
TIENDA MIL COLORES IN DEFENCE OF PENTICOSTAL BAPTISTS added, is losing a golden op gely to the country revenue. long with the tax payable, on PAGE THE ATLANTIC VOICs SATURDAY, October 29th. 1938, ing time and consolidating his SOUTH AMERICA POOR FIELD FOR FASCISM own power before submitting the new Brezilian Constitution fascist coup état in any circles, liitle or nothing hus to a plebiscite. In the meantipart of South America was been done to start the corpora me his program of the tive system, he continued or works has stimulated the who public held to be impossible by Rev. Dr. Joseph Thorning. cial propaganda may stili be le building and construction in Professor of Social History at seen on billboards and signs dustry. There are more Mount St. Mary College. Em auding the virtues of the cor ments, office buildings. homes apart SUCURSAL. LIMON. AP. 578 misburg, Md in an interview porations, he said, but little has and Villas under after been done to reduce the theory in Brazil than in any of the construction at the Hotel Roosevelt his return from a visit to Ar to practice.
fifteen countries visited in CABALLERO: GENTLEMEN: gentina, Brazil and Uruguay. It seems, Dr. Thorning saia the past five months.
Dr. Thorning left the Unithat President Vargas is mark If you desire to be properly ted States last May to attend Ud. que gusta vestir bien le dressed, we offer you an 10 the International Eucharistic ofrecemos un incomparable comparable lot of Congress at Budapest, During Tienda HOLLYWOOD surtido en CASIMIRES IN the Summer he made his second GLESES que acabamos de re ENGLISH TWEEDS visit to Spain within the year, Avisamos a nuestra numero. We beg to advise our numecibir. Contamos con los estispending six weeks there. He sa clientela que acabamos de rous patrons that we have los más modernos y a precios just received also surveyed conditions in recibir un gran surtido de cajust received.
que nadie nos iguala.
We give the most modern Hungary, Germany, Czechoslo simires ingleses y de lino. Large Assortment of EnVisite nuestro almacén 0Style at Prices which cannot vakia, Holland, Belgium, Fran Hacemos vestidos para caba glish Tweeds and Linen portunamente y ordene sus be equalley.
ce and Italy llero a 75. 00 en abonos se We make Suits for Gentlemen rabajos para NOCHE BUEEmphasizing that love of de Pay us an early visit and manales o mensuales. at 75. 00 on Weekly or NA y las FIESTAS CIVICAS order your work for NOCHE mocracy is very real among Visitenos y se convencerá. Monthly payments.
de la capital, para que noso BUENA and the SAN JOSE South Amricans, he raid that Visit us and be convinced.
President tros podamos darle buen cum CIVIC FIESTAS. We desire in his opinion both BERENZON.
Apartado 515 plimiento y dejarlo satisfe to please you in every resVargas of Brazil and President cho.
Ortiz of Argentina are resol.
ed to govern constitutionally SPORTS GIVE UNCLE SAN GOOD REVENUE or not at all. They have no in Enrique Yankelewitz, Proprietor in the United States charged in the United States, he said, of According to the well known, the big events in order to be FRANCISCO AGUILAR, Cutter establishing army rule or any writer, Frank George, the va sure that the proper returns thing resembling military dicta rious sporting events indulg are sent the Treasury Depart0100200 6000DIN. torships.
ed in by the people of the ment. These reports have got The United States. he United States contribute lar to reach this department, aportunity to promote cultural He says that during the cur or before the last day of the Dear Mr. Editor.
of which we know relations with South American rent financial period no less month names that following in nothing. Every citizen is countries. This defect is mos! than 18. 000. 000 dollars is which the charges for admisthfield of Will you permit me space permitted, under the Consti glaring in radio expected from this cource. sions were collected; though call attention to the items tion to worship his God broadcasting All the big events. Base advance statements must be pearing in yuor issue of a Why, therefore, condemn Germany, for example, is ball football, boxing, horse filed shewing the number of fortnight ago the information the means adopted by the cultivating the Brazilian radio racing, Carnivals, air racing, admission sold, the price exPenticostal Baptists?
Being unfounded.
public most assiduously, arran tennis, golf, polu, ete.
Will to clusive of tax, the number of The facts of the incident you or La Tribuna define ging programs of music ard en which the charge for admis free or reduced rate tickets, tertainment that are proving sion are that on the day in ques what Pocomia is and whence is above forty cents, and the amount of tax colfon, four members of the it came? know nothing of a huge success. The Germans have to pay ten per cent of lected.
Penticostal Union Baseball and the Movies receipts to the governBaptist it. am venturing to say that are smart enough to hire Brazithe Church, a duly registered re if the unspiritual and anin lian announcers who speak Porment. It is no unusual thing are about the largest tax Egious Society, after the for spired elements around us Brazilians are accustomed the sional football match on a Sa le the tugues in the style to which we are told for a big profes yielders the year round, whial dedication and opening were present in Jerusalem at amounts turned in di their new church, went to the outpouring of the Holy programs are presented at suit turday afternoon, to net the from horse racing and foottheir former place of wor Ghost they would have cru thorities lose no ocassion to per dollars.
able hours, and the German au Federal government 50. 000 ball events are said to shew ship to clean up and clear cified all the Disciplines and suade the South Americans of remarkable increases during Government men cover all recent years.
out their things. In the joy Converts of the religion inGermany high regard for of removing to their new and stituted by the Great Teathem.
more commodious building. cher and Master, so there American programs, on the they were singing hymns of would be no Christian Reli other hand, he said, are heard praises to God while doing gion, today, by which weat untoward hours, frequently the cleaning. This called the could worship God. do im have no special appeal to the attention of a few on loekers plore all our prejudiced ones Brazilians and do not register BILLIOUSNESS OR INDIGESTION COSTIVENESS, FOUL BREATH, HEADACHES, among them a native woman to leave my Society alone.
clearly LOSS OF APPÉTITE, SKIN ERUPTIONS, NAUSEA, The husband of this woman, Thanking you, Mr. Editor, Dr. Thorning said that Arwho is the chauffer of the for this space, gentina and Brazil are not buy has obtained its rapid and great popularity by havpolice van goes home for his ing as much American Foods ing cured an immense number of persons who suflunch and not finding it rea fered from LIVER and STOMACH complaints. These George Davis as they could because of this. dy, due to the woman abfailure of North American pro now gratfully recommend it to all who suffer from sence, returns to the Cuarpaganda in those countries. Eu such complainte as tel and reports that which he ropean countries send their fo deems to be pocomia as in remost lecturers, editors, artists progress.
Italian Casualties in and other intellectuals on long HANKOW DESTROYED BY FIRE The police nurried to the Ethiopia tours through South America place, but on arriving only he added.
SHANGHAI. The Japanese The request was refused by Sew the work of cleaning The government of President authorities requested the Unit the British naval authorities, and going on; they however, arVargas of Brazil is not disposeded States and other foreign na it was expected the other foreTested all whom they found Rome has released the in to tolerate any subversive or val Officials on the 27th. inst ign officials would do likewise.
there. was summoned, and formation that two officers Communist agitation, he said to move their ships away from On entering Hankow the J2or explaining the mattei to lost their lives while doing and is equally ill disposed to Hankow. It was explained tha: panese found most of the imthe authorities, there was police duties in Ethiopia dur ward Nazism or fascism. The hundreds of the retreating Chi portant public and private build Sound to be no misdemeanouring the month of September. attempt on President Varga nese armies were using the neu ings either wrecked by dynamior ay other charge and so the During the same period, fif life last May was the death tral ships to cover their escape. te or in flames. As the water parties were all liberated teen other officers, thirty struggle of the Brazilian Na across the Yangtze River, and supply had been cut off there What, therefore, was the eight soldiers and sixty zis, he added.
that the presence of these pro of effectively Gause of the misleading sta one workmen are said to ha Although ten months ago vented the Japanese from bomb fighting the conflagrations terents?
ve died of sickness or the re corporatism was the watching the river junks which carri which rapidly spread through Freedom of religious sult of accidents.
word of Braziliam Governmeut cd the Chinese immense areas.
thwght is one of the privile és of civilization enjoyed in this country by every ci Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back tizen; and my Society, as is de su recibo que dice: of receipt which reads: well known, is a religious orEste recibo debe pagarse en la oficina Vanization duly inscribed unThis bill must be paid at our office before ber the laws of the Republic, dentro de los primeros 10 dias the 10th of the month.
with headquarters in the Uni de cada mes.
Be so good as to comply with this request and do nos ied States from where obLe rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena oblige us to suspend our service, a step which tained my commission as pas de tener que cortar su servicio.
we would much regret to take.
hor of this Church. The Society also exists in England and other countries. Why then should and my people be so persecuted and given THE DR. MAX PERALTA MIXTURE was no means COMPAÑIA ELECTRICA DE LIMON Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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