
THE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK THE ATLANTIC VOICE is our business to cultivate in our minds, to rear to the most perfect vigour and maturity, every sort of generous and honest feeling that belongs to our nature.
To bring the dispositions that are lovely in private life into the service and conduct of the commonwealth: so to be patriots as not to forget we are gentlemen.
Devoted to the interes of the people of the Atlantic Zone Editor English Section: NATION Year Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday November 191h. 1938 No. 221 ago, lo we ent Cortes, urging the early the project, says, the cost willed States government, plainly THE ANTI. SEMITIC CAMPAIGN IN GERMANY 23 THE CANALIZATION PROJECT WIRELESS NEWS England Would Give African Territory to Germany Notwithstanding the state tion with the disposal of the PARIS. Friends of the DuWith a view of satisfying nies as a sacred legacy and ment that the work in connectimber now standing on the ke and Duchess of Windsor ex: the demands of Germany for will if necessary fight for tion with the canalization of vast tracks of lands to be pressed belief that the Duke the return of the colonies their retention. In view also the Tortuguero Lagoons, will tapped by the canal, the ulti and Duchess of Gloucester, who we arrived here some days be taken in hand during the mate expenditure will, she lost during the world war, ot the attitude adopted by month of January next, our are confident, be greatly re had brought an invitation for a London advice states En the public, France is reported Municipal Fathers are, we duced. As there appears the former King and his Ameri gland is disposed to offer Hi to have been forced to cateof African gorically object to the cedglady note, leaving no stone be an unprecedented demand can born wite to spend Chrutuer a large run mas with the Royal family to for the timber, we would sug England.
unturned in their desire in territory to include patts of ing of any of the colonies held the French Camaroons, the by her. Belgium had already impress on our Chief Execu gest that the right to cut and Belgian Congo and the Por officially announced her decitive and his Advisers the pa take off same be effected by MOSCOW. bronze sta: tuguese Angola in lieu of the sion of retaining the Congo ramount necessity of an public auction; would tue to Soviet Russia youthful old colonies.
territory, even at the cost of early start being made. then be assured of the re hero, Pagel Korozoff, is to be It is not expected that this war; so it is left to be seen In response to the general ceipt of the greatest financial erected son in Suare. Koroappeal issued by our Munici benefit po. sible, zoff was the 14 years old youth new plan of the British Pre what further effort Premier to pality some weeks ago, it is who denounced his father for mier will materialize, as Ge Chamberlain will make was neral Smutz of the South bring this disturbing factor observed the Siquirres and If, as don Juan Romago hiding grain. The father Pococí divisions of the Pro sa, our ex Deputy and former arrestea out the boy was killed frican Union has declared his to a close.
by relatives.
vince have decided to address resident who has always evgovernment regards the coloMemorials, direct to Pre id inced the greatest interest in WASHINGTON. The Unitwhich aroused by the sweeping meathey regard as of vast impor million five hundred thosures taken against the Jew; by tance to the economic wel usand colones, the matter German Nazis, called her Am Asse sements up to 150. 000 crees have alro been issued fare of this section of the Re should be greatly facilitated public bassador home on the 15th. ins marks, 60. 000. are reported eliminating Jews from the and all fears regarding the tant for report and consulta to have been levied on indi nation economic life, forbid Whatever may be thought heavy financial outlay disof the cost of the undertak pelled, as this amount really rected to make his journey ho lin to defray the cost of re and other public entertaintion. The Ambasador wes dividual wealthy Jews of Bering them to attend theatres ing as estimated by the diffe. represents a figure less than me immediately. Much signifi pairing the damage recently ments and placing heavy firent Engineers, we do not three hundred thousand do cance was attached to the move, committed by the Aryan winnes on their wealth.
think there should longer ex Hars, which the timber sales, since it is one taken only inca dow smashers and store wrec Embassador Joseph Kenist any scruples; for in view to which we have already re se; of outstanding importance. kers in retaliation for the fa nedy of the United States is of the several proposals referred, would appreciably les. The step, however, does ceived from abroad in conec sen.
not tal shooting of the Nazi Di said to have initiated a plan mean a break in diplomatic re plomat in Paris. The assess for a general evacuation of lations. Protesting what he desments were in addition to the the German Jews. The plan OUR POLITICAL ACTIVITIES cribed as assaults against civ. penalty of a million marks de suggests the settling of about Activities of a political na dates were mentioned, but up terior stated no nation can live murder.
tization, the Secretary of the Increed against them for the 600, 000 members of the per secuted Race in certain Britture are becoming more defi. this the Calderonistas seem unto it. elf alone. The time conite and intense in our com to be the only ones who hai mes when neither man nor na been expelled for all univer ritory, as also in French, Bel All Jewish students have, ish colonies and mandated ter munity. meeting was held ve a definitely announced (TO PAGE 11. in this city last Tuesday by candidate. As it is, however, sities, technical schools and gian and Duch colonies, and the adherents of the National not to be expected that thel other institutions of higher in parts of North and South Republican Party, when a worthy Doctor will be allow Mr. Chittenden Return learning in the latest move America. It is expected the Special Commitee, who willed an uncontested election, toward complete separation plan will encounter much opof Jews and Germans.
be under the direction of don it can De position.
only be After rather short stay in conjectured Rafael Eduarte, Lic. don Da that his political opponents the United States, Mr. George niel Zeledon and don Hora are organizing their forces on Chittenden, the highly estecio Tassies, was appointed to the quiet, and will, at the ti emed General Manager of the arrange matters for the co me considered appropriate, United Fruit Company activiming campaign in connection come into the open. It should ties in this Division, returned with the Presidential elec nevertheless be remembered here last week end accompanition.
that the early Bird catchesed by his distingui hea Some time ago the names he most worm.
most appreciated wife.
of several prospective candiAs was anticipated, it is now understood Mr.
Chittenden, though on so very limited a vacation, took the opportunity of Próximas salidas de Puerto Limón conferring with the Company high Officials in Boston, and thoroughly discussed various SERVICIO DE VAPORES matters of vital interest to the Paro EUROPA: Banana Industry on this side of Salidas semanales de Limón para Nueva York con the country. He has come back, escala en Cristóbal y Hobono it is said, fully prepared to initiate, at the proper time, the MN. CORDILLERA. 21 de Noviembre Llevondu café para todos los puertos different project: he has formuEuropeos y Americanos lated for the betterment of our FEODOSIA 25 de Noviembre agricultural interests, and the VAPORES SALIDAS economic life of our Zone, MN. PHOENICIA de Diciembre We extend him our sincerest welcome.
JAMAICA Noviembre 20 VERAGUA Noviembre 27 Personal CHIRIQUI Diciembre Our well known citizen doa Enrique Alvarado having AGENCIA COSTA RICA retired fromthe local boalu ALVARADO y Cía. SUCS. of Directors of the National AVENIDA CENTRAL TELEFONO 2086 Agentes para Limón y Puntarenas.
Bang, the Suplente, don Abel Santos, has been promoted to Por otros informes dirijase o las oficinas de lo the position, and don Rogelio Gutiérrez appointed to UNITED FRUIT COMPANY fill which our highly esteemed cial manipulations of our comthe vacaney thus created. and much respected Director munity will enhance don RoWe need hardly mention has consistently displayed gelio opportunities for do los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica how gratifying it is to us to for the general advareement ing good, and we sincerely TELEFONO 3156 note this appreciation, by the of our Province. We can but wish his new sphere of labDirectors of so important an hope that this more intimate our will be fraught with the Institution of the serviees association with the finar Igreatest success.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

    EnglandFranceGermanyNazismSovietWorld War

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