
PAGE THE ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 19th. 1938 TIENDA MIL COLORES IN THE CUASE OF HUMANITY Failure of Con ferences SALOMON CHIN us the following from LiverSoon there will not be a spot on the globe where the Rockefeller Foundation is unknown.
This is easy to understand, for this magnificent pool institution, On Tuesday the 8th, instant created by the millionaire beSUCURSAL. LIMON. AP. 578 nefactor, John Rockefeller we were honoured by a visit Abarrotes y Licores aims at giving help in all cases LA IBERIA from Mr. Scharsmidt, a CABALLERO: where scientific, social or culESTRADA special Representative of the GENTLEMEN: tural progress is at stake, Limon Division of the or ofrecemos un incomparable where it is a question of hygie1. Association, authorized to Precios Economics hold conferences in the vasortido en CASIMETRES IN If you desire to be properly ne.
Concerning this fuondation, GLESES que acabamos de re dressed, we offer you an 10Artículos del País rious local Divisions to secure cibir. Contamos con los esti 2013 parable lot of which works with such a noble votes for the Committee to los más modernos y a precios object in view, there is one fact Rockefeller Foundation in re represent the Race before the que nadie nos iguals.
ENGLISH TWEEDS that is certainly not so well gard to the ceneralization of Executives of Costa Rica, as known, viz: that during the the ure of quinine, a remedy the conference, specially caljust received.
past ten years no less than 64 whore efficacy against maleria led for that purpose, had fail Ud. que gusta vestir bien le We give the most modern million dollars have been devotis well known, and of which the ed for want of sufficient atVisite nuestro almacén 0Style al Prices which cannot ed to the advancement of medi Malaria Commission of the Lea tendance.
portunamente y The attendance here was ordene sus be equalley.
cine invarious countries outside gue of Nations las fixed the tui rabajos para NOCHE BUEthe United States. The sum in table daily dose of grains for also very poor. only four Pay us an early visit and SA y las FIESTAS CIVICAS order your work for NOCHE ing and organizing the Union Foundation has also done ex present; and the latter, after cluded the expense of construct preventing the malady. This gentlemen an done lady being ie la capital, para que nosoBUENA and the SAN JOSE. iros podamos darle buen cum CIVIC FIESTAS. We desire Medical College at Peiping. Du cellent work in connection with learning what was the misplimiento y dejarlo satisfe to please you in every rescial department of the Founda should be ured.
ring the past few yerrs, a spe the way in which this remedy sion of our visitor, pontely re tired.
tion has been opened for devoEmploying the slogan PreThe Representative wisting large cums for the right vention is better than cure ithes were not agreed to as it Enrique Yankelewitz, Proprietor against maleria.
has taken an ir portant part in was felt that the Committee Starting from the FRANCISCO AGUILAR, Cutter principio, the work carried out on the subconcerned was not sufficient that to eradicate an evil it mustject of usin quinin efor fight lly authorized to represent the Black Race in this country.
Or. Dan be attacked at the root, it is ing malarit; just as it takes an necessary to have a profound active interest in other fights Soviet Develops New Kind of Plane and extensive knowledge of the taat als put up against the di Brazilian Firm to Handle transmitting agent of this territe ses which afflict humanity.
MOSCOW An indication Kaganovich is Commissar for ble malady. the anophele. By For treating care of maleria, Mexican Oil that Soviet aviation engineers the Defense Industry, which meants of conference, cirema the Malaria Commission of the have developed successful new builds minitary equipment, in films, etc. attention has been League of Nations prescribes a corporation, under the name of newly organized Brazilian types of military planes is seen cluding airplanes. This announ drawn to the dangerous mo: qui daily dose of 15 to 20 grains of Pemex will, it is in two small items in the news cement was accompanied by forto. Secondly, we would men quinine during to days.
reported handle all Mexico petroleum paper Pravda.
mal congratulations from Comtion the part played by the (The Malaria Monthly exported to that Republie. For The first item announces the munist party leader on his fifCome time Mexico has been enaward cf bonuse of 100. 000 rutieth birthday and a letter sig.
deavouring to introduce her oil ble and an automobile each to ned by famous Soviet aviators Tienda HOLLYWOOD products into various Republics three designers Polikarpoof, and Loktianoff, commander of of Latin America and with the Arch ngelsky and llyshin, in the Red Army air force.
Avisamos a nuestra numero We beg to advise our numeview of boosting the matter, her recognition of their serious suc Newspapers printed lists of sa clientela que acabamos de rous patrons that we have former Ambassador to Brazil, cesses in designing new types more than 500 awards and recibir un gran surtido de cajust received.
Alfonso Reyes, was appointed of airplanes. The bonures are decorations given in connecsimires ingleses y de lino. Large Assortment of Enbelieved to be the largest ever tion with Soviet Japanese figh Hacemos vestidos para cabaPetrcleum Commissioner.
glish Tweeds and Linen The Pemex Corporation has gvert for industrial achieve tin gin the Changkureng border llero a 75. 00 en abonos se We make Suits for Gentlemen ments area last Summer. Officers, nur manales o mensuales.
not yet, it is understood, comat 75. 00 on Weekly or The other announced menced operation for although the ses, political commi sars, pilots Visitenos y se convencerá. Monthly payments.
it was announced its contract awarding of the Red Banner of and soldiers have been decoratVisit us and be convinced.
with the Mexican government Labor to Mikhail Kakanoed so far, and further lists are BERENZON. Apartado 515 had been signed, the Petrovich, elder brother of Vice Pre forthcoming.
leum Control Department of mier Lazar Kakanovich Mr.
Brazil declared it had not been filed as required by law with AN INCENTIVE TO BETTER ELOCUTION MEXICO CITY Germany trade withLatin America conthem.
has started an extensive adver tinues to increase in 1933 THE EDITOR: campaign the the years Nazi Propaganda to be Pushed in Latin America a3 Kindiy allow us a small space in your much appreciated press designed to increase Nazi The increase this year is in fact, Carpenrter Tools Stolen Weekly to make a few statements, by way of information, onent trade and to cell Nazi principles 12 percent.
During the night of last the recently institute Championship Title in Elocution.
and the Nazi version of history The allegation is stressed that Wednesday, some one or moIa as much as we are the ones who frist thought of creat to the Mexican public. The most Germany buys at least as much re persons entered the house ing such a Title to represent All Limon at home and abroad, substantial Mexican papers ran from all Latin American coun of Mr. Agostini, which is and carried the idea to a most fitting climax with the recent up to two pages of this matter tries as it sells. This, the Nazis undergoing repairs, and clear All Star Contest for the Maxwell Prize, we are soliciting the and it was understood that this apportently believe, will appealed off with all the tools of full support and co operation of the public to uphold this worth was but the first part of a pro to the smeller Latin American the carpenters engaged on the while effort as an incentive toward better elocution and a paganda campaign to be exten countries where ready cash for job under Mr. Spence.
general uplifting of thought.
dad and accentuated through purchases is scarce.
As the matter is in the Any Elocutionist, anywhere, within the Province of Limon, out Latin America. The basis for an interchange hands of the Police, purchacan arrange to compete for the Championship after first meet Pictures of German leaders, of products between Germany sers of such implements will ing and defeating the five competitors who now hold souvenirs including Chancellor Adolf Hitend Latin America is sound. do well to be careful of what in connection with the Maxwell Contest; and any of these five ler, Field Mar hal Hermann Go it is asserted. Germany needs can now challenge the Titie holder and so compete for same.
they buy and from whom.
ering and Propaganda Minister, large quantities of raw mateWe hope to stage such a contest very shortly in the Arrasty Joseph Goebbels, lead off an rials and German industry can Theatre. special Committee will choose the subject to be ren elaborate display treating of supp. y most of Latin Amer. JOSE ACHION NG dered by the contestins parties. Star Elocutionists, outside this the excellence of German trade can needs.
Comerciante Detallista Province or beyond the borders of Costa Rica, may meet our arrangements education and One article deals with Nazi Champion by special arrangement. We solicit such competitions. culture.
education and informs Mexicans Licores, Abarrotes, Cristale All communications must be sent to Dept. of Sports German trade figures for all that German universities are ría, Articulos de Ferreterir y and Improvement. St. Anthony Association. Catholic SchoolEléctricos; todo se encuentra of Latin America, in marks, are inspired in the spirit of acaderdom, Limon. Postal Address. Box 591, Limon, Costa Rica.
en este establecimiento.
tabulated and it is then assert mic freedom. It is noted hoTHE BOARD OF MANAGEMENT PRECIOS DE SITUACION ed: wever that the organization St. Anthony B. Aid Assen.
While general Dept. of Sports Impvt.
international Carmen universities, compared seem to corre pond to a ottitrade has fallen off, German to those of foreign land. inay rian sy tem By far the mast amusing artiNos permisinos omor su atención a la nota al dorso cle, however, is signed By WoWe beg to call your attention to our remark at the back de su recibo que dice: tain, and the Nazi god apparent of receipt which reads: ly attempts, by tracing history, Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina This bill must be paid at our office before to justify Herr Hitler past, dentro de los primeros 10 dias the 10th of the month.
present and future actions de cada mes.
To show how successful GBe so good as to comply with this request and do noi many his been at war it is Le rogamos recorder esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena obrige us to suspend our service, a step which ted tha: Napoleon Bonaparte de tener que cortar su servicio.
we would much regret to take.
was destrnyed in 1515 by Pre ssian, Austrian and Russian inies without any mention of the British who are said to have EARTH WITHINGS STATSHIRTSENDIRI DIRITTI RISICH ZU MOTORI played ore small part at terlo.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica COMPANIA ELECTRICA DE LIMON


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