
TIENDA MIL COLORES מו We PAGE THE ATLANTIC VOICI SABADO, DE NOVIEMBRE DE 1938 Japan to Use War Nofes LA MIXTURA DEL DR. MAX PERALTA SHANGHAI Consterna ha conquistado rápidamente la gran popularidad de que tion has been caused busihoy goza, por haber curado multitud de personas que ness and banking circles of Shaghai because of the Tocidos le recomiendon de corozón a ses amistades que padecían del higado y del estómago, las cuales agradekyo announcement that the sufren de afecciones tales como: SUCURSAL LIMON. AP. 578 millions of Bank of Japan yen in circulation in Central Estreñimiento, mal aliento, dolor de cabeza, China would be replaced inapetencia, desarreglos del cutis, mareos, CABALLERO: GENTLEMEN: shortly by war notes, and all army expenses paid biliosidad, mala digestión.
If you desire to be properly them.
Ud. que gusta vestir bien le dressed, we offer you an 10While such a move will ofrecemos un incomparable comparable lot of assist in stabilizing the yen, CURRENT BREVITIES surtido en CASIMIRES INwhich has been dropping he We note the possibility of the vernment Statistical Department GLESES que acabamos de re ENGLISH TWEEDS hind Chinese dollars, it will Department of Public Works the total should be only 7, 377, cibir. Contamos con los esticause chaotic business condi undertaking the work required the large difference of 103 los más modernos y a precios just received.
tions in Central China. The on our only remaining Sports persons may be said to be due to que nadie nos iguala.
We give the most modern notes will have no backing Plaza, including the construction the extraordinary labour movVisite nuestro almacén oSiyle at Prices which cannot and will not be convertible of the seating galleries, providement consequent on the Banaportunamente y ordene sus be equalley.
into foreign exchange. ed the cost does not exceed the na activities.
rabajos para NOCHE BUEPay us an early visit and NA y las FIESTAS CIVICAS order your work for NOCHE Purchase of food from Chi sum of ten thousand colones We do hope it wont.
will nese with such paper Another attempt to unearth Le la capital, para que nosoBUENA and the SAN JOSE the supposed fabulous treasure further impoverish the peairos podamos darle buer enmCIVIC FIESTAS. We desire The result of a recent census, lying hidden some where on the sants and merchants, lessen shews that the town of Pun Coco Island has failed. It is replimiento y dejarlo satisfeto please you in every rejnative purchasing power and tarenas has a cho.
population of ported that the expedirionists further reduce foreign im 11, 480 souls. As according to left the Island for Panama last ports.
the information held by the go Monday Enrique Yankelewitz, Proprietor UUSI TUTTI FRANCISCO AGUILAR, Cutter BOOTH Tienda HOLLYWOOD BEST Avisamos a nuestra numero. We beg to advise our numeBAKED sa clientela que acabamos de rous patrons that we have FIGHTING TO SAVE HUMANITY BERLIN recibir un gran surtido de cajust received.
BREAD simires ingleses y de lino.
BUNS Large Assortment of Enmay safely refrain lion. We mentioned relativiHacemos vestidos para caba glish Tweeds and Linen from weighing the pros and iy out of a population of 300 BISCUITS CAKES llero a 75. 00 en abonos se We make Suits for Gentlemen cons of the theory of relativi million soult like that of Bri manales o mensuales. at 75. 00 on Weekly or THE PEOPLE BAKERY ty, while recognizing that eve tish India, the disappearance Visitenos y se convencerá. Monthly payments.
rything in this world must of 80, 000 pesons wauld pass un Box 179 Limốn Visit us and be convinced.
be considered in a relative rities, wage an unceasing war BERENZON.
Apartado 515 way.
noticed, nevertheless what From far distant ages, who does this group of victims se history has been determi actually represent? The poRAIS AS HISTORY MAKERS fever and threadworm, but undo ned by chroniclers, the world pulation of a town or seveubtedly colic fever. Because of has undergone many calami ral small localities.
Seven centuries have not been the evil. Its presence was also the prodigious rapidity with ties of widely different kinds which it multiplies, the diminish marked by terrible epidemics rat We have learned to make The British sanitary autho sufficiently long to constitutes a permanent danger rities wage a unceasing war the damages done by, what Al during the 16th and 17th cento man and domestic animals.
distinctions: we recognize na tural turies and every effort man calamities against malaria. Following a bert Colnat regards as probabresulting made from fires, storms, tempests the Melaria Committee recommendation by ly the most deplorable result of made for its elimination failed. Betwee nthe 12th, and the 18th.
of the Crusades the introduction centuries the arrival of the The Brown specie then made and earthquakes; calamities produced by epidemics due the struggle. They the League of Nations, they of the Rat into Europe. He its appearance in Europe at the brown rat, the rat which was a protect says, that although there is no beginning of the 18th century, real conqueror in the Crusades, to the propagation of conta gious diseases under baffling the native use quinine as a weapon in indication in either Greek or and being more powerful and brought ruin to Europe by its population and Roman literature that this Ro ferocious than the blacks sucvoracity, and decimated the poconditions, and lastly calamipulace periodically by the paties that we must put down the thousands of government dent was known in classic anti ceeded where man had failed to the thirst for domination employees, by inducing them quity, it probably did exist in They in turn then commenced gues it inflicted of to spread; by the close of the These diseases played a deciand conquest to the friction to take, daily, the fixed dose a wild state on the deserts Arabia and Egypt; and, disco century they had covered all of grains of quinine, and sive role in the wars which took and rivalry beteween nations the vering nourishment to its liking Europe, and in less than two place between France, England, calamities known every week excellent results 25 are reported as being obtain in the neighbourhood of human centuries had conquered the Austria and Spain for the hegwars.
ed by these preventive mea societies, it gradually moved whole world with the excep emony of Europe; and their Whatever the kind or ex sures. For treating cases closer to man until it became tion of the polar regions. This results, to a large extent, deof the inevitable accompaniment specie adapts itself to almost all pended on whether one side or tent of these calamities, they malaria, the Commissin re have cost the lives of thou commends a daily dose of 15 of all mase movements among climates and all kinds of nouri the other was afflicted with From sands of people. And just as to 20 grains of quinine to be human beings. Being an excell shment. It is a good swimmer the plague or typhus.
it is a sacred duty of hu taken during to days, ent climber, the fittle black pest, and chimber, so nothing is bey this point of view Mr. Colnat soon infested ships. disembark ond its reach. It attacks wood, concludes that the history of the manity to do away with the At present, it means a seve ed at Mediterranean ports and pierces walls and even the foun end of the Middle Ages and moscourge of war, so it is as re struggle demanding many spread throughout Europe. dations of buildings. When dern times is a consequence of great a duty to reduce to a sacrifices, but slowly and while, therefore, the Christian hungry, it attacks other animals the Crusades whose principal minimum the calamity caus rely the victory is being Barons persisted in wrestling and even children. It is won. The effort must not be Syria and Palestine from the In most ferocious ed by epidemic maladies.
the result was to place the world destroyer Only a few years ago, the relinquished until humanity lidels, the Black Rat of at the mercy of a blind feriinvaded game.
Island of Ceylon was ravag is saved. The Malarial Mon their lands without being much cious tyrant. The Rat.
ed by a disastrous epidemic thly. The damages produced by the noticed, and by the end of the Rat are inestimable from the of malaria. In a period of se 13th century had taken posse fact that either directly ven months, no fewer than sion of the entire Continent.
80, 000 persons died of the te JOSE ACHION NG through the medium of the pa The Riofing in Palestine Th Rodent soon made itself rasites with which it is infestrrible malaria fevers propa Comerciante Detallista detested, and thought it was not ed, it can transmit to man and gated by the dangerous nos On the 1st. instant Britisa Licores, Abarrotes, Cristale then known to be an inexhausti animals many serious diseases troops seized control of the quito. While those who suc ria, Artículos de Ferreteri ble reservoir of contagious dis such as the plague, typhus, ancient Mediterranean port cumbed produced so high a Eléctricos; todo se ncuentra eases, it created such damages hydrophobia, sodoku or rat bite of Jaffa with its 50. 000 inhatotal the number of persons en este establecimiento.
PRECIOS DE SITUACION that the profession of Rat Chas fever, also different spirocheto bitants in their drive against attacked reached half a mi ing was instituted to combat ses ringworm, perhaps aphthous the rebelling Arabs of Pale tine. The port was cleared of the rebels who had made Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back it one of their headquarters.
de su recibo que dice: of receipt which reads: Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina This bill must be paid at our office before Dawn had just begun to dentro de los primeros 10 días illuminate the rocky reefs of the 10th of the month.
the town, the largest purely de cada mes.
Be so good as to comply with this request and do not Arab community in Palestine, Le rogamos recordor esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena oblige us to suspend our service, a step which when 2, 000 picked British de tener que cortar su servicio.
we would much regret to take.
troops from Sarafand and Jerusalem made a surprise raid on the sleeping populace.
The cities of Gaza and Bethelem are also reported clear EMITTANUBIETTIMANTTIMANTTIHNUTARUUSUISSERTWIUGNHATEMALA ed of rebels.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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