
CARDU as The suffer. Christopher McGoof.
FLORIDA Fábrica de Hielo Venta de Leche Maderas the SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 26th. 1938 THE ATLANTIC VOICE PAGE 11 NEW FRENCH DEFENCES URGED GOOD NEWS Lucien Pesset, a leader of Nr. Besset, who is a former the French Independent Radi Vice President of the Army Coto SUFFERERS FROM FOOT TROUBLES cel Party, is of the opinion that mmittee of the Chamber of De opinion the Maginot Line must be rein puties, is al o of the (Corns, Callouses, Bunions. Fallen Arch, Ingrowing Nails, Athlete Foot, etc. forced and 150. 000 men added that the two yer military pewill benefit greatly by consulting to the French Army to face ariod, scheduled to be reduced new and more powerful Ger to one year at the end of 1939, line must be continued.
many. Second and third FRANKLIN Cardul helps to relieve defonces should be laid behind Graduate Surgical Chiropodist.
functional pains of menthe Maginot he said, super high ZENT COSTA RICA ways built, and the Paris region struation; and, in cases of malnutrition, it aids encircled by an independent in building up the whole et ain of fortresses.
system by helping IN SEARCH OF NATIONAL FLORAL. EMBLEM en to get more energy Minister (at baptism of bafrom their food.
The rather pleasing custom, Morada (Violet Guaria) should by. His name, please, of adopting national floral em be the one most favoured Mother. Randolph Morblems, to generally practised it already postesses a semi na gan Montgomery Alfred Van in the days of yore, is now al tional character as the emblem most entirely discarded by our of the Lenten Season, However. younger nations, particularly as it is known to exist in other (FROM PAGE 7)
little more water.
those of this hemisphere. We nearby Republics and could not Dictator by the Munich Peace do not think there is one which consequently, be regarded as ct is alleged to be seriously Wife was certainly own such a emblem, hence our strictly Costa Rica, it is expect threatened as a consequence of biggest fool in the world when pleasure in noticing the attempted its place will be taken by the England sympathetic attitude said a marry you.
to have our beloved Republic other valuable and exceedingly toward the Jews: particularly Husband. Not the biggest, take the initiative in this re rare specie celled the Guaris the reported plan for settlement: my dear, asked you.
de Turrialba. from the fact in Africa end British Guiana, We observe that the leaders that is is only to be found in Hitler is said to be greatly anLA She wonder why there of the Garden Club. recen this region of the country and gered at the suggestion to send are so many more auto wrecks tly organized in San Jose as al is indigenous.
Jews to Tanganyika, one or than railway accidents?
so those of the Rotary, are en We shall be glodd to hear the old German colonies.
He Hhat easily explain deavouring to locate a Ilower of the ultimate retults.
At a gathering of some 20, 000 led, my dear, Did you ever hear which can be considered truly persons in Madison Square Gar, of an Engineer hugging a Firerepresentative of Costa Rica, den, New York, a proposal for man.
and to take its place as her AFTER a nation wide boycott of all DAY IN THE national embiem.
German goods was enthusia:tiIn view of the many and SUN cally approved splendid species of Orchids to COMING be found here, it is not suprisWhile the German press reing that this group sheuld have sumed attack on Pre ident Roo XMAS! XMAS! XMAS!
attracted the espeeial attention URINE sevelt, one newspaper desirniaof the parties interested in the RELIEVE TIRED EYES ting him The prototype of the Do you remember JACK. project: nor that the specie EYES anti. German movement, and Then look up the OLD FIRM for kaw locally as the Guaria another declaring that the cject ion of the Mormons from MisLADIES HATS, FANCY and DRESS GOODS souri and Illinois many years OUR FOOTBALLERS INVITED TO CUBAN MENS TWEEDS, HATS, CAPS, SHIRTS, TIES.
ago was a Parallet to the THE TOYS for the kiddies.
Jewish problem in SPORTS CARNAVAL Germany. nationally planned cerviThe Management of the The Carnaval is timed to com ces for the German Jews were THE PEOPLES HOUSE LIMON Sports Association of Cuba mence on the 1st. of next held in Churches, Synagogues have decided to hold a grand month, but the football games and Meeting Halls in the Unininety days Carnival in Ha will take place during the ted States last Sunday. In the vana and have invited our month of February, when churches of many Protestant Footballers to take part. Mex the most appropriate wea Denominations, the day was set ico and Peru have also been ther conditions may be ex aside as one of prayers for Viene dla Página UNO asked to send Amilar teams. perienced.
Racial and Religious minorities que haya, por lo menos idos partidos bien organizados.
in Europe. Similar services we pero que no eligió, porque ha Igualmente situados; que THE ANTI CANCER CAMPAIGN re conducted by Catholics and bra de votar en blanco o ta puedan enfrentarse sin odios, Jews.
chando el nombre del candi pero con acometividad y con With a vicw of placing the certainly require an exceedingly At a meeting in Washington dato presidencial. Esto seria esperanza en el triunfo Management of the San Juan large outiay. on the part of the attended by Jewish leaders from inusitado en nuestra demoDe no ser así, a la de Dios Hospital, San Jose, in Junta.
65 lentic seaboard cities, a cracia, y peligroso, según se democracia sufriría un golpe a position to efficiently under Yesterday, being the fortieh an resolution wes adopted ursins apunta, porque podría pres rudo y el partido vencedor President Roosevelt to ask Bri tarse para controlar las elec no podría ufanarse de su of take the treatment of Cancer, niversary of the discovery the ciones presidenciales futuras triunfo, porque no puede hawith the modern Ray machi the precious element by Profes tain to open Palestinc to wife German Jews.
ne acquired for the Institution or Pierre Curie and his y decidir las sucesiones pre berlo, donde no hay lucha, ni some time ago as the result of Madame Marie, the occasion was JOSE ACHION NG sidenciales, aquí donde la Car esfuerzo. No caben las corthe campaign conducted throug most fittingiy celebrated by the ta Fundamental exige la resagraciones unánimes RepeFuncComerciante Detallista hout the country, the Junta de Faculty of Medicine. novación de los poderes. timos, eso sería prescindir de Protección Social in charge of tion was held at the Theatre Ra Licores, Abarrotes, Crista!
la elección de que habla nuesthe matter has, we observe ini ventos and was attended by ria, Articulos de Ferreterfy Ante este dilema, algunos tra Carta Fundamental.
ted activities for the importa most enthusiastic gathering of Eléctricos; todo se encuentraindican la posibilidad de lan El caso es singular y digno tiation of 250 mm. of Ra members of the various bran en este establecimiento, zar un candidato adrede, lo de analizarse. Otros expondium. As this element is most ches of the Medical profession, PRECIOS DE SITUACION que se llamaría en nuestro drán las razones o las supoexpensive, this quantity will as well as of the general public.
léxico tico una tureca. Pe sieiones que puedan pesar Mistress. can write my ro eso sería irrisorio y bur para mantener esta situación Los mejores pastos dan la semilla que vende el name in the dust on the pia lesco. No podría aceptarse política, insólita en nuestro no keys.
que se caricaturée la demc medio. Lo que urge es que EL ALMACEN CENTRO COMERCIAL Servant. Lor, mum, aint cracia. Seria el colmo del cho con tiempo se evite el preceeducation a wonderful thing teo.
dente fatal de una candidade TOMAS FERNANDEZ Pensamos que lo natural es tura presidencial única.
Mother Louise, your hair JARAGUA GUINEA AGENGIBRILLO is all mussed up. Did that: LOOK OUT. CALINGUERO young man kiss you egainst you will así como afrecho de la mejor clase para alimento de For What? RACES and Louie. He thinks he did. PICNIC sus ganados.
When. 1st. 2nd. January 1939 mother Teléfono 2198 San José, Apartado 614 Where? FREEHOLD MURINE FOR YOUR AL MARGE mated run into several hunThe Cumberland Penn New Race Track (Circle)
dreds. The government, supervi at Freehold WEST INDIAN CATASTROPHE sing the rescue wrk, had alrea will be re opened for Races and Picnic on the An awful catastrophe is re ge number of persons. who dy accounted for more than 10 1st. 2nd. January 1939.
ported to have occurred in St. le mountain is said to have par bodies. In one of the offeeted Lucia, one of the Islands of the ted in half and toppled over, localities, an area of seven aPICNIC BOTH DAY AND NIGHT 116 British West Indies.
the huge mass moving across a crez was covered with a coat The famous Horses from Cahuita will be contesting.
Steep mountainsides are re valley so rapidly that few of of clay slime twenty Teet deep.
PROGRAMMES WILL APPEAR LATER ported to have cracked open on the residents had fime to esca Heavy rains have been for the 23rd, instant in a series of pe.
ling in the Island throughout The Committee. avalanches which buried a lar The caualties will, it is esti! the month.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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