
THE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK THE ATLANTIC VOICE Religion does not consist in the performance of certain ceremonial acts at specified times, outside which acts and times it has no place; it consists in framing our whole life, and all our acts, upon a distinct view of our position as created beigns, charged by the fact of our creation, with duties both to our fellow creatures and to our Creator.
Devoted to the interest of the people of the Al antic Zone Editor English Section: SC. NASION Year Limón, Costa Rica, Salurday December 0ih. 1938 No. 224 our men in mot a Dr. PERA CHAVARRIA AND THE POLITICAL WIRELESS NEWS Co. TO FIGHT SIGATOHA DISEASE MANILA Unable to hold CAMPAIGN altitude after one of its four The Sigatoka disease, whien planes which were specially What gave great promise of Economy and still more Eco motors stalled, the big Ger has caused so much damage employed in the campaign in the Banana industry Honduras have been brought developing into a strong, im nomy. we are not at all sur man Condor monoplane made to portant movement, aided by prised to note the reluct a forced landing and sank in these parts, particularly in over. The planes will be load several well known and ex ance with which Manila Harbour on the 7th. Honduras, having now made ed with the solution and, ris a reasonable distance perienced politicians has been of Known hability men of instant, as it neared the end its appearance on the newly ing to nipped in the bud by Doctor deeply centred patriotism, of a non stop filght from To e tablished plantations of the above the cultivations, dischar Peña Chavarría decision of men having the greatest res kyo its crew of five and one Pacific Zone the United Fruit ge the medicine on the affect declining nomination for the pect of their fellow nationals, passenger were uninjured. Company intend to effective ed trees.
One of the machines is a Presidency of the Republic regard the situation and As the plane began settlingly fight it. They have erected!
at the forthcoming elections. abstain from taking an acti in shallow water about 200 a thoroughly up. to. daie monoplane and the other a Urged no doubt, by the rave part. We cannot otherwise feet off shore, the six men plant in the region where the bimotor, they are reported to on the wing solution to be used in the be fully conditioned to do pidity with which the move account for the paucity of clambered out be ment was growing and mat candidates; it was not so and were rescued by natives. campaign will elabo this kind of work. The Atfrom rated; and as it has been lantic Voice hopes the greaters shaping themselves, the the years gone by when poli The plane had flown ef test success will result from political opponents of the Doctical activities were much mo. Tokyo in 10 hours and 53 mi found that the tor complained he was acting re troublesome and danger inutes.
fective manner of treating the this further effort of the Com improperly by interfering nous than they now are. Of SYDNEY, Nova Scotia. trees is by spraying them pany in the interest of our political matters while still course, the present campaign Thirty men were killed and from above, two of the air economic welfare.
occupying his important of has commenced a bit earlier ascore injured in an accident ficial position, and solicited a than usual, so there is a lot in the Princess Coal Mine of FRANCE GERMANY CONCLUDE PEACE PACT promouncement from the Nova Scotia the of time yet for many things Steel and Chief Executive. Immediately to happen and various chan Coal Company. riding rake France and Germany is su said to have quickly assert.
this was made public, Dr. Pe ges to take place. The hope in which the men were des cosed to have buried their ed that the ogreement in no na is said to have had an inter is even being entertained that cending broke and crashed traditional hostility when, on way detracts from the solidity view with the President when despite his present determi into the wall of the main Tuesday last, they signed of the Rome Berlin Axis. This he reported he had decided to nation, the Partido Renova deep.
Poct of friendship solemnly point was also stressed BERLIN decline the offer of his friends cion Nacional may yet have their An appeal to recognizing common Rome.
Much concern is being felt an dadmirers, and continue the pleasure ei voting for President Roosevelt to help. Tuestday last, they signed in the service of the present their chosen one.
hard pressed German Jews agreeing to consult each other in French circles regarding Regime.
Since the above was writt by offering 100, 000 of them in the event if international Hitler position with respect to the difficuties which have This decision of the popu en, we learn there is a mov temporary refuge in the Uni difficulties.
Shortly, however, after the risen between lar Minister of Public Health ement under way to secure ted States, was published by France and brings us once again to the a union of all the political the only remaining Jewish sioning, which was done with Ilay in consequence of Mupossibility of experiencing an entities not associated with newspaper. Simultaneousiy fitting ceremony, Germany solini claim for the return of uncontested election; unless the National Republican Par several German papers assu Foreign Minister, von Ribben Tunis ond Corsico, where there the Communist Party bring ty, with the view of present red their readers that an anti trop, assured Georges Bonnet are Italian populations, as it is forward their candidate, as iting a single front in oppo. Jewish campaign in Rumania of France that his government, strongly rumoured he intends is stated they will tion to the candidature of Dr. had only just started, that the would not immediately press to unreservedly assist the Ito As is well known, political Calderón Guardia. Coupled anti Semitic Guard Organıza on France any claims for colo lion Dictotor in his efforts to campaigns, particularly those with this new idea is the ru tion there was stronger than nies lost in the world war regain possession of the lococonducted under a constitu mour that Dr. Pena Chava ever, and that Corneliu Zelea In Berlin, the Nexi press is lities.
tion as is possessed by this rria is likely to early relin Codreanu, the Iron Guard LeRepublic, call for the expen quish his po ition and accede ader, who was shot dead by. Our Fire Fighters diture of enormous sums of to the wishes of his numerous Rumanian Guards, would be It seems almost unbelievable deserve full praise for their amoney; and as on all sides, friends and political suppert avenged.
that the personnel of our re lertness in the manipulation of the present day theme is BERLIN. report that certyre organized and impro the modern equipment, e peciaJewish women of Polish orved Fire Brigade could display ly the handling of the extenion ladder.
igin had been ordered to lea such efficiency in so short a peve Germany by January 1st. We have noticed the men while blic for the dreadfal alarm of riod since their inauguration The fears of the general puwas the latest indication that the anti semitic at practice and they certainly Fire are now greatly diminish SERVICIO DE VAPORES campaign would be widened. The reed.
port could not be officially Solides semanales de Limón paro Nueva York con confirmed but a government escala en Cristóbal y Hobono.
spokesman said it was not ROYAL NETHERLAND impossible.
Llevando café para todos los puertos READING. Artificial res Europeos y Americanos piration and a hear stimulant STEAMSHIP CO.
revived 10 year old Chester VAPORES SALIDAS Kozlowski after physicians said there had been no trace (Compañía Real Holandesa de Vapores)
TALAMANCA Diciembre 11 of heart action or breathQUIRIGUA Diciembre 18 ing for 10 minutes. The boy was rescued unconscious arom JAMAICA Diciembre 25 a canal and rushed to a hospital. Although physicians PROXIMAS SALIDAS DE LIMON: despaired of his life, he was placed in a mechanical respirator. The Doctors then detected faint heart beats and he was kept in the machine for an hour. He apparently uffered only from shock and SULACO Diciembre 16 OFICINA SAN JOSE: TELEFONO 3417 Llevando café solamente para Londres MUNICH. An unimpeahable non Jewish iniormant FRENTE AL ALMACEN KOBERG ALVARADO y Cía. SUCS. estimated that 700 Jews, aAgentes para Limón y Puntarenas.
rrested in Vienna, had died Jecause of the conditions of Poro otros informes dirijase o las oficinas de lo Cheir imprisonment. The informant said that inquiries FINITED FRUIT COMPANY Agentes ED. JANIN Co.
by a relief committee had lo, bajos del Gran Hotel Coste Rice brought to light appaling AGENTES EN LIMON: facts. Men and women is was TELEFONO 3156 said, were confined in baras or bare rooms without beds Felipe Alvarado Co. Sucs.
er. chairs.
Costa Rica. 10 Diciembre expo ure.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

    CommunismCommunist PartyFranceGermanyHitlerWorld War

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