miss Charles, President of thetic description of the Love This announcement was receiv soon as arrangements can be Ambassadors. The United States the Society Department of Errand in The Courtship of Mid with an immense applause in find completed now has Latin American emSports, opened the function with les Standish. the Captain of dicative of the judicious The elevation is said to be bassies in Argentine, Brazil, Chi a very neat speech and intro Plymouth whose request for the ings of the Judges and the me duced Mr.
ritorious the owing to the increasingly close le, Peru, Mexico and Cuba.
Nation as hand of the beautiful perfomance of weaver Chairman, with whom was seat and friendly relations between maid Priscilla was Champion. Accompanied by a conveyed handed ed Mr. Maxwell, the originator to her by her own lover, John neat speech, she was of the Contest and donor of the Alden, a subordinate of the the Championship prize, a com prizes. His Lordship Bishop mighty Captain. Miss Iris Bru plete volume of Shakespeare dendehl and the Rev. Fr. Herce next treated us to The works, by the donor Mr. Maxbert occupied seats of honour Doom of Claudius and Cyn well, and decorated with a gold and were attended by Mrs. thia by the Emperor Commo medal, the insignia of the Cham Clarke and Mr. Hayling.
dus while Mrs. Bernard, the pion Elocutionist of Limon. The first half of the program last Competitor, reminded us by His Lordship the Bishop Tiene el gusto de comunicar a su estimable clientela me opened with an orchestral of the execution of the Scottish His Lordship also presented que ha trasladado su clínica dental al antiguo local ocuselection under the direction of Knight, Montrose, who was be the other Competitors with mi fine Mr. Crowther and Professor trayed by his friend for the lust nor gifts which, in a pado por el doctor Badilla, entre el Consulado de Estados Rogers, as Pianist. The Misses of gold.
speech of apprecoation, the Bi Notice and Brown rendered a Unidos de Norte América y la botica British Pharmacy.
The audience was here accor momentos of their shop asked them to accept as duet entitled Love sweet old ded an intermission of twenty and labour in the preparation partienee song; Mr. Rogers followed minutes during which refresh and portrayal of their educa 3000 with a piano selection, Aments were served, the Chair tional subjects; he also express young lady then rendered The man then called on the Rev RECENT DEATH Rosary in a most ed his entire satisfaction regard KEEP impressive Fr. Herbert and Mr. Burrow YOUR manner: after this came the so to assist Mr. Maxwell and him ing the decision of the Judges Joseph McCook who formerly lo Serenade by the Song Bird self in scrutinizing the decisions given a rousing cheer, Mr.
After the Competitors had been EYES resided in Germania on the Old of the Society in her usual pa of the Judges which had been thetic style for which she was presentd in sealed Cole entertained us with the Line is reported to have died envelopes in the San Juan de Dios Hoswhienthusiastically encored.
song Love walkd in.
Miss The check up resulted in pital, San Jose, on the 3rd.
Iris Westney contributed le Mr. Dobson was most amus the overwhelming victory for Mrs instant He was 52 years old.
old, but still much appreciated de la Bastide by eight votes to ing in his comic monologue.
He was followed by Miss Char His parents were Edward Me Cook and Caroline Wraith.
EYES les and Mr. Cole in the duet ASK YOUR DRUGGIST Blue Hawaii. After the OrSPECIAL FORMEN chestra had given another se BRITISH NATION THANKED BY KING lection, Miss Charles, in her NEW ARRIVALS OF usual sportive manner, The following message from entertained the house with the song Britain was recently issued to also sent by the British Prime His Majesty the King of Great STRIPED and PLAIN TWEED and SERGES The following message was What are you doing tonight?
the nation from which brought her another an Buckingham Minister to the French Premier: AT PRICES TO MEET EVERY Palace: In the declaration the German core REQUIREMENT The Time of anxiety has Chancellor and signed we SEE US FIRST AND BE CONVINCED In his closing remarks, the passed, and we have been able agreed to recognize our two Chairman, in his aceustomed for to offer our thanks to the Al peoples united in their desires JACK ORANE Sucs.
ceful manner, eulogized the ca mighty for His mercy in spar for peace and friendly consulre and preparation of the Con ing us the horrors of war. tation of all differences that The People House LIMON testants, the thoughful conside would now like to thank may arise.
ration of Mr. Maxwell in origi the men and women of this nating the contest, as well as country for their calm reserve The hearts of our two peoFRANCE TO MEET MARCONI MEMORIAL our schools for the promotion during the critical days, and ples are so closely united that of the educational abilities of for the readiness with which know these sentiments are To observe the fortieth anni was dispatched from St. Marga the young. He then thanked, they responded to the different those of your country none the versay of the first radio mes ret, near Dover, and was His Lordship and the Rev Fr Her calls made on them. After the less than mine. see in the fure sage received in France from ceived in Wimereux, a seaside bert for their presence and co magnificent efforts of the Pri ture the renewed and contiEngland and to mark the exact resort on the English Channel, tainment. He further enlarged Peace, it is my fervent hope that date the peace of Europe, thanks opration in the evening enter me Minister in the cause of nuous co operation to consolispot of its reception, a comme nort of Boulogne.
morative monument will be de on the enthusiasm of Mr. de la a new ara of friendship and to the goodwill and confidence dicated in the Spring of 1939.
The monument will pay tri Bastide and his colleagues in prosperity may be dawing which so happily inspire the The date of this historic radio bute to Guglielmo Marconi, al their arrangements for so plea among the peoples of this coun existing relations between gram was March 29, 1899. It so to the patient experiments sant a function; on the efficiency try.
two countries of Edoaurd Branly, whose re and painstaking attention of search and invention of the co the Judges in coming to SO BOOTH herer (detector. made success acknowledgely just a decision: Para comprar medicinas se necesita possible. This first radio across and last, though by no means BEST the Channel read. least, the hearty co operation Confianza.
BAKED Signor Macioni sends to Mon of our citizens which had added BERLIN sieur Branly his respectful com much to the evening enjoy La confianza suya la merece la BREAD pliments by wireless telegraphy ment despite the threats of the BUNS across the Channel, this nota weather.
BOTICA BISCUITS CAKES ble result being due, in part, ALEMANA Both Mr. de la Bastide and to the remarkable labors of Mr. Maxwell suitably respond del THE PEOPLE BAKERY Monsieur Branly.
ed and a most pleasant, insFrom Wimereux, the messa tructive and enjoyable evening LIC. PAUL KLEEFELD Box 179. Limón ge was transmitted by telegraph came to a happy close at 11. 30 to Branly in Paris.
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