
ATURDAY, DECEMBER 17th 1938 THE ATLANTIC VOICE PAGE 1st Sunday Bas Ball Game JA Lanceros RY Cigarettes Winners of CARPILLOS he most orderly an best tested game of Bose) Ilyas yed on the Limon. IT id Sundey last between wie hfinders and Torbellinos.
weather was ideal, with a reshing tropical breeze blowlo over our Zone.
Affor the usual formalities, mpires Johnson and Lucy their respective stands, The th Finders took the fiela.
tcher Maxwell first ball was strike against Francisco Urna. Pancho. which was nily taken by Carlos Hayling.
he next two succeeding men ere left at the post. This great splay by Maxwell gave evience that the re inforced TorIllinos were up against a sto again wall. The crowd in the paillion gave long and loud apBuse as the big Cero was Jarled on the score board.
sung McCaughney for the Efn Fnders faced Santa Mab and gained a free base from hich his club scored the first The struggle continued Id at the sixth inning the clubs food attivo rlins each. angé was now made by the forbelines and Graham re. Raced the former pitcher. The Beroes of the day treated this Aange with the sante display ca the ninth inning was reached ath the score the some is it was at the sixth. Things notv tixed warm and Interesting. pinions varied, a crack first eese was reached. Each side Ightened their forces determied to be the victors, when the latfilinders changed the tensiof the situation by scoring a in, and thus winning the gale. Maxwell certainly did exllent work with the Ball.
Canceros Smokers because of QUALITY and TASTE SUAVES fost of Living Goes Up Cash Coupons Certificates for the Christmas Lottery Anthony Eden Meets Pres. Roosevelt Added tothe very unfortunaeconomic conditions we have een experiencing on this side the country, for quite some Ime, our ordinary, living exlenses are now being greatly flated on account of the abormal increases in the cost of he majority of articles of eveday necesity.
Wireless News Most of our culinary cuplies reach us, as is known, from (From Page that no ghettos would be estaWASHINGTON. Anthony he interior markets, particur refugees from Nazi anti semi blished.
Eden, the may who would like BOOTH arly Cartago, so that whenev tism in Vienna, landed here on to see world democracy adopt a THE PEOPLE BAKERY something hapuens in those the 13th. to join previous WASHINGTON. The Unit firm attitude toward DictatorBEST arts to cause a scarcity of eer groups from Germany who ed States has again cautioned ship, has been on a two day viBAKED ain article, the opportunity is have been given asylum in En Germany against any infringesit in the Capital. He denied he BERLIN enerally seized of calling on us gland.
ment of American rights, was on an official mission, but BREAD BERLIN o pay excesive prices for all Intimation of a through the Reich an asserted he expected to see nuBUNS we need; hence the following possible slight let up in the ti semitie deerees. Acting Secy. merous official: Informally.
BISCUITS CAKES low being charged in the Car severity of Nazi anti semitic of States, Sumner Welles, disThe former Foreign Secreta Box 79 Lmón ago Market: Cabbages 20, Co nea ures was made public in closed that the American Emry of Great Britain had a half rrots C20 to C22. Turnips 15. in official announcement distri bassy in Berlin had made re hour session with President Roo dispel the belief that the conStrings Beans C15, Sweet potato Puted by the German News pre entations immediately after sevelt. The meeting took place versation was traught with sig es CI to C10 per 100 pounds. ency. The etatement said res the publication of a decree pro in the Presidential Study, and fiicance for Arl:10 American Cochoes C4, Scallion C2. 75 to rictions of Jews entering ho viding that a large part of pro was informal but this failed to friendship.
53. 25, Beets C10 to C15 per 100.
els, restaurants and Aryan ow perty remaining in German Eggs and for a colon: Pa red shops would be relaxed af Jewish hends shall be taken pas, English, C1. 20, Boston and er January Ist, and reiterated under Tru tee hip.
FOR THE XMAS SEASON Purple C0. 90 per bucket, Parrely, celery and Lettuce, much neded at this time, canNew Arrivals of the Latest Goods School Outing not be had for Men, Ladies and Children In view of these prices being in Hats, Caps, Tweeds and Fancy Material charged wholesale purThe pupil of the Alpha Cot dren shared Mr. Davidson hoschasers, we can hardly complain tage Day School, of which Mr. pitality.
DONT FORGET of the prices we as consum. Davidson is Principal, re An interesting and varied proers, are called upon to pay. Wecently spent a most enjoyable gramme of games and The Toys for the kiddies can only hope that an appreacia day at the beautiful and acco. forms of amurement was indulble reduction will be obtainmmodating pleasure resort ged in. These physical exerciTHE PEOPLES HOUSE able in time for the Xmas, pur Portete. Many parents, LIMON guar ses are very helpful and serve chases.
dians and friends of the chill as a stimulus to the brain.
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