
asThe Chino Japanese La calidad delicada y el gusto distinguido de Warfare BUDWEISER son el resultade de 80 años de experiencia en su elaboración.
LIMON, COSTA RICA Information emanating La popularidad de BUDWEISER fundó la cer MADERAS EXTRANJERAS DEL PAIS the war zone southwest Hankow announce that vecería mayor del mundo.
Material de Tranvia Coinpro cacao Chinese troops have red Ahora se consigue en latitas doradas.
Servicio de cabotaje a Cahuita y Pto. Viejo tured Sienning, located Importación de mercadería en general.
kilometers from that COMO BUDWEISER. ninguna thereby cutting railway munication with Car Decision of Supreme Court Sought in Sit Down whence the Japanese been securing provisions Strikes their forces operating in WASHINGTON. The Na. Furthermore, it add, the Ap province of Hunan. It tional Labor Retations Board pellate Court decision is con also stated that the Chi has asked the Supreme Court trary to holdings of two other had succeeded in reta LIMON TRADING CO to determine whether participa Appellate Courts, which the Su Taierechung and Yihise tion by workers in a sit down preme Court has refused to re the south of the proving DISTRIBUIDORES strike deprived them of their view.
Shantung rights under the National Le The Circuit Court evidently Budweise bor Relations Act. The case is has based its findings on its Siam, the Capital of the first of its kind to come be decision in the Columbia Ena province of Shensi, was fore the high court.
mel Stamping Company case, barded on Wednesday by The board, in association the brief seys, but has gone far Japanese in a new effor AN AFRICAN COCOA POOL SUGGESTED with the Solicitor General of beyond that decision.
cut communications bet the United States, Esked the The court holds, in other China and Russia. The The report by the Commiscourt to overrule a to deci words. it asserts that mis hai railway was damaged sion on the marketing of Ca BOOTH sion of the Seventh Circuit conduct by the employes bars cao from West Africa, recent BEST Court of Appeals cetting aside the board from remedying un ploye ly released in London, recom misconduct termin BAKED the fair labor practices occurring their status as employes a a board order directing mends that an association, BERLIN Fansteel Metallurgical Compa prior to the strike and which the act. exempts employers composed of all growers in BREAD ny of North Chicago to reins were the direct cause of it, and their duties imposed by that area, be organized and BUNS tate employes who engaged in unfair labor practices commit act to refrain from interte all producers placed on a sta BISCUITS CAKES a sit down in February of last ted subsequent to the miscon with, restraining, or coe tutory basis for the marke.
year, with back pay from date duct but completely unrelated their employes and to ba ing of their product. It is also THE PEOPLE BAKERY of refusal to reinstate.
to it.
collectively with their rep suggested that the governThe government brief Box 179 Lmón The decision, thus presents tatives, and prevents, the of.
ment provide the sum serts that the Appellate Court a possible question of law even from issuing remedial o 300, 000 pounds sterling to put the proposal would involve decizion is not only contrary more important than that invol to correct unfair labor po the plan in operation.
in Columbian Under the plan, all far radical changes in the condito the expres intent of case, ces, a large field in which mers on the Gold Coast would tion of cocoa marketing on the gress but is also of great impor which has not been, but should board activities are of most vital importance are be compelled to pool the co Gold Coast. No parallel case, tance in the administration of be, settled by this court. Moreover, the question is of beyond the powers intendd coa produced by them. Sales they said, was to be found in the act.
Congress rejected sugges basic importance in the proper be conferred upon it by would then be made to fore the Colonial Empire of the ign buyers, directly, or in the combination of an entire body tions that the law protection administration of the act. If em Igress regular manner through the of primary producers in a sta be denied employes who engaorganization local buyers. It would be an tutory They. ge in violence, the brief asserts.
offence for a local shipper to however, thought, that provid purchase the product excepted various practical difficul AN INVITATION from the Association. For ties could be met, a reorgani All interested parties, memward sales would be permit zation of the Gold Coast Coted in anticipation of the crop coa market along these lines ber: or non members of the the rejuvenating movement Both justifiable and desira Association are cordially invited to the Liberty Hall, Ma hormono proparation The Commission declared ble. New York Times. tin, a tomorrow night, NovembFOR MEN, er 20th.
according to Dr. Rich Weiss CAMPAIGN RESUMED FOR UNION OF IRELAND Donot allow this chance to Ask for our illustrated booklet DUBLIN. One of the im. senting a majority of the Catho go by.
ON SALE IN ALL DRUGSTORES Ismael Murray mediate repercussions of the re lic Nationalists living under the cent European crisis has been rule of Lord Craigavon Parthe intensification in Ireland of lizment. At a big demonstra include cu toms. excise, defenGOOD NEWS the national campaign for en tion held recently at the borse and postal services.
ding partition.
der town of Newry the council The North, as this plan is unto SUFFERERS FROM FOOT TROUBLES When Britain assented to the adopted a resolution protesting derstood, would retsin a local federal Parliament but would (Corns, Callouses, Bunions, Fallen Arch, Ingrowing Nail plan by which the Sudeten Ger against continued partition.
Athlete Foot, etc. mans of Czechoslovakia were On this side of the be represented in the Irish cenborder Ireland there is little talk but a great Westminster. Under such a sytral government instead of at joined to the Reich, will benefit greatly by consulting Northern Nationalists, particu deal of hard thinking on the betMRS. FRANKLIN lary those in the counties of Ty best policy that can be devised tem the customs barrier ween North and South would rone and Fermanagh, where to solve the problem Graduate Surgical Chiropodist.
they are in the majority, at once disappear, and trade across the border would increase.
ZENT COSTA RICA put forward the claim that they While no official pronouncemust be joined to the rest of ments are made, it is believed Ireland. Britain, they argued, the leader: will follow the line CACAO. EMBARCADO EN PUERTO LIMON. OCTUBRE. 1938.
cannot have one standard of of trying to win over Northern dealing with a partitioned peo opinion by emphasizin the be Fecha Vapor Embarcadores Consignatarios Destino Sacos ple abroad and a different stan nefits of a united Ireland. To Oct Talamanca Gmo. Niehaus Cº Riensch Held Hamburgo 100 dard of dealing with its own par achieve some tangible link bet Quirigua von Heymann Cº Orden Hamburgo 300 21 tition problems at home. ween North and South, non exCarl Kitzing Orden Hamburgo 100 On both sides of the border istent today, the Flanna Fail 25 Caribia Ed. Janin Cº Kaffee Import. HHamburgo 100 the partition issue has Lachner Cº again Government is not autrse to Geerz Gebr.
100 Hamburgo Lindo Bros Ltd. Donner Hamburgo 40 bomed large in Irish politics. In the creation of a central govern Gmo. Niehaus Cº Orden Hamburgo 100 the North of Ireland a vigo ment here to which reserved Gmo. Niehaus Cº Orden Chile 100 30 has services in the North, at prerous anti partition drive Palatia Gmo. Niehaus Cº Orden Hamburgo 100 Limon Trading just been initiated by the Nor sent exercised by Britain, would Orden Hamburgo 100 30 Chiriquí Cia. Bananera de Mosquero Colombia 625 thern Council for Unity, repre be transferred. These services Total Sacos embarcados 765 124 U. Cº 125 sacos. HAPAG LLOYD. 640 sacos RESUMEN Cía. Bananera de 625 43. 092 Hamburgo 1040 74300 31 Gmo, Niehaus 400 29. 400 Colombia 625 43092 the rejuvenating von Heymann Cº 300 21. 000 Chile 100 hormone proparation Ed. Janin Cº 100 000 Lachner Co 100 000 FOR WOMEN of Carl Kitzing 100 000 Total 1765 12292 Oecording to Dr. Rich Weiss Lindo Bros. Ltd.
40 800 Ask for our illustrated booklet Total 1765 124. 292 ON SALE IN ALL DRUGSTORES Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
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