
If prematurely aged, Fertilinets use TIRED MURINE FOR YOUR RELIEVE every called THE PROSPECT OF DESIGNATED CHAUBUNAGUNGAMAUG FOR SHORT AFTER DAY IN THE In his very interesting article of water was called Shau SUN Chabchauthe rejuvenating appearing in a recent issue of guna gumkawa.
EYES hormone preparation the Liverpool Weekly Post. bunkkakowok: ChaubunakonFOR WOMEN Mr. John Oliver claims that hñomuk; Chaubamagogum and As if the length of its name denot Chauborgum may saAccording to Dr. Rich Weiss ed the size of a lake, then the sily Ask for our illustrated bophilat be believed, the prostretch of water in Massachu per name is very difficult of ON SALE IN ALL DRUGSTORES setts in the United States, should pronunciation, and it is said that be the largest in the world as it only the local inhabitants and THE SPECIAL XMAS. LOTTERY DRAWING has a name which puts even members of the Nipmuck IndiaWelsh efforts to shame. Thens, can say it with any ease. It The last ordinary drawing of drawing will amount to 25, 000, name is so long that it is usually is supposed to be pronounced as Tit. Bits of Interest the National Lottery for this we understand there is Chaubunagungamaug follows Char gogg agogg, man year will take place on the 20th likelihood of their being sold for short. The government once chaugg agogs, chaubun agunof this month, as immediately out much carlier than the 25th.
tried, he says, 10 the gamaugg.
thereafter the tickets for the December, all who might wish shortened form the official title, The following story regarding It has been discovered that, Extraordinary drawing on to artic. pate in the chance of Christmas Day will be placed on obtaining some ready cash with but had to desist on account of the origin of the name, gives us the widely known vegetables the opposition by the surround some reason for its lengthy cons Onions and Garlic are germ sale, so as to afford every one which to start the coming year. ing populace who are exceed truction It is said that at one killers.
the possibility of securing one should therefore purchase their ingly proud of a name which time, the best fishing grounds at least of the large and attrac tickets as soon after their appe they never tire of pronouncing were located in the centre The chemicals which bring of tears to the eyes of the mative prizes offered.
arance as possible.
whenever given the chance. The the lake, known as Middle Fond.
jority of those who prepare Although the tickets for this word, which is composed of no one tribe of Indians lived at them for culinary purposes, iewer than forty five letters, the end of the lake called North reads Pond, and another tribe occupi tists who say the bactericihave been isolated by scienCOMING Chargoggagoggmanehauggagog ed the other extremity known dal XMAS! XMAS!
property may prove useXMAS! gohaubunagungamaugs.
2s South Pond. Frequent quaful in fighting diseases. OnAs will be seen, there appear rrels occurred between them what may be regarded as a regarding the right to fish in the ions contain the germ kaller Do you remember JACK?
number of superfluous s, but centre of Middle Pond and it ally aldehyde and garlic the Then look up the OLD FIRM for even the moderate suggestion of was eventually agreed that each less potent crotonic aldehyde.
cutting out two them, to help in tribe should confine operations LADIES HATS, FANCY and DRESS GOODS simplifying the word, was so to their respective ends. Accord MENS TWEEDS, HATS, CAPS, SHIRTS, TIES.
greatly resented that a poem ing to this agreement, the lake THE TOYS for the kiddies.
entitled Touch not a Gof our thenceforth went by the name Certain rairoads in the UniBig Lake was written by one of Chargoggagogg which ted States are reported to THE PEOPLES HOUSE. LIMON of the most ardent supporters means, You fish on your side; have upset the old belief that of the title. Manchauggagogg. ll fish on the rails for track use have te The Lake did not, apparently my side; and Chaubunagunga be short to facilitate expanalways possess such a high maugg nobody fish in the sion and contraction; as after sounding name for Mr. Oliver middle.
conducting several experisays the old records shew that We have no doubt many of ments, they are now using FROM PAGE quiet gaze on the sceneryſ at different times and by various our readers will endeavour to rails of lengths of more than Restore of life, undistorted by pas tribes of Red Indians, the body master these unusual names.
a mile, which are proving not cal expectation that within sions and desires; unaffected only successful, but a help to.
the next fifty it will have by ambitions and violent pur ward lowering the cost mainbeen advanced to 60 at least. poses. And just as in the SINGING CONTEST tenance and the reduction of There should be no feverish evening of the day, we sit the wear on tracks and rolling desire or unrhythmic effort tranquilly to review the estock. These lengthy rails also to maintain our youth, as the vents of the earlier hours, so GREAT SINGING CONTEST reduce the frequent vibration se may likely produce the in the evening of life, we can and noise caused by the whewill be held in opposite to that which is de take our rest and gently, wi ing travelliers much smoother sired.
llingly prepare for our last The Parish Hall November 7th. riding Apart from the progress long sleep.
which we are authoritatively under the auspices of the Baptist Women Federation advised is already taking pla This Event promises to be very interesting.
ce toward the hoped for pro Tire Deflation for Seven of the City Best Song birds will compete.
longation, it is observed that No one will be able to tell you about this Contest an Englishman and his wife Reckless Drivers Francisco Fonseca Ch.
Come and hear for yourself. Function starts 30 have such faith in its realiAccording to an order re ADMISSION. 50 LAWYER NOTARY zation, that they have actua cently isssued, Germany tra PUBLIC lly started their three old son on a special line of res of road hogs and reeyear ffic poliee may deflate the ti Office: living which they maintain kless drivers right at the pot CHINESE TO CONTINUE RESISTANCE Adjoining to the City should, under normal condi Public Library where they are caught.
tions, give him a span of 200 ENGLISH SPOKEN Authorities explained the From somewhere in the vast expect trap a larg part of the years.
need of severe measures by interior of China, beyond the 300. 000 Chinese troops in FORMER JUDGE OF THE As it may be argued that the fact that despite more lines of Japanese encroach treat from the Hankow, Han LIMON DISTRICT COURT these efforts may only suc stringent control the annual ment, Gerteralissimo Chiang yang and Wychang areas.
ceed in achieving a long, mo average of 8, 000 persons kill Kai Shek has proclaimed a connotonous and possibly weary ed and 175. 000 injured ontinue Chinese resistance. He CHECOESLOVAKIA LOSES MORE TERRITORY period of semi uselessness, a Germany highways remains also expressed the hope of being iong drawn out old age, in almost stationary.
able to lure the enemy into which we should be a burThe den to ourselves and a nui operate in cases where deiThe tire deflation order will Western China, arbitration proceedings a population of 880, 000 persons, The message was addressed conducted by Count Ciano of to Hungary and their occupation sance to others, there is 70 vers pass on the where side to the National Peoples Politi Italy and Germany Foreign by the military forces of this reason, we are assured, why of the road, neglect to slow cal Assembly in session Minister, von Ribbentrop, for country commences today.
this should be so, for old age down when approaching Chungking, the present provi settlement of the dispute be Although not officially concomes, as a period of tranqui main roads or turn cornerssional Chinese Capital. It reite tween Hungary and Checoeslo firmed, it is stated that the govlity at the close of well at excessive speeds.
rated Chiang confidence in an vakia, has resulted in the latter ernment of the Cheks has made ordered, temperate life. pe Offenders also may be fin ultimate Chinete victory, and nation once again suffering the a protest against the accord, as riod during which we eaned or have their licenses ta declared China had been pre loss of much valuable territory, it is claimed some of the ceded oy our out look on the ken away for a period of one pared for the reverses The decision of the Arbitra territories are populated by less which panorama of existence: week to three months.
tors has added have occurred during the 16 12, 500 than 50 per cent of the Magyar months warfare; but that their square kilometers of lands, with Race.
resistance becoming increasingly dificult for the inGOOD NEWS vaders to overcome. Referring WOMENI to the military situation, the Turn dark weak COMERCIANTE General said though supperfito SUFFERERS FROM FOOT TROUBLES days into sun por más de 20 años cially the Japanese appear to (Corns, Callouses, Bunions, Fallen Arch, Ingrowing Naits, days. Be strong: Establecido en la Provincia have occupied a large portion of Athlete Foot, etc. happy. Cardui.
Vende al detal, Vinos y Lfamous medicinal China, the situation was, in rewill benefit greatly by consulting cores extronjeros y del pals, tonic, helps prevent MISCELANEA ality, favourable to Chinese periodic discomfort.
abarrotes en general.
plans for prolonged resistance.
MRS. FRANKLIN stablecimiento esquina On the other hand, ht JapaneGraduate Surgical Chiropodist.
Norte del Mercado se report they are rapidly closEntre 43 ing a ring of bayonets, 200 miles ZENT COSTA RICA in circumference, in which they Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
reat a a some was Edgar Young CARDUT


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