
RARE SNAKES REACH ON FRUIT SHIPS When a stevedore, unload The frog. Phyllomedusa he ing cargo from the banana lenae, called for the lack of a boats in New York Harbor, better name Helen tree frog givas a shout of alarm, his also described by Cope in 1885 co workers know in a flash is grotesque and bizarre. It has what happened The the exaggeratedly siender body gang rushes to his assistance and legs of most tropical tree and there, coiled neatly in a frog. The head is short and LIMON BRANCH bunch of bananas and glaring wide, the feet, with partly web at his disturbe with a beady ted toes, are huge. Eeach toe and belligerent eye, will in all terminales in a dileted disk Desires to advise all Cacao Producers that its departprobability be a boa constrie the adhesive qualities of which tor or some other species of permit the frog to climb verti ment for receiving and handling of Cacao Consignments for tropical reptile.
cal surfaces and to remain asWhile the stevedores may Icep for a whole day Edhering direct disposal in foreign markets at the best prices obtaincurse the reptile that frigh to the glass sides of its aquaten them, Carl Kauffeld, cura riun tank in the zoo.
able and with lowest expense, is now at their service in the tor of reptiles of the Barret Park Zoo of Staten Island, wel The most steking feature building known as Cine Mundial (late Ramos Bodega. comes every ney arrival warm of this frog is its colors tion.
The head and body and the The Bank is willing to make cash advances on the conAftet the offending creatu upper surfaces of the legs are Te has been boxed and brought usually a beautiful pea green, signments to those Producers who may need same.
to the zoo, Mr. Kauffeld iden which may change at times to tifies it. Sometimes he is re a green o dark as to appear warded with a rare specimen, black. The sides of the body and, only recently, announc and the under surfaces of the ed that a rare boa annulata legs are a beatiful dresden chiand an equally rare tre frog na blue with fine cream colorA FORTUNE WITHIN YOUR REACH had been picked off bunches of ed cris cross markings on the bananas.
body. Most striking are the On Sunday 25th. December the NATIONAL LOTTERY Bunches of bananas. says eyes and feet. The former are (FROM PAGE 8)
offers Kauffeld, offer perfect hiding a deep vermillion with a ver ONE HUNDRED FIFTY THOUSAND Colones places for various pecies of tically elliptical pupil and the demonstrating the value of for the First Prize reptiles and amphibians acci latter are a rich orange color. fingerprints and the chances dentally carried to New York The contrast of orange color of duplication. a formula FIFTY THOUSAND COLONES on the boats. Occasionally spi ed feet and green limbs gives tantamount to a positive defor the Second Prize ders and scorpions or tree the animal the ppearance of nial of the possiblitiy of dusnails a: Buy your Ticket or a part of same NOW as the included in these wearing glovers.
plication. To find eight poemission is being rapidly sold out and you will lose the living cargoes.
The emperor or Central Ame ints of resemblance (identical opportunity of perhaps participating in the enormous Every incoming boat it rican boa is the most frequent features) in two different inreems, bring, something new. of the banana boat stowaways gerprints, it would be necessadistribution of Cash offered by the Attractive Plan.
In the last year over twelve found here. The Staten Island ry to examine 65, 536 prints, ONLY FEW DAYS ARE LEFT species of frogs, lizards End Zoo has received eight of the and so on up to sixteen points snakes have arrived. The majo se in the le year. In the last of resemblance in two prints, rity are picked up with the ba year a black and yellow rat which would mean examining ATENTA INVITACION QUE MUCHO AGRADECEMOS nanas in Central America and snake, five feet long, and. And the both the boa annulata and the spiny tailed iguana, two and a population of the earth is abtree frog which were received half feet long, were found snug out two thousand million. Limón, noviembre de 1938. días 23 y 24, en nuestro edifiare from Costa Rica gled in bananas. Neither spe Fingerprint records are the cio escolar. Edward Cope, American nat cies seemed to have had trou primary weapon in the hands Sr. Rogelio Gutiérrez Su presencia comprometera uralist, first reported the exis ble in concealing itself in the of the police. London records Presente.
nuestra gratitud.
tence of the boa annulata in convenient hollow between total well over half a million Envían a Ud. cumplidas mues 1885. The specimen we now ha the stalk and the individual slips; but this, of course, Muy apreciado señor y amigo: tras de consideración.
ve in the zoo is forty five in hands of each bunch of ba comprises criminal records El personal de la Escuela Su Marina de Baldioceda, profeches in length, which is not its nanas.
only. In America a big driveperior de niñas Rafael Yglesias sora de dibujo.
full size as it is quite young.
is being made to compile a tiene el placer de invitar a Ud. Elsa Argüello, profesora traIt has the slender, vertical From the smallest lizard, a registry of voluntary, non muy cordialmente a que visite bajos manuales.
Jy compressed body and long tiny gecko called Spheerodac criminal prints. Such a file nuestra exposición de dibujo, Rosario Arias, profesora cosprehensile tail of all the tree tylu. which is only one and would be invaluable false, Trabajos Manuales, Costura y tura.
boas, and a long, triangular a half inches long when full identification could be avoid Material Escolar, durante los Olympia Trejos, directora.
head with jaws studded with grown, to the rat snakes nded; unknown bodies instanhooo 000 long, needle like teeth to ap boas, the banana boats are the tly identified, lost memory prehend its bird and lizard reptiles choice for travel, cases cleared up.
PURCHASE YOUR MEDICINES prey. The coloration in rich, Several of the large geckos register of this kind dark brown with a teries of have reached the Staten Island would not be under the conIN DRUG STORE Jighter colored rings on each Zoo by way of the banana trol of the police, but in ciside of its body.
vil hands. Checking on rewhich merits your Confidence, cords would only be made through recognized channels, which would preserve the inThe violability of the civilian, non criminal records.
has obtained its rapid and great popularity by havLic. Paul Kleefeld. Prop. few years ago, Superinng cured an immense number of persons who suf tendent Battley of Scotland fered from LIVER and STOMACH complaints. These Yard devised a single fingnow gratfully recommend it to all who suffer from erprint system such complaints as This means blance could be got in two on a leaf. The print on each that a criminal has only to COSTIVENESS, FOUL BREATH, HEADACHES, leave one print of one finger ment of the pores in a small on every single individual, a complete prints, the arrange finger is evolved differently LOSS OF APPÉTITE, SKIN ERUPTIONS, NAUSEA, on the scene of the crime and BILLIOUSNESS OR INDIGESTION he can be identified in the section of a fingerprint is an sign manual that cannot be criminal record Office even more exact means of changed and would, in most as identification quickly as if he had left the Fingerprints instances, still reveal identiare, however, so completely ty. simple human fact but. HOY LLEGAN LOS ALUMNOS DE LOS SEXTOS GRADOS Other methods of identifiers foolproof at present that po at the same time, one of the DE LA ESCUELA MUENAVENTURA CORRALES DE tion constantly arise. For ins roscopy is not in general use greatest marvels of all.
tance, poroscopy: identificathough popular in France, Thus, SAN JOSE tion by the PORES a fingerprint will (From The World Says of the shew a marvel of Nature as Magazine)
LA VOZ DEL ATLANTICO los saluda muy atentamenfingerprints. In other words even if some points of resemunique as the vein pattem te, porque saben que han triunfado en sus estudios primarios con brillantez cerca a sus alumnos. Desea que Hoy deben llegar al puerto lumnos muy distinguidos por su sus triunfos, sean los suyos prodos alumnos de los sextos grados esfuerzo y su cultura, pios Pensamos que el día que de la escuela Buenaventura Co Ejemplo digno de exaliarse la escuela tenga un tan alto senIrales, que desde hace varias se da es eeusla de la capital: an tido de su obra, que no puede manas proyectaban el viaje, o tes de despedir a los alumnos ser pasajera, si perdurable esto the rejuvenating frecido por sus maestros como que han terminado su enseñanes, que cuando el educando y la hormono preparation despedida de la escuela prima za primaria, los ha exortado a escuela se vean como hijo y maFOR MEN, ria.
seguir los estudios secundarios, dre, habrá un resultado más haaccording to Dr. Rich Weiss Ask for our illustrated booklet Tres sextos grados presentó ofreciéndoles su apoyo decidi lagueño, un concepto más efecesea plantel, integrados por a. do. La escuela quiere seguir de tivo de la obra de la escuela.
ON SALE IN ALL DRUGSTORES Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
THE DR. MAX PERALTA MIXTURE Botica Alemana of enfecbled by age.
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