
or PAGE THE ATLANTIC VOICI SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10th. 1938 SUGGEST GERMANY EX COLONIES BE ITALY TO SPEED GIVEN JEWS UP MARRIAGES ROME. Italy populaWiliam Randolph Hearst, France, Mr. Hearst said. ittion increased by 310, 000 in urged that the former Ger would be possible to append the nine months between Dec.
man colonies in Africa be con if necessary the Belgian Con 31, 1937, and Sept. 30, 1938, SUCURSAL. LIMON. AP. 578 verted into a permanent ho go and all or part of the Portu and stood at 43, 853. 000 on the meland for the Jewish victims guese possesions in Africa. latter date. During that perof Nazi and Farcist persecu Thi: Jewish homeland could iod births amounted to 178, CABALLERO: as it developed, and included 000 of 23, per 1, 000 of the GENTLEMEN. This extensive and plen all the areas mentioned, have population, with an increase ofrecemos un incomparable did State, if it should be man an area equal to halt that of of 43, 595 over the correspondsurtido en CASIMIRES INIf you desire to be properly dated to England, France and the United States he asserting period of 1937.
GLESES que acabamos de re dressed, we offer you an 10the United States as protec ed. It would have inmen:e na Deaths amounted to 465, 427, cibir. Contamos con los esti comparable lot of tors, can be created into a great tural resources in land, oilor 14. per 1, 000, as compared los más modernos y a precios and wholly adequate homeland and minerals, in addition to the with 464, 694, or 14. per 000 fue nadie nos iguala.
ENGLISH TWEEDS for the driven and despairing resourceful and creative facul in 1937. On the other hand, part of the Jewish people who ties of the Jewish people. there was a considerable dejust received desire a national homeland ra Declaring that the proposal crease in the number of maUd. que gusta vestir bien le We give the most modern ther than a precarious coloniza was not an empty dream. Mr rriages, with a total of 193, Visite nuestro almacén 0Style at Prices which cannot tion within the confines of Hearst a ked: 854, as compared with 233, portunamente y ordene sus be equalley.
ther nations which may be Can the civilized nations 154 in 1937.
rabajos para NOCHE BUEPay us an early visit and may become unfriendly. Mr of the world allow this won The high birth rate this NA y las FIESTAS CIVICAS order your work for NOCRE Heart declared.
derful land, this tremendous year is a result of the unusLe la capital, para que noso BUENA and the SAN JOSE He held that to dany Germa area, with its infinite possibi ually high number of marriaItos podamos darle buen cumCIVIC FIESTAS. We desire ny the return of her former lities of development, to be su ges that took place last year, plimiento y dejarlo satisfe to please you in every respossessions would be right rrendered to cruelty and tyran as a consequence, perhaps, of ebo.
and retributive justice. ny, when it might be con e the demobilization of men In additon to the mandated crated to liberty, enlightenment who had served in Ethiopia.
territories held by Britain and and humanity?
The marriage rate this year Enrique Yankelewitz, Proprietor has dropped back to its usual FRANCISEO AGUILAR, Cutter level of between and per LOOK OUT. 11, 000 of the population.
000000000000. 900 It is probably due to the For What?
failure of the birth rate PICNIC to RACES and When? Ist.
respond to previous legislaG 2nd. January 1939 QUININE CURES MALARIA Where? FREEHOLD tive measures that the Italian Government adopted a The Cumberland Penn New Race Track (Circle)
number of even more DracoBy Dr. Sophia Brunson in Malaria Monthly at Freehold nian provisions last Septemto will be re opened for Races and Picnic on the ber for inducing Italians 1st, 2nd. January 1939.
have more children.
One of the deadliest and Sometimes the entire family By these decrees. State emmost widespread scourges of were sick, and once or twice PICNIC BOTH DAY AND NIGHT polyes in executive post must the human race is malaria; it deaths occurred before a phy marry before the age of 30, has destroyed empires, deci ician was summoned.
The famous Horses from Cahuita will be contesting.
The PROGRAMMES WILL APPEAR LATER and lower employes before mated prosperous countries cathartic was administered to the age of 26, unless they and well nigh wiped out who clear the bowels of poisons, The Committee. want forfeit all chances for Me armies.
and thereby facilitate the ab further advancement in their The summer after beginn corption of the quinine. Eve V. 003 careers while the employment ing the practice of medicine, ry adult was told to take 20 of women spent in a swampy district grains of quinine from four to PRESIDENT SOMOZA PRAISES UNITED STATES and private jobs is restricted in governmental in the far south. Few escap eight days until clear of feed the ravages of the disease. ver. Children were prescrib tasio Somoza, in a statement a united front and MANAGUA. President Anas, me realize the necessity of to a proportion of 10 per cent cooperaof the total number of emThere were so many sick, in ed doses according to ages.
to the foreign cluding physicians, that it Most of these people report press is reportion among all the Americas ployes in any one firm or adted to have said: was almost impossible to vi ed later that recoveries were It has always been my de ministration, on the ground Ever since began my posire to make a trip to Washing that women should concentra.
sit a family more than onee. usually prompt, and that they litical life have appreciated ton to talk with the President te on raising children and not had abundant opportunity discontinued the quinine the importance to for demonstrating the effica usually from the 5th. to the Nicaragua of the United States and ex on pursuing careers.
cy of the doctor methods for 7th day as they had recover tions with the United States mutual intereat to the of cultivating cordial rela change views on questions of There is, then, still a possitreating malaria, and proved fro mthe fever and felt no and of the united defense Uni bility that these measures, ofted States ing the truthfulness of the sta need for prolonging the treat the Americas animated by the am sure Nicaragua can, as arriage for State employes al and Nicaragua. which, in effect, render matement that Quinine is the ment.
spirit of democracy. Since my small nation, contribute specific par excellence in the her most compulsory, may speed treatment of malaria, and People who live in malarial tive these concepts have grown democracy which are inauguration as Chief Sxecu views to the great ideals of up the marriage rate during that it really cures.
districts should keep on hand and the noble actions of Pre tested by the grave problems year.
being the remaining months of this At every house visited a supply of quinine and takesident Roosevelt have made of Europe.
left a cathartic and a supply it in proper amounts, when of quinine for each patient, needed.
BOOTH CROTHE PEOPLE BAKERY FRANCE TO JAIL ALL ALIEN URDESIRABLES BEST PAROS BAKED newspaper in the interests of order and BERLIN BREAD vernment has decided to es Le Matin states that all fo BUNS Advices reaching us from con and Cangrejal were re tablish concentration camps, reignars two have been conTegucigalpa disclose that with ported to have overflowed for undersirable foreigners, victed of three crimes within BISCUITS CAKES in the past eight or ten days and inundated an extensive convicted of crimes in France. the last 10 years, will be sent 0, Box 179 Limốn the Banana Industry of the part of the Banana Zone caus The paper adds that the Gov to French Guiana. It added nearby Republic of Honduras ing serious damage to theernment anticipates the establish that the e measures will affect has again suffered serious da plantations. The towns of La ment of special centers where only those foreigners who ha Check Up On Alien mage from the floods pro Lima and La Ceiba also suf there will be grouped such in ve violated French laws eiduced by continuous heavy fered much, particularly the dividuals who must be placed ther by entering the country Residents rains.
former which was, at one ti uher permanent surveillance llegally or committing cri As readers will recollect, a The rivers Ulua, Chamele me, under six feet of water.
mes after they arrived. check up on the Poles now in the Republic was ordered by the government. This was to have taken place this month, but due to the fact that the Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back large majority of these aliens de su recibo que dice: of receipt which reads: are engaged in commercial Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina This bill must be paid at our office before activities, it has been decided dentro de los primeros 10 días to postpone the matter until the 10th of the month.
after the close of the busy de cada mes.
Be so good as to comply with this request and do not season.
Lo rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena oblige us to suspend our service, a step which We understand that tne de tener que cortar su servicio.
we would much regret to take.
work may eventually include other nationals apart from that of the Chinese, which has also been ordered in consequence of the recent disclo ETHINETTISTARTUP sures in this city.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregon Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica HONDURAS SUFFERS FROM FLOOD DAMAGES Le Matin reports that the public security.

    DemocracyEnglandFranceGermanyItalyNazismUnited Front

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