
THE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK THE ATLANTIC VOICE Shirking duty, or running away from the things we feel we ought to do, has a peculiarly demoralizing effect on our high purpose of Right. Our judgment of what is our duty may be a mistaken one, but there is something imperious about the call of duty that makes the slighting of it a very serious matter.
Devoted to the interest of the people of the Atlantic Zone Editor English Sec tion: NATION Year Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday, December 17th. 1938. 225 Wireless News ON MATTERS INTERNATIONAL The Newspaper. Its Educational Valuc BERLIN The Ministry of Although not officially consolini is till dispo ed to press Economies has is ued a dierce firmed, it is unounced from his claims a guinst France for placing new obstacles in In this ero of unrest among the inhabitants of the the Managua and elsewhere thai as the recovery of Tunis, corsica way of Jews removing their a result of the discovery of a and other one time Italian teEarth, we should lend our efforts toward the elimination property from Germany The plot against the government of ritory, and that if he can deof strife and vain glory. It is essential that we bring our decree, declared to be nece the Republic of El Salvador, pend on Hitler for all the necesscattered units under one homogeneous whole. The Press sary to prevent the flight of ca President Martinez has postposary military a istance he might is the best medium by which this can be accomplished. We pital, forbid: Jews leaving Gerned the Pis idential elections need, he wili take the respodo not know of any other which can outdo the great edumany after January Ist. laking which hould take place during ibilit yof going to war. Ir any objects except those neces. next month.
cotiona lbenefits derivable from the reading of newspapers.
view, however, of the late deof the 200 persons recent y claration of the British PreThe development of Science has placed the Radio at Isary for strictly personal use.
The decree also restricts the arrested in Barcelona on the micr, it i, thought that this inour disposal; but even this wonder has not floored the right of ron Jewish German charge of es piorage in favour clination on the part of the Itagreater service of the Press. We obtain much knowledge, and even foreigners re ident in of the Nationalists two hanared lian Dictator may undergo a seGermany to remove muhc comfort, and even tranquility of mind by reading property are alleged to have already sufrious change. Premier Chamber from the Reich.
of the happenings both at home and abroad. Spiritual comfered the death penalty. An ex lain assured the House of Comtensive and important revolutio mons that should Italy take any munication is had with the peoples in distant lands. The TUCSON, Arizona. Leonnery movement is said to have aggressive action against French Sick is not disturbed, but rather cheered, by listening to Trot ky, Russian Revolutionarybcen under way in which many interests in the North of Africa, on intelligent Reader, while the Radio, in such a one room now exiled in Mexico, predicts highly positioned military, pro Engiand would regard :ame 25 will result in increased sufferings and retrogration. We the United States will have afessional and political persona a violation of the Anglo Italian terrible revolution and that the ges were implicated.
are not opposed to modern inventions our only desire being democracy of capitalism is fini From Rome it stated Musto make a fair comparision and call attention to a service shed.
of smaller cost and greater joy to those who take advantage Lima Considers Peace Plan of it. We are also, much concerned to arouse the interest of non newspaper readers.
KAUNAS, Lithuania. The Spurred by what United Sta co, former Foreign Minister of We further desire to emphasize that the training of United States protested against tes Secretary of State, Cordell Brazil, ir Chairmao.
the reported beating of an Hull, called a Grave world In his radio address after the the young should be toward attaining successful lives, thus merican Free Lance Newspaper tuation, the nations of the West Conference seasioa on the 14th.
paving the way for the one hereafter. The newspaper will man, on Sunday before the Meern Hemi phere took first steps Secretarq Hull declared the Aundoubtedly enhance these teachings and facilitate the de mel Diet elections. An official on the 14th. instant at the Li merican nations were keenly velopment of unformed characters. Let us face the issue.
of the American Consulate ma ma Conference to organize for aware of the threat to their Our community has not been reading sufficiently. With only de a εpecial trip to investigate Peace in the New Werid and principles and institutions which the case. The man said he was provide protection from the ha: ari en elsewhere, in nations two weekly papers issued locally in the English language, besten by thrce uniformed Old.
holding alien ideas which they our ears should tingle with the news boys cries of ATLANGuards for not replying to the Putting aside what was ter scek to impo e by force or exTIC VOICE. ATLANTIC VOICE. on the arrival of the Hitler salute as he was cro sing med Excessive and short sight tead by deception. Unless, he Saturday afternoon passenger train. Let us resolve that a Memel strect, ed nationalism, the nations plur. attitude prevailing at Lima he ged into di cu sion of far reach felt the American nations are the slogan, from now on, wil le An Atlantic Vioce in SHANGHAI. Japanese ing projects before the Commitdetermined to defend these insevery English speaking home. If our distributing Agent memorial, on which hundreds of tee on Organization of Peace, titutions and principles of their has not yet reached you, please fill the following Blank Chinese prisoners of war have of which Afranio de Mello Franom choice.
and mail it to laboured nearly a year, is to be unveiled at Tazang. North of WARNING POST OFFICE BOX 199 LIMON, Costa Rica.
Shanghai, the scene of some of It would be well for parent, Name This form of amusement is the bitterest fighting in last guardians and teachers to advi now prohibited by law end of Residence year Shanghai campaign. The be (give street house number)
monument is dedicated to souls se their children and others to fenders wni consequently discontinue the firing of rackers punished. Remember the time of 20. 000 Japanese officers and Ignorance is no men who lost their lives in the or bombas et home or elsewhe aged maxim JAMAICA SEFKS WOMEN SUFFRAGE excuse at law.
battle for Shanghai Under date the 13th, instant, o give con ideration to the mathe Legislature of the Island of ter of granting equal suffrage KAUNAS, Lithuania. The Jama. ca is reported to have re rights to all the adult natives of rising anger of Lithuanian colquested the British government both sexes.
diery caused fears of an armed crash in Memel betwen the Garrison and Nazis jubilantly ceSERVICIO DE VAPORES lebrating their victory in Sunday election. Col. Andrasiunas Solidos semanales de Limón para Nueva York con issued a statement that he would escala en Cristóbal y Habano.
not be responsible for the conduct of his troops if the Nazi Llevando café para todos los puertos continued to insult Lithuanians, Europeos y Americanos Nazis saw the semi outhonomous territory, once a part of VAPORES SALIDAS Eat Prussia, approaching reunion with the Reich, as a result JAMAICA Diciembre 25 of the clections.
VERAGUA Enero PROXIMAS SALIDAS DE LIMON: LONDON. Great Britain CHIRIQUI Enero and France conveyed concern to Germany over the possibility that he may swallow little Me.
mel in another thrust to the East. Premier Chamberlain inOFICINA SAN JOSE: TELEFONO 3417 formed the House of Commons that the British and French En CHAGRES Diciembre 30 voys in Berlin had been instrucFRENTE AL ALMACEN KOBERG ted to join in expressing the Llevando café solamente para Londres hope that the German governF. ALVARADO y Cía. SUCS.
ment will use its influence to insure respect for the 1924 StatuAgentes pais Limón y Puntarenas.
te of Memel, which gave the Agentes ED. JANIN Co.
former German territory a meaParo otros informes dirijose a los oficinas de lo sure of autonomy under Lithua UNITED FRUIT COMPANY nian control.
AGENTES EN LIMON: los bajos del Gran Hotel Costo Rico HARWICH, England TEI EFONO 3156 Felipe Alvarado Co. Sucs.
group of 597 Jewish children, TO PAGE re.
Simón Bolívar. 24 Dicbre.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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