
FROM SIQUIRRES PAGE THE ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY, DECEMBER 17th 1938 THE VALUE OF OUR LIQUOR TRADE In pursuance of the efforis certain information, and this which a number of our le has disclosed the exceedingislators are making to secu gly interesting fact that durre the abolishment of ihe ing the past 11 months of the existing import duty on Flour current year sales aggregatSUCURSAL LIMON. AP. 573 it was suggested that thised 2, 028, 133 litros with a va could be substituted by in lue of 5, 054, 157, 13 colones, Fábrica de Hielo creasing the rates now being the cheaper or commoner levied on the products of classes amounting to y Refrescos TORCI CABALLERO GENTLEMEN: the National Liquor Factory than 1, 700, 000 litros.
LIMON The Management of this im The sales for the present If you desire to be properly portant department of the gov month are estimated to conUd. que gusta vestir bien le ernment service was in consej sume 300, 000 litros with ofrecemos un incomparable dressed, we offer you an esurtido en CASIMIRES IN comparable lot of quence requested to submit value of 750, 000. 00 GLESES que acabamos de recibir. Contamos con los esti ENGLISH TWEEDS Benevolent Societies Hold Harvest Festivals los más modernos y a precios que nadie nos iguala.
just received The large amount of colecti sgiving Service on Sunday the LA FLORIDA We give the most modern ve and individual good cffected 11th, in tant. very spicy pro.
Visite nuestro almacén o Style at Prices which cannot by means of our Benevolent and gramme, consisting of addres. Fábrica de Hielo portunamente y ordene sus be equalley, Fraternal Organizations is obser, recitations and sacred songs, rabajos para NOCHE BUEvious and supplement, to a great kept the audience well entertain NA y las FIESTAS CIVICAS Pay us an early visit and extent, the Gopal Message. ed. Mr. Chorle Rhodes presided Venta de Leche le la capital, para que noso order your work for NOCHE They are genuinely the tran as Chairman with marked abili iros podamos darle buen cum BUENA and the SAN JOSE Maderas script of the interpretation we ty. plimiento y dejarlo satisfe CIVIC FIESTAS. We desive. have of a Fatherhood of God With equal admiration, the cho, to please you in every resand a Brotherhod of man. Their officers and Members of Bethpeet.
function is made up of many tield Lodge 3 of the Modern Rew School for Americ activities. der of Bethany also conductEnrique Yankelewitz, Proprietor In this regard the Mount Pu ed a similar festival on the same Seamen rity Lodge, Number 49. of the day. The scenery was most plea FRANCISCO AGUILAR, Cutter British Order of Good Samarising and the gifts numerous.
Washington. With the opentans and Daughters of Samaria Mir. Benjamin Broks very effi ing of a treining school for remade the ummit with the cele ciently officiated as Master of Emerr on Tokmann I land.
bration of their Harvest Thank Ceremonies, New York Harbor, the United States Coast Guard adds another to its many assignments. To provide a trointed and efficient El señor Joaquin oavarro, re oficial don Arturo Portocarrepersonnel for ships of the Agidor propietario y miembro de ro.
When we say a man or wo ed to maintain order, but their merican merchent marine; the Ja junta itineraria de caminos, Como podrán ver mie tros lec man whom we know is a tho efforts were all in vain, and one Maritime Commission has compresentó su renuncia el del tores este cantón va en retroce roughbred, we pay such a one of the Officers wa: heard to re pleted plans for training cour corriente y esta ué sustraí so a marcha vertiginosa pues our greatest complement, as the mark. d rather try to subses for scamen and has called parados el secretario para la nada hay que mejore tales con re is nothing stronger in our vo aue a heards of swine The upon the Coast Guard to provipróxima sesión, con este moti diciones y de donde se podria cabulary of pleasant term. behaviour was so terribly disde the instructors and the advo se suscitó otro nuevo inei esperar el mejoramiento que es When we visit a slock farm. graceful, it was impossible for ministrative personnel dente que trajo por con ccuen de la municipalidad, éstos se the home of highgrade horses any one to cajoy a single item cia la ratificación del señor Na nores y la intervención no han and cattle, and observe the fine on the programme. second school will be openvarro de su renuncia por más dado un solo pa o que revele el eyes and excellent bearing of ed at the Coast Guard ba e at que según expresiones del mis buen tacto y acierto en los ma the thoroughbreds, we see the How hard it is for a large Oakland, Calif. and it is plan mo soñor Navarro que nos dió nejos administrativos de este symbols of their highly cultured number of our poeple to reali ned to e tablish a third at some después de la cesión le había cantón, de igual manera pode spirit. When, however, we go ze we are ma lers of our own point on the Gulf Coast.
The sido ofrecido por el señor jefe mos decir que la jefatura tem among a gathering of our young dentinies, and that we cannot exold Coast Guard bae at Fort político eximirlo del pago co poco hace nada por el progreso men of Siquirres, we find the peet to win respect if we are not Trumbull, New London, will be rre pondiente a detalles de ca mejoramiento y se contentan contrary as was demonstrated respeetful and respectable. Un used as a training school for minos y el arreglo de un tre con poner oídos de mercader a during the evening of the 5th. less we strive to be more ambi, those who hold licenses as mast.
cho del camino que conduce a lo que se les dice por la prensa in tant.
u finca a lo que este señor matous and seriously think of the ers mates, and engineers, Creemos como la mayoría future, we will soon find our nifestó que no solo quería el a de los vecinos de este cantón musieal entertainment was selves left behind among the un About 200 men will be trairreglo para él sino para sus ve que si el gobierno o a sobera given at the Hall of the qualified ones, the majority of ned during the first year. Each cinos que también lo necesita no congreso no toman medidas Association, and the conduet whom spend their lives in wan. coubse will run for three ban urgentemente pues ya no radicales en el sentido de supri of the youths in the audience tones and crime.
months. In age and educational tenía por donde pasar. Esta se mir la ley que creó la interven can only be compared to that background, applicants cover a ción termino con muchas ofer ción, mejor sería que de una of savages or wild animals.
tas de parte de la intervención vez se abollera el título de can With yellings, boo ings.
What will be the fate of our wide range. They include calle y de la jefatura con la condición ton y se acab and younger generation, is a proge graduates and those whose con tanto de filthy expressions they contie blem of keen anxiety.
schooling stopped in the grade de que siguieran asistiendo al safuera: que ahora y sicmpre nuously interrupted the proschools, veterans of service at las sesiones.
han estado ocurriendo.
gramme, The police endeavour John Drummondi sen and youngsters with only a couple of years on merchant Renuncia del inspector de hiCorresponsal.
giene señor Rafael Luján BIGAMIST OF THE WORST TYPE Unlicensed semen will Por dificultades entre el an board terior inspector de higiene señor By the arrest in Lodz, the sited. In each case the Bride. ceive 36 a month and Francisco Fonseca Ch. second largest town in Po would have a large dowry.
and lodging Licensed personnel Ildefonoso Martos y el intervenwill be paid C125 a month, plus tor municipal fue preci o que lland, of a fifty year old weal None of these wives sus LAWYER NOTARY thy merchant named Uszer pected anything for quite a an allowance for quarter. The la secretaria de salubridad púPUBLIC blisa y protección social dispuGoldman an amazing case of long time, and it was only training will be partly ashore curriOffice: siera el traslado del primero a multiple Bigamy was recea on the Warsaw wife discover and partly afloat. The Adjoining to the City tly revealed Guapiles y en su lugar fué noming another Mrs Goldman culum will be flexible, designed Public Library brado a don Rafael Luján quien While travelling through that suspicion was aroused to cover the needs of the indiviENGLISH SPOKEN Poland in al terminar la sesión municipal connection with and on these two travelling dus! In the seamen schools, presentó su renuncia basado en FORMER JUDGE OF THE bis business, Lodz is said to together in seareh of other particular attention will be have married a young girl fellow ven to boatmanship and emerdificultades entre él y el doctor LIMON DISTRICT COURT wives lin almost every town he vi, said to have found more than gency drills. Enrolles will be giI FORTY ven an average of eight hours work a day, including instruelion, drills and other required worl: Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back de su recibo que dice: of receipt which reads: For the preent, enrollment Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina will be limited to licensed and This bill must be paid at our office before dentro de los primeros 10 días unlicens personnel who are the 10th of the month.
unemployed. Earolles must be de cada mes.
Be so good as to comply with this request and do noi American citizen, 21 years of Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena obrige us to suspend our service, a step which age or cver, with at least two de tener que cortar su servicio.
we would much regret to take.
years of service on American merebint ships. Those who e conduct and qualifications pass muster during the first threemonth course will be eligible for re COMPANIA ELECTRICA DE LIMON ENTERTAITEETTITAN LAO Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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