
THE ATLANTIC VOICE a a a reto be PARLIAMENT SUPPORTS CHAMBERLAIN Prime Minister Chamber fectiveness of the accord with lain has secured another vic Mus olini. This met with tory for his international po sharp opposition. Anthony liey. At last Wednesday ses Eden aceused Italy of lacking sion of the House of Com good faith, while Arthur mons his determined decision Greenwood, the Labourite Devoted to the interes of the people of the Atlantic Zone to bring the Anglo. Italian declared the price of the Editor English Section: C. NATION Pact, signed some months Agreement is going to be paid ago, into operation was ap by the people of Spain. In Year an additional effort to justify Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday November 5th. 1938 No. 219 proved by 345 votes to 138 No date has been formally the accord, the Premier said fixed on which the Treaty is if any justification were resta to become effective, but po quired for the policy of the OUR RUBBER INDUSTRY WIRELESS NEW litical observers are of the government in clossing their opinion that the 15th of the differences with Italy, it suUnder the terms of their, should prove satisfactory, and CROMER, Norfolk, England.
current month will be the rely could be found in the acThe Spanish Insurgent moContract with the government, in view of the economic strinday.
tion of Signor Mussolini tor vessel Nadir shelled and the Goodyear Corporation un gencies being experienced by when, at his request, he use of the local Coffee farmers, there sank the Spanih dertook to distribute, free government Toward the close of the ed his influence with Herr charge, a certain quantity of is a suggestion that by freighter Cantabria. just using debate, the Premier declar Hitler in order to make time plants of the specie of Rubber these rubber trees for shading few miles outside the territo, ed the Spanish warfare was for the discussion which led trees regarded as best adapted purpose, they would eventual rial waters off the no longer a menace to the up to the Munich agreement; Coast. Survivors of the freight peace of Europe, and urged by which action, the for cultivation in the country. y give a good financial peace er reaching Cromer, near where as sscertained by the experi turn.
approvel of immediate ef of Europe was saved.
ments conducted locally in this As the Management of the the battle started, said the Can toria defied the surrender zone. In keeping with this obli Corporation are understood MORE ITALIAN TROOPS ENTER SPAIN sb gation, we note, the Corpora be thoroughly satisfied or fight order signalled from with the Nadir. Shell after shell tion have informed the Minis the results of their planting ex London advises that informa ticipate in the new offensive ter of Fomento that within the periments here, we hope they was then sent into the hudder tion received from Gibraltar an movement of the Franco forces next couple wekks or co, they will be able to locate various for about three hours which bat rived at Cadiz on the 3rd inst to have also disclosed that the ing framework of the Cantabria nounces an Italian ship had ar Further information is supposed will be in a position to hand other regions on this side of the tered her into a hulk over not less than five hundred Republie, where they can esbefore ant and had discharged a great nationalists were removing thier she took fire.
plants of the Hevea Brasilien tablich additional plantations quantity of war material. injured men from the Ebro area sis specie or as ist individual planters in It was also said that a large in consequence of their health These plants will, we unders the laying out of private ones HENDAYE. Insurgent and number of Italian troops had being badly affected for lack of tand, be delivered to the We would advise all our far government troops are again left Sevilla for the Ebro front proper nourishment. Department for planting in mers, who think they are posbattling furiously for posses during the past few days to par the localities considered 28 lises ed of land suitable for the son of strategic points which kely to produce the best re cultivation of these plants, to form the main defences of the THE EXPLOITATION OF THE TENORIO LANDS turn. It is thought that the get in touch with the Agricul Ebro River front in Eastern districts round about Turrialba tural Department.
Spain. The In urgents estimate We note the matter of the unt of twenty million dollars the three months of fighting in exploitation of the Tenorio. for the exploitation of the THE PROSPECT OF 200 YEARS LIFE that area had cost more than lands, located in the Guana lands. The cultivation of Cof130. 000 casualties. The progress caste regions, has again crop fee, Tobacco, Sugar. cane, of the present battle is obscured ped up, though under entir grains, etc. will, it is stated, Man knowledge in mat of two hundred years wil by conflicting reports from both ely changed conditions.
be undertaken under the ters scientific has made sucn not be overmuch.
Several months ago, it will most modern and effective remarkable progress, during The noted Scientist Dr.
be remembered, we carried, methods, and that the govern the last 100 years, that it is Serge Voronoff, also tells us the information that this ex ment is to be asked to permit not at all surprising to find he is convinced if we were HAIFA. The rebelling Pa ten ive run of land, consist the entry into the country him now entertaining the ho able to lead the kind of li lestine Arabs began a general ing of about 25 thousand a of such experts as may pe of being able to lengthea ves Nature intended us to, strike again travel restrictions cres, had been acquired by required in the different the normal span of our life the span of every normal on the 2nd. instant. Official re an American Corporation for branches of the agricultural)
to two hundred years. existence would be from 100 ports indicated there was a ge the expressed purpose of es activities. In order to faciliThis may seem somewhat to 200 years.
neral stoppage of work and tablishing a Jewish Colony, tate communication with the far fetched to many; but we In order, to secure the traffic among Arabs in Naza but that the effort fell thro Central Provinces, an up tohave the information, irom engthening of the present reth, Tiberias, Jenin, Tulkarm, ugh on account of the Regis date field will be constructed those qualified to give it, nan, is is essential, we Nabuus and Jerusalem. Alltrar General and the Civil for aviation purposes, it that the span of three score told, that there should exist shops and factories in Haifa Courts refusing to permit the further stated.
and ten years, mentioned by the will, the earnest desire, were closed and public services registration of the enabling the Psalmist, should no lon to live; and as at no period were affected but were car documents.
The opening up of these ger be regarded as correct, of our existence, has the e rying on with Jewish and BriIt is now observed that lands, along the proposed lione hundred being now much been as strong as during the tish staffs.
the plan has been changed to nes, will undoubtedly prov)nearer the number and that present era, the correct atti one of a purely agricultural de remunerative employment as we continue to draw cur tude of mind has already be SOFIA. Official quarters in nature, in which several well of a steady nature for a larselves further away from gun and has thrust the pri, dicated that a Customs union known local and foreign Ca ge number of our workers, unnatural foods and begin me of life forward to the age might be among the first results pitalists are mentioned as be thus creating another weil to understand the rhythm of of 45 years; hence the logi of the recent conference bet ing interested and willing to needed aid to our economie existence, the longer period 2AGS ween the Premiers of Yugosla provide the magnificent amu interests.
via and Bulgaria. The conferen ce was said to have yielded no tangible results on Bulgrarian demand for return of territories lost in the world war setSERVICIO DE VAPORES tlements.
BARCELONA The British Solidas semanales de Limón para Nueva York con freighter Gothie was struck by escala en Cristóbal y Habona, a bomb on the 2nd. instant in Llevando café para todos los puertos an insurgent air raid on Barcelona. She was reported con idera Europeos y Americanos bly damaged.
Próximas salidas de Puerto Limón VAPORES SALIDAS WASHINGTON. Dr. Francisco Castillo Najera, Mexican Para GUATEMALA: TALAMANCA Noviembre Ambassador, state that he and the United States Department QUIRIGUA Noviembre 13 CORDILLERA 15 de Noviembre had reached a tentative agreeJAMAICA Noviembre 20 ment tooking toward settlement of the controversy over MexiParo EUROPA: co seizure of lands owned by Americans. The value of the CORDILLERA 21 de Noviembre lands seized were placed at more ALVARADO y Cía. SUCS. than 10. 000. 000.
Agentes pois Limón y Puntorena.
GENOVA Twelve thousand Poro otros informes dirijase o los oficinas de lo three hundred and seventy men, UNITED FRUIT COMPANY women and children sailed on the 30th. October for Lybia in one of the largest mass migraAGENCIA COSTA RICA los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rico tions for colonization purposes TELEFONO 3156 in modern times. About 20. 000 AVENIDA CENTRAL TELEFONO 2086 will eventually leave Genoa, Naples and Syracuse, are IS UNITED FRUIT COMPANY HAMBURG AMERIKA LINIE HAPAG LLOYD Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica

    EnglandFranceHitlerItalyMussoliniSpainWorld War

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