
PATHFINDERS PROMOTING ELOCUTION CONTESTS IRAZU THE FASTEST SELLING CIGARETTE CIGARRILLOS IN COSTA RICA Editor: ingham, Smith and Maxwell: Lindly permit me the requi that Arturo Clarke is a very space in your interesting good and fast Boxer, but weak ekly to th:ow some light in the in fighting; that Rufus the pathway of certain pes is as good a pianist as any in pists in our community. their Island; that Crowther will few week; ago, the Path be a good Saxofonist, and that der Sport Club sent circuiken, thought a bit lazy. is to the various Societies and a goode Trumpeter.
bciations in Limon and along There are those of our comLines, notifying them of munity who always try to tramintention to promote a se ple and boycott any likely thing of Elocution Contests und that is not of their own masuch conditions as will ena king or proposition. By this the winners in each con pernicious selfishness they ever to compete in a Semi final endeavour to poison and kill Final at the Arrasty Thea the he: Ithy seed; thus the preand the outstanding or fin sent attempt to bar the way of winner given a free Third a Mr. or Miss Somebody who iss Cabin passage to Jamaica, may win the offered chance.
compete against the Elocu The wise competitor will. hoBists of that Island under wever, be fully alive to the fact auspices of the All Jamai that it is he or she who is being Elocution Committee.
given the opportunity. not premoting this contest we their would be learned leadthought of affording our ers. Whether they win or lose, ta Rican folk the chance of those of our Elocutionists who quiring outside experience, secure the opportunity of comit West Indians think there peting against those of Jamailothing worth while in Cosca, will be gaining lots of expeRica; the Pathfinders are rience in the literary field.
ever, of the opinion that, a All who are interested cre gious gem can found in asked to send their names and bage can; an honest man in addre ses to the Pathfinder en of thieves, and a prudent 3Sport Club, Limon, as well as nan mong a number of the Titles of the pieces chosen ton ones.
for the competition. Everybody We have been to Jamaica on can compete, no matter where occasions with Cricketers, resident Remember, there fers and Musicians, whom much to gain nothing to lose.
critics of that most progres. This may be the only chance of Island have seen and heard.
some one visiting or re visiting what did they say? They Jamaica; opportunity knocks ressed the opinion that but once.
ha reaso ble amount of tching our Cricketers would STAN DIXON, as god as any particularly Founder Promoter Pathfinder wn, Spencer, Wade, CunnSport Club.
because IRAZU of its A T Tarot. Cash Coupons Certificates for the Christmas Lottery Colombia to Improve Airplane Service in no HOP LEE LUNG rom Bogota, it is reported operations on a sound financial Representatives of the Sa basis.
Aviation Company have gone Tew York to purchese plan The Saco Company way or.
nd other equipment for the ganized about five years known in this Province henA MOST UNFORTUNATE INCIDENT ago rovement and extension of and is the only competitor ce his many friends will be There is every likelihood, admitted himself the guilty pleased to know the unfortuservice. The government of of Scadta the first commersmbia is said to have paid cila aviation company in Latin we gather, of Colonel Tobias party, and Col. Escribano was nate affair will way explain affect his long and meritoricompany half of a subscrip. America, now owned, in part, Escribano not being required able to satisfactory important his actions to Presidente Corous military career.
of 115, 000 dollars. to place by the Pan American Airways. military position, in consequ tes, it is generally believed to relinguish his Colonel Zúñiga Montufar ence of the very regrettable he will be allowed to with has been relieved of his posiincident which took place in draw his resignation.
tion of Alcalde at Santo Dothe Italian Legation during colonel Escribano is well mingo de Heredia.
the recent reception given by the Diplomatic Representative of that nation, in honour THE VOGUE TAILORS of King Victor Emanuel birthday anniversary. Rogers The incident arose, as most of our readers no doubt alMATINA y 24 MILLAS ready know, as a result of certain insulting remarks Co Los más surtidos Establecimientos de Buy Your Sui on Easy lonel Gerardo Zúñiga MonLICORES, TIENDA ABARROTES tufar is said to have make Payment Plan against members of the miHáganos una visita.
litary department, which were emphatically repudiated See Our Lines of by Colonel Escribano.
This BRITISH ACCUSED OF ANTI RED PLOT attitude on the part of ColuTweeds, Serges, Palm enl Escribano seemed to ha The British Prime Minister, pan, with the result that instead Beach, Linens and ve so aggravated matters that has been charged by the Tied of preying on the British Emhe was later on the same ev Gazette newspaper of Leningra pire, they toon would become Drills.
ening, while still within the do with trying to foment a coun dependent on Britain for protec precincts of the Legation, sub ter revolutionary war against tion Make your choice. Pay jected to a perconal attack the Union of Soviet Socialist from Col. Zúñiga Montúfar. Republics. The paper is said to any amount from one The matter was so seriously have stated. The Munich setregarded that Col. Zúñiga tlement, dizmeml ring CzechFrancisco Fonseca Ch.
colón upwards. We make Montúfar was placed under olovakia, was only a preliminaarrest and subcequently charry step toward involving Rus.
LAWYER NOTARY your suit to your entire ged with a criminal offence. sia in a war with Japan. The PUBLIC satisfaction.
Although no action was ta English hate the and Office: ken against Colonel Escriba dream of destroying it. They Adjoining to the City no, he nevertheles resigned wish to turn fascist Eggression Public Library his position of Chief Coman both German and Japanese ENGLISH SPOKEN dante of the Military Depart.
against it.
Such a war, the paper declaFORMER JUDGE OF THE As it has since been state:1 red would have the effect of LIMON DISTRICT COURT that Col. Zúñiga Montúfar weakening Germany and JaEste documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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