
ENDED SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12th. 1938 THE ATLANTIC VOICE PAGE IF UNITED STATES TO DEFEND AMERICAN DEMOCRACIES AIRPLANE BASE agement ry best OPENED at PARRITA Dr. Medal Jr. as Rin at this to de South first Following on the earlier, ourselves from all aggression the announcements that the Uni from whatever source and th led States is preparing not be prepared to join with our The United Fruit Compathy marjonly to defend herself but to fellow democracies of the ny have, we note, construct expor assist in keeping the entire New World in preserving the ed a very commodious airthat he has removed his Dental Clinic to the apartments Western Hemisphere safe Western Hemisphere from plarje base in Parrita.
This med from any threatened attack, any threat of attack. is in keeping with their pro Takes the pleasure of informing his esteemed clientel the Nation Under Secreta As an apparent reply to the gressive methods, and will previously occupied by Dr. Badilla, between the Consulate ry of State made another ap above clear and definite sta greatly facilitate communiof the United States of America and the British Pharmacy peal a few days ago for inter tements, the news organ of cation with the Capital and American solidarity at a ti the German foreign Office, other centres.
me when the doctrine of accuses the United States of The base was used for the hatred is areatening civiliza. attempting to incite time last Saturday de tion. He pointed out that te. erican nations against when the plane, TI 27, lan rritorial integrity and indivi Germany in a campaign ca ded there with the Compa TWO NEW PRIESTS FOR THE VACARIATE dual liberty may depend on rried on by the highest offi ny Acting General Manacontinued close relations bet cial quarteres, and designed ger, Mr. Sanderson, and cer wee nthe American Repu to convince the South Ameri don Ricardo Pacheco Lara, For some time past in was We take this opportunity of blics, and declared. we cans of the evil intentions of Minister of Fomento. Don realized, by those closely as extending the Rev. Fathers a will assure ourselves that we the Fascit States.
Ricardo was on a visit insociated with the religious hearty welcome to their new are in a position to defend connection with the various work of the Vicariate, that field of labour, with the hope important works to be carr there was not a sufficient they will long be spared to ba ed out in connection with number of Priests available carry on the noble mission to JEWISH SUFFERINGS INTENSIFY the establishing of the port for giving efficient attention which they have dedicated In retaliation for the death, ve been totally destroyes. More at Quepos. On the invitation to the needs of our extensive their lives, last Thursday, of Ernst von than 5, 000 of these unfortunates of Mr. Sanderson, he also region, and so His Lordship, Rath Secretary of the German were also arrested in Berlin inspected the other works, the late Bishop Wollgarten, Embassy in Paris, who was shot and Vienna under various char of an engineering nature, initiated negotiations with a and fatally wounded the pre ges: and in order, to facilitate being performed by the Com view of having this remedied vious Tuesady by a 17 year the actions of the terrorists, it pany for the habilitation of but, unfortunately, his uneold Polist Jew, in revenge, he is alleged the Police Depart. the Parrita sector, where itpected demise caused an indeclared for the cufferings his ment prohibited the carrying is rumoured they intend platerruption.
people were undergoing at the of arms by all Jews, those found cing their headquarters tor On taking charge of the Vi hands of the Nazis, the most doing so being subjected to 20 the Pacific Zone.
cariate, Monseñor Odendahl intensive anti Jewish manifes years imprisonment.
Besides easing functional soon recognized the same pains of menstruation, Cartations were again taking place The Grand Fascist Council need and re opened the sub dal aids in building up the throughout Germany, accompa of Italy has confirmed the KEEP ject with his Superiors of the whole system by helping nied by horrible acts of perso laws recently promulgated by YOUR Pauline Order. This has re women to get more energy nal and property violence. that country legislature EYES sulted in the recent arrival of and strength Scores of private residences, der which all Jews are exeluthe Rev. Fathers Carlos Kul from their food business places, Synagogues and ded from participating in the lamann and Alfonso Hoeffer.
other property belonging to economic, professional and poli The former is to be attached members of the Jewich Race ha tical life of the nation.
USE to the Parish or Parroquia of Turrialba and the latter stationed in this City.
Cardui unClean e for Women and Clear MURINE FOR YOUR THE DR. MAX PERALTA MIXTURE ASK YOUR DRUGGIST cource has obtained its rapid and great popularity by havMEXICAN ASPHALT JAPAN AND THE UNITED STATES ing cured an immense number of persons who suf fered from LIVER and STOMACH complaints. These BEING IMPORTED now gratfully recommend it to all who suffer from ken. It is also asserted that such complaints as The difficulty which has any economic reprisals which We note the rather interest been existing for some time the United States might take COSTIVENESS, FOUL BREATH, HEADACHES, ing information that the Mu LOSS OF APPETITE, SKIN ERUPTIONS, NAUSEA, past between the United Sta against Japan assertion of nicipality of San Jose is tes and Japan seem to be as her economic and political BILLIOUSNESS OR INDIGESTION now obtaining asphalt from would the Republic of Mexico for suming larger and more sig sway in the Orient, nificant proportions.
be disastrous for the Roosestreet reconstruction purpoThe United States has vent regime, as it would place ses.
Uncle Sam as Gold Custodian The first lot, consisting of been strongly protesting aga America in the midst of the inst what she considered un China problem and this would new record in the gold years. It is estimated that the five hundred tons, arrived hoard of the United States was United States now holds 58 per a few weeks ago by way of due and improper interferen be strenuously objected to by reported during last month cent of all gold, approximating this port, and it is said that ce with her interests in Chi the nation populace.
The official Organ of the when the value of the precious 24. 000. 000. 000 in value. This should the experiments now na, and according to the Jametal in its possession was said represents a gain of panese press she has been Japanese Army and Ultra being made with it prove sa warned that if she persists in Nationalistic elements declato have passed the 14. 000. 000 171. 000. 000 over the to tisfactory, further and lar000 mark. The amount now stor. tal of 826. 000. 000 which wasger quantities will be order the attempt to force Japan red that America attitude to continue recognizing the was the outcome of British ed there is known to be more on hand when President Roose ed.
than three times as much as the velt devalued the dollar in JaIt is also understood that Nine Power Treaty, retalia machinations.
world total in 1914, more nuary 1934.
the price of this asphalt is tory measures would be tathan twice that in 1918 and alvery much lower than thomost two thirds as much as it The recent events in Europese of other producing coun THE LASTEST FORD CAR was in 1929.
gave the gold hoard an extra tries; this is, of of The fact that the world boost; and as this metal acts much interest to the financial stock of gold in 1914 was only as a compass in pointing to dan manipulations of the Munici The Mercury is the na a little over 000. 000. 000 re ger, it would seem the people pality.
me of the new 1938 car put presents we are advised the tre of that continent are not fully out by the Ford plants.
mendous activity in production satisfied that permanent peawill be equipped with a Vduring the past twenty five ce has been attained. engine more powerful than any the company has yet ma nufactured. One of the feaFábrica de Hielo LA PROVEEDORA tures will be a roomy interior equal, it is stated, to the ALMACEN y Refrescos PARA FAMILIAS Abarrotes y Licores higher priced cars. The car. LIMON. COSTA RICA LA IBERIA 116 inch wheel base LIMON Ofrece un extenso surtido de abarrotes, frutas frescas, ESTRADA ad hydraulic brakes are frutas en latas, frutas secas, lateria fina, aceitunas, ed. It will be priced between Precios Economics the 8 and the 12, jaleas, galletas de toda clase, confites, chocolates, etc.
Lincoln Zephyr Artículos del País The new make of car will Obsequia por cada Colón un tiquete numerado que puede be the fifth complete line tur ganar si las dos, tres o cuatro últimas cifras corresned out at Ford factories ponden con las del Premio Mayor de la Loterio LA FLORIDA El Sebé se saluda a sí mismo ned out a Ford factories del Asilo Chapui; Un Colón, Cinco Colones dando le mano a sus pies. From 1903 to 1922, the como Diez Colones, respectivamente.
Fábrica de Hielo pany produced the Ford. car Séneca dijo que la descon exclusively, In Mercadería de excelente calidad, precios February, Venta de Leche fianza es la madre de la infi 1922, Henry Ford bought the moderados y buen trato, son el lema de delidad, pero se calló que el Lincoln plant, and in late y Maderas esta casa padre es la confianza. Es decir 1936, the company producque cuando no tiene madre tie ed the Ford 60 as a lower ne padre.
priced companion to the 8.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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