
PAGE 10 THE ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY, DECEMBER 17th 1938 GUILLERMO LEHAUS Cº LIMON CANADA ANXIOUSLY AWAITS ROYAL VISIT La calidad delicada el gusto distinguido da BUDWEISER son el resultade de 80 años de experiencia en su elaboración.
Montreal. In a dozen different ways the forthcoming viit of King George and Queen Elizabeth to Canadá promises to to be a momentous Event Politically and socially will come as a pendant to three of the most troubled years the British Crown has known. It will find Canadians Enxious not only about the empire unity but their own.
La popularidad de BUDWEISER fundó la cer vecería mayor del mundo.
Ahora se consigue en latitas doradas.
COMO BUDWEISER. ninguna Budweise a cerIt is already being variously interprete das an imperialit LIMON TRADING manoeuvre and as a gracious gesture of recognition of Canada status as an autonomous DISTRIBUIDORES nation under her own King.
Although the present King la Bus like his three inmediate predeSERVICIO DE CABOTAJE LANCHA cessors, set foot on Canadian soil ENERGY before ascending the throne, he is the first King of England, and still more, the first King of Ca. BREVITIES FROM HERE AND THERE SALIDAS: Días lunes y jueves a medio dia para Co nada, to come here as a reig. During last month the Dion Eniperor of Japan. the 13 huita, Puerto Viejo y Manzanillo.
tag sovereigri. Consequently, ne quintuplets underwent a succf April.
SALIDA. Jueves por la noche para la Barra del Colo everything he does while here cesful operation for the remo Germany is reported to rado, el Bluff y Bluefields.
will create a precedent.
val of tonsils and adenoid. concluding arrangements to pl LLEVANDO CARGA PASAJEROS Social functions will be kept They are now four and a half chase between 10 and 17 mill to a minimum to permit their years old.
dollars worth of petroleum to public wrestling match took Mexico. Japan is also suppo St. Anthony Hold Lawn Parties Canadians as a whole. This does place recently at Jullunder, in to be arranging for a large ay not rule out the possibility that the Punjab province of India, tity provided the Mexicans preliminary observation ha nue entered the ground: under one or more royal courts might between a man named Hissamtaernment can make delivery ving revealed to the Director, military escort and proceeded, be held. But the only function din and Moslem woman port in the Pacific.
Dr. Robert de La Bastide, amid a throng of loyal subjects, over which it is already known as Omid Banu. The wothat the children should have to her Court. The richly made tain King George will preside man flored the ma nin 1, mi The well known Capita some wholesome enjoyment he golden Crown, was there deposi is the unveiling of Canada war nutes. Shortly after the match, don Jaime Bennett anno started operation, and after the ted on her head and the koyal memorial in Ottawa.
the local Mohanmmedans held ces he is prepared to wager necesary ground preparations Sceptre placed in her hand. Already the King coming is a meeting at which speakers 000 colones against, 000 had been made, a number of After the Coronation, the being subtly represented in of condemned the spectacle of a the National Republican young mi sess voluntered to vie Princess and her retinue motor ficial circles not as a visit. but woman wrestling with a man. will be the victors in the for the honour of being Little ed along the avenue and streets as the King exercise for the According to instruction reproaching elections, and Princess MIRANDA of the Fair. of her domain in artistically de first, but not for the last time cently issued, Costa Rica has de doctor Calderon Guardia As a means of facilitating these corated ears; the procession of his constitutional rights az cided of officially recognize the assume the Presidency of contestants in their efforts to being preceded by the popular King of Canada.
Birthday of His Majesty the Republie win the laurels by the sale of Yankee Band. On the return of votes, appropriately worded the Royal Party they were serColor will be lent to this by handbills were REGARDING THE ETHIOPIAN STRUGGLE distributed, ved with cakes a la Minott; his taking over from the Govthe meantime our ambitious and Ice Cream a la Hey. es. and enor General, Lord Tweeds. From various sources, says surprise assaults of the T: willing little workers went a Beverages a la Johnson. muir, while in Canada, the ro the Voice of Ethiopia, there warriors. large Italian bout their task with a truly The culmination of these two yal duty of signing Cabinet de is evidence that the Italians ce near Ankolur was also earnet and interested zeal. real enjoyable afternoon for the crees.
are failing in Ethiopia. andjected to a heavy att On the night of Friday the 9th children, and the night parties If Parliament concludes its that England and France which lasted for two da instant, the final counting of for the adults, is noteworthy and efforts next sesion in time he recent recognition will ina when the defending tro the votes took place, when Miss redound creditably to the Di may prorogue it. This is unlike no difference to those who had to retire to Addis Leanora Charles, having secu rector and his sociates. The kely.
are conducting the fight for ba.
red a majority of votes, was ac Management of the Society, There have been flattering freedom.
The noted Somali Chief, claimed, under a generous ap through this medium, desire to hints from London, backed by During the recent Mas taurari Omar Samaritar, plause, Princess MIRANDA the extend their sincere apprecia substantial war orders, that the kal Feast. several encoun fought against the Italia First. The Misses Dorothy Chi tion and thanks for their concenter of the British Empire ters took place with much during the war, has again ckory and Beryl Calder having tion and thangs to parents, guar might some day shift to Canada. loss to the Italians. The is said, offered his servi tied for second place, were an dians and friends for their con Certainly no injury will be do troops stationed at Furre, to the Ethiopians, Anot nounce Maids of Ebnour to tributions to the cause winch in ne to imperial unity by Cana bout 20 kilometers from Ad noted warrior, Prince AN Her Royal Highness. The follow a large measure aided the suc da realization in the fle of dis Ababa, were routed and Tsahai is reported to be ing Monday afternoon was the cess achieved on behalf of an the fact that she has a king of much booty obtained. More command of a large fore scene of the grand coronation Association which is charitable her own. It might even bene than a thousand Italians are with whom he is operati and as the hour arrived Her and friendly to all.
fit Canadian unity, recently sub said to have been killed at successfully in the Shoa an Royal Highness and her Retiject to severe strain.
Abbi Adi and Tembien by Tigre regions.
If enfeebled by age.
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MRS. FRANKLIN Graduate Surgical Chiropodist.
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