
PAGE 10 THE ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY, October 29th. 1938 Dictatorship as Upposed to Democracy La calidad delicada y el gusto distinguido de BUDWEISER son el resultade de 80 años de experiencia en su elaboración.
an La popularidad de BUDWEISER fundó la cervecería mayor del mundo.
Ahora se consigue en latitas doradas.
COMO BUDWEISER. ninguna In view of present day hap that it may be changed in a from realizing the truth regard penings, the following, culled peaceful manner so soon as iting international situa from an article reproduced in aceases to represent that will tion. It is also capable of ma recent issue of the Voice of Dictatorship, on the other hand nufacturing and distributing Ethiopia. should be of special would retain that power by falsehoods in connection with interest to a large circle of force if necessary.
such a situation. In its diploma our readers: Modern Dictatorship is al tic activities, it can threaten or It is generally said that whiways ready to use force against act without the knowledge o le other nations may properly those of its own citizens who its people who may thus be pre concern themselves with a na do not subscribe to its tenets vented from learning what the tion foreign policy, whate It also resorts to every possi foreign reaction of its policies ver form of government the ble measure to prevent disagree has been. As seen by recent ha!
nationals of such a country de ments from being publicly ex penings, it may also create cide to adopt is purely their pressed: while its programme semblance of public own affair. Recent events, how of sympathetic terrorism ma even on foreign territory by od ever, indicate this is true only kes it almost impossible for ganized propaganda, by terroris within certain limits.
opinions critical of the dicta zing the opposition into silent democratic form of govern torship policies to form, ce, by planting incidents. ort ment may confidently be regar spread or mobilize. It is capa inventing reports of incidents ded as the choice of the peo ble of manufacturing opinions which never occurred.
ples; as it is the only form in favourable to its policies to It is hardly conceivable that which the free will of the ma degree hitherto unknown the present situation in Europea jority may be learned and tes. Through its complete control could have developed, if Gerted. It is a form of government of the press, the radio, and many were under a democratic in which control depends on the other channels of information government; as there would popular will in such a way (it can prevent its own people. TO PAGE 11 opinion LIMON TRADING CO a DISTRIBUIDORES Budweise Lega Bles.
AND OPERATED LINES Feasting Prodigy NORTHERN RAILWAY. COMPANY COSTA RICA HORARIO PUBLICO que regirá desde el 26 de Abril de 1937 hasta nuevo aviso Milovan Savovich of Pokuplje, Serbia, claims he will eat anything for a bet. He was recently reported eating his way along the Dalmatian Coast of Yugoslavia. His latest feat was said to be the consuming of a 48page newspaper.
Among the many things Sa vovich has devoured to win wagers are. four glass tumblers; a Moslem Fez; a 74page Latin grammar; a hare, including its fur, 30 eggs complete with shells.
ESTACIONES Domingo solarcenta Diario Dario excepto Domingos Dlario excepto Demingas Diario Diario Dlarla Diarlo Diario ceplo Domingos Diario acepto Domingos Dlaria Comings)
olunante Horas Horas Horas Hores Horta Honas Horas Ho Burial of Father of 14 30 14 40 Pores 00 10 Horas 10 30 10 38 Horns 15 15 15 07 Horas 15 55 15 45 10 13 10 03 Austria Ex Chancellor 14 40 14 54 15 34 15 41 10 30 25 45 LIMON MOIN JUNCTION. MOIN JUNCTION CASTRO ZENT ESTRADA 15 45 15 25 14 30 14 10 10 03 45 00 51 The remains of the late Field Marshall Arthur von Schuschnigg, father of Austria Ex Chancellor Kurt Schuschnigg, who died in Vienna on the 21st. instant, were laid at rest last Wedne day in a cemetery in the suburb of Kietzing.
15 41 15 46 16 50 16 58 745 00 40 48 10 38 11 25 11 30 12 25 12 31 MOIN JUNCTION ESTRADA MATINA SIQUIRRES LA JUNTA MO JUNCTION GUAPILES TORO AMARILLO 15 07 14 20 14 15 13 35 13 20 14 10 13 45 12 15 11 25 51 46 47 37 13 45 13 51 30 25 18 05 18 35 15 25 16 00 16 10 40 00 50 30 00 The Ex. Chancellor was not present at the interment; it is alleged the Nazi authorities would not allow him to leave the hotel in which he is being detained.
948 11 00 12 00 12 35 13 15 13 45 14 25 14 45 15 10 15 45 00 40 15 50 15 41 55 28 55 12 31 13 30 14 00 14 28 14 50 15 08 15 36 15 55 16 22 16 45 LA JUNTA PERALTA TURRIALBA TUCURRIQUE.
SANTIAGO PARAISO CARTAGO TRES RIOS SAN JOSE HEREDIA ALAJUELA 13 20 12 24 11 53 11 25 11 05 10 46 10 20 10 05 28 00 18 45 18 10 17 37 17 14 16 54 16 29 16 17 15 45 15 15 11 25 10 10 25 35 00 23 53 35 00 30 17 15 17 40 18 10 55 30 00 Horus Horan Horus Horas Horas Hora Horns Horas Horas Hora Haras Horas RIO BANANO RAMAL DE CAIRO RAMAL DE INDIANA RAMAL DE MONTE VERDE COSTA RICA SODA WATER FACTORY fábrica de Hielo y Refrescos LIMON FLORIDA ICE AND FARM CO Co.
LA FLORIDA Fábrica de Hielo Venta de Leche y Maderas RUMBO AL CESTE Les para abajo)
Martes y Sabado RUMBO AL ESTE RUMBO AL OESTE (Lea para arriba Lia para abajo)
ESTACIONES Martes Miércoles Sabado wolumente ESTACIONES RUMBO AL ESTE RUMEO AL OESTE Thea para andata para baja)
Miércoles Sabado solamente solamente ESTACIONES RUMBO AL ESTE RUMBO AL DESTE (Lea per arribar les para abajo)
Shado Viernes solamente solamente ESTACIONES RUMBO AL ESTE Lapumba)
Vier ola Horas Horn Horus Hores Horas 13 10 14 10 14 40 Bananito Beverly Limón Horas 50 05 30 14 00 14 C6 14 11 14 55 Mors 15 20 15 55 Siquirres.
La Junta.
Cairo Junction Golden Grove 40 50 10 35 Hora 14 50 14 15 16 15 16 10 16 05 15 20 Horas Dorotea.
Carmen Siquirres. 30 20 45 La Perla Monteverde Empalme)
16 10 14 00 Horos Hores Horas Horos Hore Hores Horus CHITTENDEN, SHEEHY, GEPENTE SUPERINTENDENTE Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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