
prematurely aged, Tertilinets me do de de cer to CARDUL EYES!
TIRED change of Salvation Army Officers MURINE FOR YOUR RELIEVE ta ou LAMENTABLE OCCURRENCE By his rather peculiar manof the Island of Barbados.
ner of acting during the past For economical reasons it is several weeks, any keen ob said, the latter welcomed his WOMENI server could have noted that unexpected guest. Very ethe rejuvenating Turn dark weak James Williams, a well gretfully, however the Jehormone proparation days into sun known coloured Jeweller and weller mind seemed to have FOR WOMEN days. Bo strong Watch Repairer of this city, got completely unbalanced, happy. Cardui according to Dr Rich Weiss famous medicinal was mentally deranged. for last Saturday morning Ask for our illustrated bophlat tonic, helps prevent On Wednesday, the 7th inshe attacked and almost insperiodic discomfort.
tant, he voluntarily moved in tantly killed the second hand ON SALE IN ALL DRUGSTORES to the second hand furnitu dealer, who was rushed re shop situated on Four the hospital where his injuTHE GREATEST RINGING PEAL OF BELLS Block, owned and operated ries were found to be of a by George Williams a native natal nature, he succumbed From the Quarterly bulle will consist of 13 bells, the a a few hours later.
tin for September, issued by largest being the tenor with The remains of the poor the Liverpool Cathedral Com a weight of 80 cwts, and a Costa Rica Most Heavily Indebted of Central unfortunate man were laid mittee, it is gathered that diameter feet inches. The American Nations in their last resting place the this important religious Edi total weight of the peal will following day in the presen fice of England, is soon to be about 16. 12 tons.
In its last Saturday issue is next to that of Costace of a fair representation possess the greatest ringing La Tribuna carries some very Rica, her per capital of of friends and sympathizers: peal of Bells in the world, The following twelve bell interesting details regarding 55 dollars is heaviest the smal while the insane one is in the as well as the largest tower rings are the next the public debts of four of lest of all the nations mentio local Carcel, without any in which they will be contain in the world. Exeter Cathe the Central American nations ned. El Salvador is third with real knowledge of his crime. ed.
dral, tenor 72 cwts; St. Paul by which it is seen that this 14. 397. 085 dollars and a per The Peal will be located tenor 62 cwts. York Minster, country is the one most hea capital of 76 dollors; Hondu 235 feet above street level and 60 cwts.
vily involted with an indeb ras follows with 14, 073, 890 do tedness totalling 25, 701, 020 dollars, which gives her a per AFTER On the Sick List llars and a per capita of capita of 14. 07 dollars. All DAY IN THE 42. 37 dollars.
these figures are as of the SUN is Although Guatemala The many friends of Mr. dence, since last week. He an 31st December 1937.
Cdebtedness, of 18, 631, 835 Hylton, one of our leading greatly missed in both religious pedagogues and Catechist of the and educational circles.
13 URINE St. Mark Church, will regret to learn he has been ill and con We wish him a speedy recofined to bed, at the family resi very. the loent Branch of EYES this friend Adjutant Wright, the Ma ilu rld famed Christian and benejor has laboured unceasingly in fint organization, as also their the interests of his Corps. He THERE IS AN by friends bade Major Ja has also so improved the dwelEVER INCRESAING DEMAND que Perry and his fruly adieuling attached to the Recent Death meeting FOR THE TICKETS OF THE GREAT XMAS. DRAWING Saturday when they sailea Hall that its occupants can now We report, with a feeling of WHICH WILL DISTRIBUTE the Costa Rica for enjoy comíort and improved sadness, the death and burial ristobal to take up similar du health condition.
of Mr. Vivian Thompson who 472, 510. 00 cies with the Colon Corps.
We wish the Major and his breathed his last at the family (IN PRIZES)
There is no gain saying that family much success and pros residence situated on the knoll, This sensational Drawing will take place on pom the time of his arrival as perity in their new field of la known as the Arnold Hill. The SUNDAY THE 25th. DECEMBER accessor to oue eicemea bour in the Master service. deceased, a young man of 38 THE NATIONAL LOTTERY enriches the Poor and has years of age, was a colored naall the possibilities for OFFERING FORTUNE tive of this town and employed VALUE of TICKET. 30, 00 FIRST PRIZE 150. 000 LA PROVEEDORA for several years in the ALMACEN PARA FAMILIAS Yard. His remains were interred on the afternoon of the LIMON. COSTA RICA CUADRO DE HONOR DE LA ESCUELA DE NI12th. instant in the presence of Offers an extensive assortment of Groceries, Fresh a large representative gathering ÑAS RAFAEL YGLESIAS Fruit, Canned and Dried Fruit, Oils, Jellies, Biscuits of of relative and friends.
every class, Chocolates, Candies, etc.
To his sorrowing relatives, DISTINGUIDAS EN LAS ASIGNATURAS PRINCIPALES les who now mourn his death, the 100 Atlantic Voice extends its pro A: Nora argas, Ma. Luisa II C: Gloria Aquart Green, ai For each purchase of the Value of ONE COLON we give found sympathy.
a numbered Ticket which enables you to gain cheverría, Elizabeth Canacho, Andina Campbell Odile Arias, Miriam David. II D: Dora Chacón, Laura de ONE, FIVE or TEN COLONES Wedding Betis B: Elsa Campos, Flory Mar la Peña.
if corresponding to the respective last two, three or CarOn the fifth instant Miss Jean tínez, Carmen Rugama, III A: Ana Isabel Vaglio, Be150 four figures of the Grand Prize of the ette Bennett became the bride men Madriz, Metzi Grau. renice Reid, Pejina Wignall, Loteria del Asilo Chapui of Mr. Leonard Corbett, a Cut C: Antonia Chingu, Dyalah Flora Arroyo.
ter in the Meat Market. The Castro, Amy Aquart, Nidia III C: Lynett Pritchard CeGoods of Excellent Quality, Prices moderate and good weding was unique from treatment is our motto.
Virya eve Cruz, Marjorie Hart, Xenia Fa leston, Violeta Barnes, ry angle.
llas, Ana Lucia Coto.
Villalobos. most enjoyable reception D: Digna Canales, Gladys IV A: Xenia Calvo, María Ulate.
Cristina Serrano.
ter II A: Lylia Mora Barrante. A: Lidia Maria Humt, NoeThe members and well wich give rise to an increased use of We wish the newly weeds long II B: Cecilia Akierztein, An lia Laporte, Segunda Peña.
ers of the St. Mark Church the buildings.
life and much prosperity.
gela Garita, Angela Mora.
are looking forward to a thorooughl y renovated edifice. Carpenters and other workmen are now busy ta work.
In addition to the repairs to the Church building. lavatory WHAT DO GET OUT OF LIFE INSURANCE?
and sanitary conveniences are under construction at the Parish Hall. When this latter work is completed, the service will be highly welcomed, end may That a question that older people ask someReturned from Vacation times, too. And the answer is really so simple.
Ng Looking in the bloom of icia health and with renewed Vi to geur, our good citizen Mr. Leslie Angus of Messrs.
thri Jack Orane Sucs. has returnLife Insurance Gives Your Baby, an Honed from a well earned vacabetrtion of about three months EXTRA PARENT lett spent in his native Island, le Jamaica.
Rolf He has resumed his posichd tion with this important buSan José Banco Nacional de Seguros Limon siness house, and we are 16 again afforded the pleasure of experiencing his most plea sing and courteous manners.
Hod St Anglican Church Undergoing Extensive Repairs was held at their residence atbWho will guard HIM ALL THROUGH LIFE.
ud der Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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