
1938 THE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK THE ATLANTIC VOICE Na ІЯЯ We shall never be sorry for thinking twice before speaking, for counting the cost before entering upon any new course, or for sleeping over stings and injuries betore saying or doing anything in reply.
We shall be saved much regret, loss and sorrow, if we always remember to do nothing rashly.
Devo te to the interes of the people of the Atlantic Zone Editor English Section: SC NATION Year 2009 No. 225 Limón, Costa Rica, Saturdey December 3erd. 1938 su Ece is 50 and Los to 0.
China Protests Britain Far EasternPolicy WIRELESS NEWS Val HONOURING EXEMPLARY CONDUCT po Information coming from Tokyo. Declaring the Uni It is very pleasing to ob accomplished in his duties.
ally released regarding tento ted States does not recognize serve the commendatory re He came first for the follow supposedly well informed course of the conference or its reihe changed situation in the marks of the Director and ing thought in prose. Las entrence held soemwbere in the England was accused of having Far East, and that a Soviet Teachers of the Rafael Ygie cuela ha sido para mi el seu province of Human recently, the abandoned her treaty obliga Japanese conflict is apparent sias School of this city, negundo hogar. Al despedime British Ambassador, Sir StuArtions and traditional agreements ly inevitable. Lt. Genl. Eike the papers of Master Owea de ella, siento nostalgia, pero de ghibald Kerr, was advised by end the Ambassador notified that Tojo, Vice Minister of War, Henry, son of Ms. Luther Fro siempre procuraré manteGeneral Chaing Kai Shek that if she did not substantiells so urged a rapid expansion of Henry and his wife doña Cic ner su iem nombre muy alto.
China was disgusted with the Bify her persent attitude.
the arms industries. He said a. His examination results The School has been to me.
political policy being pursited by Chinese government might car Japan must have sufficient show him as head of his clas my second homestead, and dad England, that the time had arrider it necessary to anual ab armament to fight a vast war in Grade VI with certifica. bidding her adieu. already ston do ved when she should assume ai existing concessions and have on tivo fronts as there is elees of Honour in Drawing and feel homesick; but shall al mora definite attitude in essit recourse elsewhere. It was Tory possibility Russia and Chi Mathematics.
ways endeavour to maintains a The ing his country against the Ja known if the General mentioned na may band together as soon Professors of the its name with higheten School panese aggression, and that if any particular nation to whom as the Soviets complete predesignate Maste teem bom she refused he would direct all he would appeal, but it is gene paration.
Owen a most exemplary tu The Atlantic Voice con his political, diplomatic and com rally believed it would be to dent, displaying a degree of gratulates Master Owen and a mercial influence against her in Russita, from whom China dedication an daptitude sel wishes him a great career in terests.
Los now receiving considerable assis dom found in a student. They life with much credit to his Although nothing was officia tance.
Warsaw. The last of the also describe him as being family and the community.
Czechoslovakian territorial adnect attentive correct del justments, for the time being ANOTHER LIMONENSE IN OFFICE at least has been completed MALY WILL ASSIST GERMANY COLONIAL DEMANDS ni with the Polish occupation o el Friends of our late fellowſ the Municipality.
about 20 square miles of the citizen, Mr. Harry Zurcher, Young Mr. Zurcher, who is Carpathan Valley, and which who was chief of the Exporta also a grandson of don Bal brought the territory obtainAccording to the informa. demand for the return of the tion department of the Unitvanero Vargas, former Goed by Poland, under negotiation emanating from diplom old German Colonies in Afrin od Fruit Company in che vernor of our Province and tions subsequent to the MuTatars when we used to send in honour of whom our City nich Agreement, to a little atic sources, it is reported ca. The Minister is said that during his recent visit have replied that his governabroad around eleven mil Park, is named. is an Attor more than 400 square miles. to Rome, the South African ment of the Union of South lion stems of Bananas per anney at Law, but as a means Minister of Defence, Oscar Africa did not have the slighte num, will be gratified to of acquiring experience in or Pirow, was informed by the test intention of renouncing know that his son Lic. don ganization, and matters comNew York. propagar Italian Premier that Itals a single square inch of the Harry, has been installed as mercial and political has ac da campaign by Germany to will unreservedly assist the territory which previously Secretary of the Gobernacion cepted the position as Secre build up sympathy for that lo in hiel belonated to Germany.
of the Province. As the suc tary to our present Governor. country in South America ai cessor of don Roberto Soto the expense of the United Sia who passes on to duties in OUR POLITICAL CAMPAING (TO PAGE 11)
tes, was charged by Senator Bridges of New Ham A CHANGE OF OFFICIALS sliire. He said South AmesThis has started in earnestly make an admirable man ica was wundamentally friend We have been having the ma in the position for the elevaa ly to the United States, but nipulations of the wirst canai tion and well being of the Our widely know and much, was earlier associated with the it is a question of how much date in the field for the Pre. labouring population of the apprecoated citizen, don Rober City educational activitier, we poisoning by such propagan idency. Dr. Calderon Guar country, but blonging to the to Soto, having relinguished the are glad that his place is being a it can take and remain 30. Jia; then we witnessed the Partido he unfortunately does, important position of Serretary filled by a member of a family He urged closer co. opere advent of Dr. Peña Chavarria. it is evident Capital will do to the Governor of our Provin long connected with this Zone. ion in military matters, par our present Minister of Pub everything possible to keep ce, don Harry Zurcher, one of We bid don Harry the hearticularly in training the lic Health; and now we see him out of all chances of suc the younger Attorneys at Law tiest of welcomes coupled with youths of those nations, to the name of Deputy Manuel cess in the campaign. Howof San José, has been selected the hope he may long remain combt Nezi propaganda.
More, the leade rof the Com ever we will see what haphis succes: or.
among us and enjoy the greamunist Party is proposed. pens.
While we very much regret test success.
Mr. Mora woul, undoubtedthe going of don Roberto who Shanghai, Chinese autho rities reported they had inflicted heavy damage, through fires and explosion, on Japa nese arsenals and munition plants in China. huge arSERVICIO DE VAPORES senal at Mukden, Manchukuo, was said to have been wreck Salidas semanales de Limón para Nueva York con ed by a mysterious tire and Próximas salidas de Puerto Liinon escala en Cristóbal y Hobona.
explosion on November 20th.
In addition to destruction of Llevondu café para todos los puertos large quantities of munitions and aireraft, 200 Japanese Europeos y Americanos GUATEMALA: and other workmen were reVAPORES SALIDAS ported killed, and 60 JapaMN. CARIBIA 13 de Diciembre nese military guards injured.
Another Japanese arsenal CHIRIQUI Diciembre as also said to have been EUROPA: blown up two days previousTALAMANCA Diciembre 11 ly at Taiyuan in Shansi proMN. PHOENICIA de Diciembre vince, Talling 300 Japanese QUIRIGUA Diciembre 18 oldians and workinen.
MN. CARIBIA 19 de Diciembre New York. Returning te ALVARADO y Cio. SUCS.
cently from Spain, Ernest Agentes para Limón Puntarenos Hemingway, the Novist declared the insurgent foree Paro otros informes dirijose los oficinas de la were fought out, and predict INITED FRUIT COMPANY ed the food situation would AGENCIA COSTA RICA become neute by next month.
on los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica He further said the Insurgents AVENIDA CENTRAL TELEFONO 2086 realize they cannot wir and TET EFONO 3156 so will endeavour to starve Fout the loyalists.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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