
DUKE OF KENT AUSTRALIA NEW GOVERNOR GENERAL THE ATLANTIC VOICE Kent, the we are Lord Gowrie having resign far flung portion of the Emd the position of Governor pire, as they regarded it as General of the Common evidence of the imporant wealth of Australia, His Ro place which the CommonDevoted to the interes of the people of the Atlantic Zone ral Highness the Duke of wealth holds in the Union Editor Engliah Section: NATION youngest brother of British Nations.
vf King George, has been Australia has been a part named his successor. He is of the Empire since the year Year y Limon, Costa Rica, Saturday October 29 nd. 1938 No. 218 lo assume office as of the 1st. 1770 when the noted NavigaNovember proximo. This po tor, Captain James Cook, nition usually carries a five took posses ion of it in the THE RETURN OF THE GERMAN COLONIES Wireless News vear appointment, but it is name of the British Soverethought that the Duke will ign The Commonwealth, BUDAPEST Czechoslovakia Frank Pirow, Minister of ing cessions would be of only continue in the office which was inaugurated in the year 1901 Defence for the Union Cor two years.
and includes offered the German Chancellor: has accepted Hungary propoThe announcement of the the Island of Tasmania, co London to assist in the dis by France; a part of Tanga bitrate their territorial dispuse; South Africa, has arrived in Togoland and the Cameroons sal that Italy and Germany arappointment was received, vers an area of a little more of and it seems as if the two To informed, with the than 3, 000, 000 square miles cussions, which have alrea yika by Britaina certain Bel talitarian States dy begun, in connection with the Congo districts by will finally greatest rejoicing by the govſ with a population of over six the question of the demand gium and portions of the An decide the new border between ernment and people of that milion souls.
by Germany for the return to gola lands by Portugal. both countries although there her ofthe colonies she lost as Should the return of these are still ming differeryces LLOYD GEORGE MAKES GRIM PREDICTION a consequence of the World lands satisfy the colonial as which might keep them apart.
BO War.
pirations of Herr Hitler, and Britain Veteran statesman, Peace was a bed Peace, and a Nothing has yet been of the matter be satisfactorily HENDAYE. Spanish governDavid Lloyd George, agin bro bad Peace is no Peace at all ficially released of course re and definitely settled. Eng ment dispatches dated the 27th.
attack in the ale ke his silence on the 27th. ins He then made the pronounce garding the manner in which land would then it is said, said a counter tant to warn Prime Minister ment. wil tell you what we it is proposed to settle the turn over to Belgium and Por Aranjuez sector southeast of MaChamberlain that his Peace of shall find; and am speaking disturbing question once and tugal other portions of her drid had resulted in the recapMunich would end in a war as one who has taken a great for all; but the rumour exists Tanganyika holdings as com ture of almost all the positions without friends for the British part in the affairs of this coun in usually well informed cir pensation for the lands they lost by them some days preEmpire. This grim prediction try at the most critical moment cles that there is a possibi released in the pool. viousley.
was delivered by the wartime in the whole of its history, we lity of a plan being elabortPremier while the present hold shall have forfeited honour, we ed under which Great Bri As it has been stated that SHANGHAI. Japanese and er of the office and his Cabinet shall have lost the respect oftain, France, Belgium and much opposition is being e foreign dispatches report that were discussing vital matters the world, and what is still Portugal would form what vinced by an appreciable per the Japanese army and navy had said to range from defence of worse, we shall have lost our may be termed a Pool of centage of the inhabitants of completed occupation of Hanthe home shores to the cost of own self respect, and in the end the African territories con some of the territories invol kow and its sister cities Wusatisfying the Nazi Chancellor s, there will be no peace, there trolled by them under man ved, it is left to be seen how chang and Hanyang. 26 Japanese colonial demands.
will be war, and war without datory powers. From this the suggestion will termina warships steamed up the broad Yloyd George de lared the frieds.
union of interests the follow te.
Yangtze River to a position off Hankow Japanese concession, THE ANGLO ITALIAN SITUATION THE SUFFERINGS OF THE JEWS while army units, totalling several thousand men, marched into the former provisional Ca. London advice states that between both nations especially According to the informa. communitties, in Palestine, a pital from the northeast. Jathe recognition by Great Bri that in connection with the Me tion obtained from Jewish gainst Arab outrages.
panese infantry force of about tain of the Italian conquest of diterranean.
source. 315. 000 members of Under a decision recently 2, 000 shortly afterwards moved Ethiopia will be announced si Although no official comments this Race have been baptiz reached by the Medical As into the international arca along multaneousl with the coming have been given out gardinged since the year 1900. sociation of Danzing, Poland the Yangtze waterfront and took into effect of the Anglo Italian the visit of the Germsn Minis Professor Sigmund Freud, all Jewish Doctors have been control from the foreign authoPact on or around the 17th ter von Ribbentrop to Italy, it 82 years old and Father of deprived of their right to rties who had organized November proximo. Although, is the belief that the British go psychoanalysis has been forc practise their profession.
emvergency regim following the according to the terms of the vernment fears he is endeavour ed to flee from Vienna after According to Lowell Tho Chinese abandonment of the agreement, this recognition is ing to secure the full support Austria was annexed to the mas, a year hence five mil city.
not obligatory, it is said Pre of Mussolini respecting Hitler Reich. He is now in London. lion Jews will be jobless and mier Chamberlain has denied demand for the return of ALL Baron Luis Rothschild, the without homes; and in five WOSHINGTON. Specking to make the declaration with THE COLONIES which Germa intimate friend of the Duke about one half of them will by radio from the oval room of a view of disposing. once and ny lost during the world war. of Windsor, has been under be dead.
the White House in connection for all, of the problems pending arrest from the time of Aus Ten of the large Ge man with the New York Herald Tritria annexation.
cities have lost more than 40 bune forum on current affairs, Is is believed that per cent of their Jewish po President Roosevelt, in a practiGUILLERMO NIEHAUS Cº nexation. It is believed that pulace during the past five cally unprecedented condemnathis was for the purpose of years, and in many of the tion of nations which suppress LIMON confiscating, his property but smaller ones, the Jewish ele liberty, persecute Jews and as the vast fortune of the ment has disappeared altoge employ threats of war to attain Rothschilds is held jointly PAGE 10 TO PAGE by the members of the family residing in different countries, such a procedure on the part of Herr Hitler would be very difficult.
Seven thousand Jews are SERVICIO DE VAPORES under arms and engaged in military duties, day and night, for the defence of their Salidas semanales de Limón para Nueva York con escala en Cristóbal y Habana.
Shortage of Bananas Llevandu café para todos los puertos Due to a very heavy slide on Europeos y Americanos the Pacific Failway lines VAPORES Caldera, about ten miles out of SAUDAS Puntarenas, the bananas from that side of the country did not arrive in time for the last New CHIRIQUI Octubre 30 Yorkship which had in conse TALAMANCA Noviembre quence to leave with a much rcduced cargo.
QUIRIGUA Noviembre 13 Quite a number of our pecple, who usually rely on the weekly SERVICIO DE CABOTAJE LANCHA rejects for feed for their pigs and cattle, were greatly disap. ENERGY pointed. This occurrence should ALVARADO y Cía. SUCS.
serve as a lesson that Limon is Agentes para Limón y Puntarenas SALIDAS: Días lunes y jueves a medio dia para Canot, after all, to be despised This occurrence should serve as Para otros informes dirijase a las oficinas de la huito, Puerto Viejo y Manzanillo.
lesson that Limon is not, after SALIDA: Jueves por la noche para la Barra del ColoUNITED FRUIT COMPANY rado, el Bluff y Bluefields.
all, to be despised in the cultivation of Bananas. Nothing los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica happens but for a wise purpose LLEVANDO CARGA PASAJEROS as good comes out of every TELEFONO 1 6 apparent evil.
an UNITED FRUIT COMPANY at a Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

    FranceGermanyHitlerItalyMussoliniNazismWorld War

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