
SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10th. 1938 HE ATLANTIC VOICE PAGE THE VOGUE TAILORS Rogers ta TIG an Mi le ca Buy Your Suits on Easy Payment Plan id or IRAZU See Our Lines of Tweeds, Serges, Palm, Beach, Linens and Drills. Make your choice. Pay any amount from one colón upwards. We make your suit to your entire satisfaction.
TE nu га ca el iu es us се the FASTEST sti Ty u THE CEDULA OF IDENTITY SELLING OT UGARRILLOS IRAZU cigarette From time to time we have gidly enforce the provisions called the attention of those of the law throughout the concerned to the necessity of country.
their filing their declarations, We, therefore, once more ad as required by law, with the vise all who have not yet doview of securing their Cedu ne so, to fill out their declalas of Identity, and so avoidrations and have them deposit future inconveniences to themed with the proper authority selves and others.
in their respective districts, It appears as if there are and also see to the taking of still a very large number of their photographs for the pur persons who have not compli poses of the cedula. It should ed with this requirement, and be remembered that every er as the Cedula with photo sident in the country is ungraph attached will be need der obligation in this respect, ed for the coming Presiden and is subject to certain petial Election, we understand nalties if found not possessed the government intends to cl of same.
in the country COUPLE OF OTHER RELIGIOUS SECTS because We note there is the possibi, of these two religious sects, lity of the number of Reli and residing in Mexico, where gious Denominations now o for a long number of years perating in this republic being they have devoted their actiincreased by two.
vities to purely agricultural It is reported that the gov undertakings. Due to the difernment has been approach ficulty they are now expeed, by way of its diplomatic riencing in obtaining suitable service, with the suggestion lands in lieu of those they that a number of American have worked so long, they Mormons and Mennonites be wish to leave that Republie allowed to enter and settle in and would like to come here.
the country The matter is we underThe parties on whose be stand receiving the attention half the enquiry has been of the Executive.
made are said to be members of its TASTE! WOUNDING APFRAY AT OLD HARBOUR An affair of a most reprehen earlier relations, but the sible nature took place a little young woman was not so dismore than a week ago at Old posed. This so irritated the Harbour (Puerto Viejo) and disappointed intruder that resulted in the serious wound drawing his machete, he pro ing of a young woman by herceeded to wreak his vengean one time lover.
ce on the girl. On Judi, a sisThelma Scott is said to have ter of Thelma, seeing her lived some time previously being so cruelly attacked, she with one Clifford Campbell went for Campbell and inflict on amorous terms but they ed several wounds in his head.
separated in consequence of On the intervention of the certain disagreements occur Agent of Police, Campbell ring. On the day of the affray, was placed under arrest and Campbell went to the house the wounded girl sent to the of Thelma with a view, it is hospital.
presumed, of resuming their Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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