
Restaurante. Siquirres Arabs Expect Mufti To Join London Talks SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 19th. 1938 THE ATLANTIC VOICE 93 PAGE 11 SOS.
On The Sick List Ese LOOK OUT. We sincerely regret having to mention the serious illness of For What? RACES and PICNIC one of our old and highly estee When? Ist. 2nd. January 1939 med citizen Miss Wilhelmina Where? FREEHOLD Robertson El tren de pasajeros de Limón a San José se detiene en Miss Robertson has for more Siquirres 20 minutos, para que los pasajeros puedan alThe Cumberland Penn New Race Track (Circle) than twenty years ben attached morzar cómodamente. Compre su tiquete en el tren para St ot Freehold to the staff of the hospital; she que sea atendido a la llegada. El precio es 50. El at will be re opened for Races and Picnic on the took ill while at work a coulRestaurant queda a la derecha de la Estación. Cantina, tec 1st. 2nd. January 1939.
ple weeks ago and had to be adCigarros y cigarrillos. Se habla inglés.
mitted as a patient. We SULLIVAN are PICNIC BOTH DAY AND NIGHT pleased to hear she is on the C043 The famous Horses from Cahuita will be contesting.
00000000000000000OCO0000000000000000000 improve and hope she will short ar PROGRAMMES WILL APPEAR LATE.
ly recover her accustomed good e health, to enable her being once ns The Committee more out and about.
KARNAVEL, Lebanese Rein ODDoveel oooooo We were glad to observe the public. The Grand Mufti of JeThiIN THE INTEREST OF OUR CACAO INDUSTRY presence among us of her adop rusalem, the most powerful fited daughter, Miss Avis Lecky, gure of the Arab world told The ta We desire to call the attenwho has been residing in Car Associated Press that the Arabs Eestion of our Cacao producers, RELIEVE tago for the past four years. expect an Armistice that will ng particularly the smaller ones It is hoped that her coming permit himself and other Arab who usually hace to dispose of TIRED down will greatly assist the res leaders now banished from Patheir crops to local purchasers, toration of her foster mother lestine, joining in the negoof to the advertisement of the Nahealth tiations in London.
for women who tional Bank appearing elsewheJa this interview, the Grend are run down and by re in this isue.
Muffti said that he and other suffer from Murine soothes The Bank. unifies all interest and refreshes leaders of the Arab world, were periodic tv ed in the industry that it is now discomfort irritated eyes. Pleased with the report that Use it daily EYES prepared to receive and handle the Government had decided to ed all consignments of Cacao forces, up to sixty per cent, on the abandon the partition plan. the British Government the disposal in foreign markets und value of their consignments.
Meanwhile, world insurrec Committeo declared that The er a semi co operative system In view of the marked success tion by the Arab peoples is fo can neveraccept any dewhich enables producer, not which attended a similar sales Fábrica de Hielo reseen by the Arab Palestire cision that would deprive them only to receive the best possible system as conducted here by Defense Committee in Damas. of a single inch of their counprice for their product but gua Mr. Ramos some time ago, our cus, in case Britain should do try. The Palestine question only rantees their having to meet Cacao farmers should give full cide to give the Jews any terribe settled betwen the Arabs and et only an exceedingly small per support to this new effort on LIMON tory in the final rettlement of England. Neither the Jew: nor centage for expenses, and per their behalf by the National the Palestire crisis.
the Lergue of Nations are qua에 mits their getting cash advan Bank.
In a manifesto addressed to lified to intervene.
Canton Relied On British To Stop Japanese Fábrica de Hielo WIRELESS NEW Schortly.
GUILLERMO NIEHAUS Cº THE SAD END OF PROMISING LIFE It is with feelings of the dee. 120. 000 þest sorrol wel earned a few days ago of the death in JamaiLA FLORIDA 5070 10 mon buowana ca of Mr. Thomas Fraser, the el LUIS WA CHONG 125i MACAO, der son of the late Mr. John An official of Gereral Mok arrest probably Fraser, who, as an employee in the Kwangtun Government tolalled to the report of his assassi the Merchandise Department of GUACIMO y GUAPILES Venta de Leche the Associated Press Correspon nation in Canton.
the United Fruit Company was dent here that the Chinese hold Chungking dispatch report: long as ociated with this comAbarrotes en general y Maderas General Mok Hing Oh, respon that advices received there from munity, sible for the collapse of the Can Taiyuan, in the Province of Tienda bien situada con defenses and that he will shansi, say that Japanese labor Just fourteen years ago, last be executed by a firing squad ers at the Tiuyuan arsenal, remonth, our unfortunate young volted on November 11, and friend left for Jamaica in the Precios sin competencia (FROM PAGE The Official said that unpre blew up mbunitions dumps vacompany of his mother, young20. tion can live without the de naredness, not treachery. was lued at 000. 000 and killed er brother and two sisters; Afcent respect of their fellow responsible for Canton fall, 300. Jagerese soldiers, because ter completing a exceedingly wife and newly born babe, rebed men. Referring to the confisca and added: We too they were homesick and promicreditable educational course when the car in which he was tion of Jewish property, he much on the presence of the red vacations had not been at St. Georges College, he se travelling collided with anothcured a very lucrative and res er and so seriously injured him said. it is an old strategem of British at Hong Kong, to halt granted them.
tyrants first to make hated tho the Japanese. He added that ponsible position with one of that he died shortly after.
00000 the principal Fruit Companies To his sorrowing sister whole they intend to rob. He spoke, he further said as a Christian trading in that land where he is now here and his widow moth and a human being, not as an was highly esteemed by all. er and brother in Jamaica, the official, and asserted that the LIMON Tommy as we knew him, got Voice tenders its sincerest anti semitic attacks in Europe matried some time last year, condolence. May his Soul find have been attacks, rot only aand was on his way to visit his Peace and Rest Eternal.
gainst the people from whom Jesus spreng, but against the very ideas for which He died.
gencio Batista, Chief of Staff of the Cuban Army, was accorded Do you remember JACK?
the honours due a General by Then look up the OLD FIRM for the United States Military Academy on his arrival there on LADIES HATS, FANCY and DRESS GOODS the 15th. field artillery detach MENS TWEEDS, HATS, CAPS, SHIRTS, TIES.
ment fired a seventeen gun saTHE TOYS for the kiddies.
lute. The Cadets passed in review before the Colonel who THE PEOPLES HOUSE LIMON complimented the Superintendent of the Academy, saying It gives me the utmost satisfac tion, as a Cuban Army officer, WITH THE METHODISTS when observe this magnificent Missionary Services in con held tomorrow at Cairo, Siqui spirit which is being formed nection with the Methodist Denorres and San Jose Creek, while in thore who, in he future, will mination wll take place in the the meetings will be Tuesday be the Chief and Officers in the Church here tomorrow. It is 22nd, instant at Cairo; wednes great American Army.
hoped the Rev. Mr. Chinn wil day 32rd. at Siquirres, and Thur SERVICIO DE CABOTAJE LANCHA be the Preacher at 11 a. day 24th, at San Jose Creek. BETZ, France. Subterra ENERGY and p. Tre customary pro The services at Pacuarito will nean passages, under the frongramme of recitacions, songs, be on the 27th and the public tier, to permit Jews to escape etc. by the children, will carri meeting the following Monday into France from the German SALIDAS: Días lunes y jueves a medio dia para Caed through a p.
evening The Public Meeting in sopport huita, Puerto Viejo y Manzanillo.
anti semitic campaign have been It is the hope of those who of the Cause will be held SALIDA: Jueves por la noche para la Barra del Colodiscovered. Many Jews on are particularly interseted were in rado, el Bluff y Bluefields.
Monday evening. Several inte the noble cause that the mem said to have come through the resting discourses are expect bers of the Denonimation and passages, 40 to 50 yard; long.
ed their friends will liberally sunning from the Saar district LLEVANDO CARGA PASAJEROS Similar Services will also be assits these present efforts, into France Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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