
int NU 30 prematurely aged, UNT use lon rito Iblic are Rat Enl ind Wiol en un El programa de armamen ABACA PLANTINGS. TO BE FURTHER EXTENDED tos de Roosevelt es igual It is with the greatest sati, the Company Management al de Wilsou faction we note that those who satisfied that the very best ere directing the operations of sults will be obtained in so fa the rejuvenating the newly instituted Abaca In ras as the quality of the pH hormone proparation dustry in this Zone, have deci duct is concerned and as the FOR WOMEN according to Dr. Rich Weiss Washington. La historia se ded to add from 400 to 500 is a ready and healthy mark hectareas to more repite en el nuevo programs Ask for our illustrated booklet their for all that can be export they considered it was in de armamentos proclamado plantations.
ON SALE IN ALL DRUGSTORES por el Presidente Roosevelt.
Although it is raid the pre interests of all concerned Existe un estrecho paralelo vious plantings are not yet in extend the planting at this FRENCH PRESTIGE LOST IN BALKANS entre este programa de prefull production, we understand me.
parativos y el que el PresiIn the rivalry of European because she could no longer dente Woodrow Wilson inaupowers to entablish hegemony lend generously, it was assu gurá en 1915 y 1916. Ahora, La calidad delicada y el gusto distinguido de over Central European and med she had become weak. como entonces, es posible que BUDWEISER son el resultade de 80 años de the Balkan States, France is German propagandists profit la agresión politica y econonow forced to play a second ed considerably by this situa mica de Alemania contra la experiencia en su elaboración.
ary role. This situation has tion, especially as they were América Latina estimule al been emphasized by the re able to demonstrate that Fran gobierno de Washington a co La popularidad de BUDWEISER fundó la cer twee percussions in the Balkans ce had accorded loans only a: locarse en un estado de presof Germany victory in Cze relatively high interest rates teza para re istir, por la fuervecería mayor del mundo.
choslovakia. approximately per cent), za, si es necesario.
Ahora se consigue en latitas doradas.
After the World War Fran and in return for supplemence played an important part tary political and economic Los factores que impelen la in financing the States of concessions.
actual campaña armamentisCOMO BUDWEISER. ninguna Central and South eastern Although Germany never ta son en algo distintos a los Ir Europe. She poured billions came to the financial aid of de hace 22 años. Fué la poof francs into them in order the Cetral European and Bal sibilidad de un empate en la to maintain the status quo kan States, she managed to Guerra Mundial, seguido por created by peace treaties. become their chief commer una campaña post. guerra French banks and private cial trader, both as exporter del Japón y Alemania para concerns made a policy of offe and importer.
obtener pie en la América LaLIMON TRADING old ring liberal credit facilities Central Europe and the Baltina, lo que influyó en el anito Central European and Balkans are now one and on mo del entonces Presidente kan States, and were able to their way to becoming dicta Wilson para embarcarse DISTRIBUIDORES demand in exchange a cer. torial and anti democratic un programa militar y naval Sudweise ain amount of political alle States, like Germany and a un costo de cinco mil miu Bus giance which is was hoped Italy, and their dictators se llones de dólares sobre would give France what she em to fear far less the Drang término de cinco años. Fil dearly desired. an eastern nach Suedosten of Germany motivo principal no lo consbuffer in case of the outbreak which is ever more willing to tituyó la expectativa de que of another Franco German give and make trade conces esta nación se viera envuelta LA JUSTICIA EXTIENDE SU BRAZO war.
siones, than they fear trade en la gra conflagración.
Very little remains today exclusiveness of France, of this hope. Since 1932 Fran which from time to time half Ahora, la tregua armada ce has had her own financial heartedly presents them with de Europa, con una Alemania difficulties to look after; and a bill for overdue interest enormemente refrozada, con on outworn debts.
las ramificaciones del acuerdo Berlin. Roma. Tokio, 1000000000 puede dirigirse hacia la penetración en la América; esPURCHASE YOUR MEDICINES to ha estimulado el programa IN DRUG STORE del Presidente Roosevelt de que la nación cuente con pólwhich merits your Confidence, vora seca y en grandes cantidades. Mientras tanto, ya traspasa los límites de la teoThe Botica ría el nuevo Botica Alemana programa que complementa las plantas industriales para acelerar la Lic. Paul Kleefeld. Prop.
producción de materiales de guerra.
Ello significa drástica revisión de la política armamentista norteameriMONDAY NIGHT INUNDATIONS cana, según la cual las barreJoht Gallaudet (con el re vólver) tiene un sinnúmer Residents of the districts of, ings of more or less humble ras de los océanos no son ya suficientes para aplicar la de contratiempos en JUEGO DE FALDAS. pelicula Taras, Guadalupe, Carmen, construction, the rushing waСо Doctrina de Monroe.
lumbia. Jacqueline Wells Agua Caliente and elsewhere, ters soon had them compleCharles Quigley (al fondo) lanzan a los zeogedores brazos del detective Guin Williams.
in the immediate vicinity of tely their grip, destroying Cartago, experienced, it is no much, and menacing the liticed, an awful time last ves of the unfortunate Monday night.
For some weeks past hea Immediately the authorities vy rains had been falling al in Cartago became aware of most daily in the Old Capital the seriousness of the situaSERVICIO AEREO SEMANAL and the surrounding districts. sion, auxiliary forces were On Monday afternoon, how rushed to the several points, a ever, showers of a torrential and with the aid of the polinature began falling and we ce ambulance and other priSixaola, Parismina, Torture so persistent that by a vately owned vehicles, more round ten o clock that night, than one hundred persons the rivers passing through were rescued and taken to guero, Barra del Colorado the mentioned districts or vil the Cuartel. The rains conlages overflowed their banks tinued throughout the night y Bluefields and inundated large areas. As and though much damage the majority of the residents was effected, we are glad to of these areas are of the work note no loss of lives has been ing class and occupy build reported.
AVION sale de LIMON todos los SABADOS a las a. Robert JOHNSTON una y OCIf enfeebled by age.
Virilinets AGENTE EN LIMON use the rejuvenating hormono preparation FOR MEN, according to Dr Rich Woiss.
Ask for our illustrated booklet ON SALE IN ALL DRUGSTORES Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

    FranceGermanyItalyWorld War

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