
The Botica Botica Alemana icies 76 years a cord en 00 ts ta De Tud se this year a of a 1998 The Sufferings of.
BURIAL SCHEME SOCIETY IMPROVES BENEFITS PURCHASE YOUR MEDICINES FROM PAGE IN DRUG STORE regard ther. According to an official Dear Editor. nder which a large number situa report recently issued in Berof our people have to which merits your Confidence, live Ima lin, 23. 000 Jews left GermaAnent the item appearing while in these localities, it Putin ny during last year and since in your issue oi the 8th. ins has been agreed that on the wit 1933 the total who emigratlonged is 127. 000. Almost all the ant shall be much obliged death of such a partner, the an of Jewish owned cafes on Vien if you can afford me the re distressed member. shall be cuired space to inform your allowed an amount in the e of na famous Ring BouleLic. Paul Kleefeld. Prop.
ps vard have received closing cars what car Society has neighbourhood of two hundbeen able to do by way the orders, while instructions haof red colones, rather than kee 260. 00 ve been sent other business and ly those of our mem wing him or her to seek puimproving the Benefits to be ping ourselves aloof and allohar places to post the sign Jews bers who live up to their ob blic charity. Provision COMMENTS ON CRICKET not wanted. The has on old Rabbi of Vienna, Dr. Is ligations.
also been made whereby By Mirror Taglicht special meeting of the member may register his or na to The Series of Test Games The Lucas are the Chama Jewish shop holding up the instant when it was decided with the Society after having the All England combinati petition for the 1938 39 Seasign. Aryans do not buy state to amalgamate the Sick and been living in such a went from Jews Burial Departments, as has for a period not less than six ons came to a close in the son in Jamaica. They been done bą other Associa months. On a separation oc dicted. Readers will no doubt hout defeat.
Mothercountry just as pre through the tournament witThey was curring the fact must be remet the American Jews, numbering tions. The agreement around 500. 000, plan to rai also reached that a member ported immediately to the Of remember that at the very Fruitmen in a point 9, 600. 000 dollars during pay one colon and fifty cents fecers of the Society so the outset said, after scanning game and defeated them. In the side from down under, this natch, Kenneth Weekes, for the relief of per month, or 18. 00 per an name of the party can be that they should retain their brethren. num, and be entitled to re struck off the roll of Depen Ashes and so they have in keep, completed his 1, 000 the the Lucas Bat and Wickepersecuted They have, since 1914 provid ceive as Sick Benefits, the dents.
a most amazing win in the runs in Senior Crisket alone.
ed the sum of 87. 000. 000 dol sum of Sixty colones during member legal depend Fourth Test. Reilly, very This is a feat which was nelars. total of 125. 000 of dol an illness covering six weeks. ants are Father, mother, ably assisted by Fleetwood ver accomplished by either lars has been contributed by The Grant in connection with wife or husband, children Smith, was then the destroy Holt or Headley. It was Les1. 100 communities in the Unit the death of a member has from the age of three years ed States and Canada toward also been placed at 600. 00 to 15. In order to place a com ing demon. Some readers lie Hylton day with the ball.
may want to know how He got nine wickets and cathe 1938 campaign of the provided we have a thousand mon law partner in a posiAustralians retained American Jewish Joint Dis financial members, at the ti tion to receive benefits, the ught the other. Ashes. Well, they tribution Committee for me. Consideration has also member is obligated to renoBy the way, how about 100. 000 of dollars.
been given the position of an unce all claims for or on be secured two points ahead of that return visit of the Motive unmarried member who nap half of the legal dependents earlier games and were the Englishmen during the Power to Clarendon, JamaiIn the year 1925, the Hepens to reside with a com Members residng notca. They ought to do everytouside brew University in Jerusa Society does not recognize Costa Rican territory will not beaten in the last encounter. hing possible to make it a The English batted grandly, reality. Our good friend Rorlem consisted single mon law partner. While the be given sick benefits, though it is some years since building with of such a one as a dependent of the moment they return they displayed such form; but matter could they bes, Leo, is dead, but the a faculty be taken up thirty, a student body of 64, the member or having a cla become entitled to same.
they still have to find bow with Alvin Lawson, think a library of 74, 000 volumes im on the funds of the SoThese new regulations will lers who can get rid of Aus he would readily do the need and a curriculum of 12 courciety, yet from an entirely become effective on the 7th. tralian batsmen, ses in four departments. To humanitarian point of view of November proximo; and Bradman, he is indeed a bats especially ful.
day, on Mount Scapus there and taking under considera it is hoped that all those who man of all parts.
If the Irons are willing, a are 12 buildings, a library of tion the peculiar conditions for one reason or the other few members of the other more than 350. 000 volumes, a became non financial and ev lit is my humble opinion Clubs could be asked to costudent body of over 800, a fa entually fell away, will now that the English Skipper had operate. The following will culty of 110 and curriculum realize how essential it is for himfelf to blame in the Fourth give an idea of what am on a par, both in scope and them in their own personal Test. He should have used his aiming at, taking a lead from standards, with those of the interests, to have themselves spin bowlers in opening the the Clarendonians.
leading Universities of the re instand. Considering our 2nd. inning; for when his suggest a team composed world.
heavy overhead expenses as team was batting he must of these thirteen players compared with other socie have noticed how difficult it Albert Del Pratt, Capt; Jewish community conties operating on a similar was to get runs off Reilly Lawrence, LeRay, Grosisting of 20. 000 persons, in basis, undertaking and Fleetwood. Smith, yet ves, Scott, Kerr. Vicean Italian colony in Africa the payment of larger benet when the Aussies went to capt. Maxwell, Walker, have decided to abandon their Cardal helps to relieve its. We earnestly appeal to the wickets the ball was ins Hayling Jr. Harrison Arabic. Jewish dialect and functional pains of menall concerned to give us their trusted to the pace men. Pappy. Smith. Campadopt hebrew in its place.
struation; and, in cases re instated. Considering our We are now anxiously look bell, Brown Simms and This resolution was taken afof malnutrition, it alds new venture may prove an ing forward to the West In Hunter.
ter the hebrew tongue had in building up the whole entire success.
dians Tour in England next been given a year triai.
system by helping womThanking you, Mr. Editor, year; that is if there be If properly handled such a en to get more energy PETER BLACKMAN war we earnestly pray there Team should not do badly. Bill has been adopted by from their food Promoter Costa Rica Burial will be none.
the Hungarian Parliament Scheme Association England will again be RELIEVE under which the Jewish poup against it unless pulation will only be allowshock men will not be avaiTIRED lable for all the important games. Martindale, Constantine, Hylton, Fuller; what tion.
TO PAGE 11 dictaFour. of the unthinking, the Murine soothes newcolony called Satorships may appear to be enThose who have always be and refreshes dot Warburg has just been certainly be a division of opi joying important advantages lieved that Nethersole irritated eyes.
established in Palestine for nion within her borders just as over the democracies but this would never have the chance Use it daily.
EYES German Jews. It at present there has been in England and is only because of their free of leading a West Indian comsupports 50 families. All Je France.
dom from the checks and ba bination on a tour abroad, wish physicians in Germany Democracis dread war, not lances to which the democra must have felt rather pecu JOSE ACHION NG have been ordered to discon because they fear deefat, althougcies are subjected, and their con liar when the Comerciante Detallista tinue their practice. This will they can weigh that prospect sequent ability to manufactu thought of selecting him. On Licores, Abarrotes, Cristale.
deprive about 000 of their more soberly and with better re their own public opinion. his making it known, howería, Artículos de Ferreteria y livelihood. While calling on information than the people un Their own pople are, however ver, that he would not be in Eléctricos; todo se encuentra the democratic forces within der dictatorships, but becau the ultimata victims of their en este establecimiento.
a position to accept the Captheir country to help restore se thy dread that even victoirresponsibility. Dictatorship is taincy, Grant was named PRECIOS DE SITUACION its democracy and denounc ry may not be worth the pri a cinstant threath to both domes instead.
ing the anti. Jewish activi ce of modern war. To many Itic and world peace. 090G OOOOO ties, the Tirteenth Annual Convention of the Federation of Polish Jews in the United States adopted plans for augmenting political, moral and economical aid to the 500. 000 Jews in Poland. Six Takes the pleasure of informing his esteemed clientel hundred delegates representthe rejuvenating hormone preparation that he has removed his Dental Clinic to the apartments ing 70. 000 individual members, eleven districts and 160 FOR WOMEN previously occupied by Dr. Badilla, between the Consulate organizations in America and According to Dr Rich Weiss Ask for our illustrated bophlet of the United States of America and the British Pharmacy Canada attended the Conven tion.
ON SALE IN ALL DRUGSTORES Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
a CARDUI we are no our participation in the cultural DICTATORSHIP AS.
EYES a FOR YOUR Dr. Medal Jr.
of prematurely aged, ise fertilinets cococcod 00. 00.


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