
THE ATLANTIS VOICE PAGE de de CARDUI VACUNAS contra el carbón Laboratorio CARLOS VIQUEZ EL CALENTADOR DE LA CAFETERIA MUNICIPAL ORIGICOMING NO UN INCENDIO EN EL AYUNTAMIENTO JOSEFINO XMAS! XMAS! XMAS! Por un descuido se dejó con corriente y el fuego se propagó o la mesa y los pisos Do you remember JACK?
Los bomberos actuaron con gran presteza, voluntarios Then look up the OLD FIRM for y permanentes La capital o por lo meno; el Hubo, un aviso del Ho pital sector suroeste, fué despertado de San Juan de Dios y seguidaLADIES HATS, FANCY and DRESS GOODS for women who en la madrugada del viernes por mente llamada general de bomMENS TWEEDS, HATS, CAPS, SHIRTS, TIES.
are run down and el grito de fuego. Se produjo beros, permanente y voluntaTHE TOYS for the kiddies.
suller from el incendio en el propio edificio rios, lograndose sofocar el fueperiodic municipal, donde pocas horas go. Con todo, los daños con de THE PEOPLES HOUSE discomfort LIMON antes se celebraba la sesión or consideración. Actuaron con dinaria semanal.
Se hatia permitido, desde ha Se produjo el fuego en la ala Entre un rico y un pobre ce unos meres, la instalación de sur, precisamente la construcΕΙ rico. Pero hombre, BRITAIN LONG EXPECTED DOWNFALL una cafeteria particular, y se ción que se hizo siendo gober haga lo que yo he hecho y gún parece, un descuido permi nador de la provincia don Artu sera rico.
El pobre. Pero. què es Dear Mr. Editor with bravery in the revolution tió dejar el calentador encendi Tro Garcia Solano.
do, siendo éste el origen del fue.
As at the presente time that is coming.
lo que ha hecho usted?
Disraeli 1849 In Industry there are quite a few indigo que se propagó a dos depar Lamentamos lo ocurrido.
El rico.
Adquirir una haDisraeil 1849 In Industry, tamentos más.
viduals in our midst who forencia resee the downfall of our Em Commerce and Agriculture, pire, can assure you, Mr. there si do hope.
BOOTH SENORES GANADEROS: Editor, there have always Wellington 1851 thank THE PEOPLE BAKERY been such persons in by gone God shall be spared the generations, and by reason consummation of ruin that is LEST of our national policy of Free gathering about us.
BAKED Speech, they will ever exist. Lord Shaftsbury BERLIN. 1868 BREAD recently came across the Nothing can save the British MAMITIS, ABORTO, etc.
BUNS following; they are certianly Empire from shipwreck.
Sueros contra MORDEDURAS SERPIENTES worth quoting: Gladstone appears to have BISCUITS CAKES Pitt 1810 There is scar the only one who did not see Acaba de recibir a precios bajísimos, el Box 179 Limón led cely anything around us but the Empire diwnfall; and 000 bruin and despair.
am happy in the thought Al18 Wilberforce 1810 dare that the present Prime Mi Anoter Limonense.
ves not marry, the future is so nister is of the same opinion.
oridark and uncertain.
As there is always a silver (FROM PAGE 7)
con Lord Grey 1819 believe cloud the darkness, lets all our everything is tending to a hope that the policy of Pre who is also a born Limonenwn convulsion.
mier Chamberlain will be a se don Ricardo Alvarado.
Regarding the Pre Nuptial Certificates Queen Adelaide J1831 gigantic success.
We are sorry to lose don Adverting to our comments We note the Inspector in char have only one desire, to plav Roberto, who has been a very in an earlier issue, it apperas as ge of the Sanitary Department the part of Marie Antoinette Aubrey Spyer capable and affable persona if the desirability of inaugurat of Moravia has asked the Relity in such a position, but we ing the provision for pre nup ligious Authorities of the Canare very glad to have Mr. Zur tial certificates of health is beton to request the presentation LOOK OUT!! 08 cher with us. The Atlantic ing seriously considered by our of these certificates by those Voice wishes him a raost Public Health Department. wishing to be married.
For What? RACES and PICNIC prosperous and happy career.
When. 1st. 2nd. January 1939 Where? FREEHOLD FIFTY YEARS OF GOOD NEWS The Cumberland Penn New Race Track (Circle)
MISSION WORK at Freehold to SUFFERERS FROM FOOT TROUBLES will be re opened for Races and Picnic on the 50th 0 Yesterday, was the (Corns, Callouses, Bunions, Fallen Arch, Ingrowing Nails, 1st 2nd. January 1939.
Athlete Foot, etc. Anniversary of the founding will benefit greatly by consulting of the Baptist Denomination PICNIC BOTH DAY AND NIGHT in these parts, as is was The famous Horses from Cahuita will be contesting. the 2nd day of December MRS. FRANKLIN PROGRAMMES WILL APPEAR LATER 1888 that the church here was Graduate Surgical Chiropodist.
established by teh Rev. Jos2 The Committee.
ZENT hua Heath Sobey, a native of COSTA RICA Cornwall, England.
Las profesoras del Colegio Superior de Señoritas The occasion was most fit. Don Roberto Soto es nombrado Secretario Municipal tingly and enthusiastically nos visitan hoy celebrated by the present don Francisco Amaro Castillo, Administrador de los Un grupo de profesoras del grato paseo, aunque sea tan 26 members and their large cirColegio Superior de Señoritas, lo por unas pocas horas.
cle of friends and well wishmercados porque el mes de diciembre voce ers.
impide a muchas la movilizaEn la sesión municipal del cipal. Para reponer a este, función fuera de la capital en el Special Services will be domingo último se hicieron al cionario se nombró a don Rocurso de sus días. salió hoy held tomorrow in connection gunos cambio de importancia berto Soto Gatgens quien había rumbo a nuestro puerto. Van a COMERCIANTE with the importante event. en el personal de empleados de presentado su renuncia del carpasar un dia de solaz.
We tender our sincere con la Corporación. Se aceptó la re go de Secretario de la Goberpor más de 20 años Establecido en la Provincia gratulations to the Rev. nuncia de don Miguel Angel nación. Los nombramientos fue La empresa ferrocarrilera ze Vende al detal, Vinos y LI Forde, the present Pastor Tasies del cargo de Adminis ron hechos con carácter dçfinicores extranjeros y del pais, who has been labouring am trador de los Mercados y en su tivo y los nuevos empleados enpuso a su orden, gentilmente, MISCELANEA ong us for a long number of lugar se nombró a don Fran traron inmediatamente en un carro agregado al tren ordiel abarrotes en general.
nario, que regresará el lunes.
years, for the many and far cisco Amaro Castillo, quien de desempeño de sus cargos, Fstablecimiento esquina reaching benefits his Denom sempeñaba la Secretaria MuniNorte del Mercado ination has been the means Nos complacemos en saludar Entre a las viajeras desándoles of dispensing in the interests of our people religious, moNOTICE cal and social uplift. We wish PLACE YOUR SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR him many more years of useMAGAZINES and PERIODICALSider FORTUNE WITHIN YOUR REACH ful work in the sphere to which he has so WITH On Sunday 25th. December the NATIONAL LOTTERY devoted his life.
faithfully THOMAS MCGUINNESS offers BOX 13 LIMON ONE HUNDRED FIFTY THOUSAND Colones Any Magazine or Periodical sent direct to your for the First Prize KEEP address at United States prices.
YOUR Yr. Yis.
FIFTY THOUSAND COLONES EYES Red Book 50 00 for the Second Prize American Magazine 50 00 Buy your Ticket or a part of some NOW as the Cosmopolitan 50 00 Life 50 00 emission is being rapidly sold out and you will lose the Look 26 Copies 00 opportunity of perhaps participating in the enormous 50 distribution of Cosh offered by the Attractive Plan.
Liberty 50 00 Time Weekly 00 00 ONLY FEW DAYS ARE LEFT Ken 26 Copies 50 00 ASK YOUR DRUGGIST on Edgar Young un Clean and Clear USE MURINE FOR YOUR Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica


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