
Tuath is die expression the Divinc mind: anal however little our feeble vision may be able to discern the means by which God may provide for its preservation, we may leave the matter in His hands, and be sure that a firm and courageus application of every principle of equity and of justice is the best method we cail adopt for its preservation and influence.
GLADSTONE Devoted to the interest of the people of the Atlantic Zone Editor English See tion: NATION. Year Limón, Costa Rica, Sotur day, DECEMBER 24th. 1938 Nº 226 RAILWAY SERVICE STILL INTERRUPTED an as to Community. very merry Christmas and are WIRELESS NEWS THE SEASON OF GOODWILL LIMA. In sharp words Christmos the Season in which we celebrate the Alf Landon, Republican Birth of Christ our Saviour is once again with us with its Presidential Nominee in 1936, As it has so often happened notwithstanding the intense told the world that the S, de message of Peace and Goodwill.
at this time in other years. efforts of our energetic SuAs the Festival of humanity, it party regardless of the in represents somepowerwould not tolerate any and arrangements in conneo efficient technicians, regular our community preparations perintendent and his staff of 000 thing common to us all, something individual. It awakens foreign government gaining tion with the Festive Season service is not likely to be rein us feelings of greater consideration and more generous a foothold on this continent is thoughtfulness.
have all been seriously affec. sumed for several days yet; It touches the chords of our memories In a worldwide broadcast ted by the present interrup at least not until after Christ thereby evoking so sweet a response that we vividly recolfrom the pan American Contion of our Railway commu mas day, as weather condi lect the days and friends of old, and move, in spirit, with delegate nication with San José ference, the and tions continue to retard the from Kansas declared people other interior points.
bor our loved ones no matter how far away they may be of the Americas were horrinecessary repair work.
from us fied and shoeked by the inIn consequence of the exce We very much regret that This is the time, too, when we generally endeavour credible brutality of che Jedingly heavy and continuous so erious interruption to disploy a larger amount of friendliness and co operotion; world on both sides of us rains which commenced should have taken place at, veral days previously nume this time when our economic when we seem to vie with each other in our utterances and He preceded that declaration watu with the statement that un rous landslides, wash. outs interests would have received acts of goodwill, brotherly interest and charity.
Do these, en dother damage occurred some assistance from the ad. less we in the are raits however, always spring from our being possessed of the true to the Company roadway ditional expenditures usually no longer concerned spirit of the Season message? Do they always represen whether other counduring Tuesday night last, and indulged in by all.
o genuine participation in the great work which begon in tries get a foothold in the humble stable of Bethlehem on that first Christmas this hemisphere, the time nus. mere come to go beyond morn nineteen hundred and thirty eight years ago? Let us THE ATLANTIC VOICE words ana gestures. The pot all make a special effort, as followers of Him whose Birth speech was considered as a we commemorate, to secure the most of that which we wishes its numerous and esteemed bombshell hurled in the rival believe is the Season Central Truth so we may carry ry between the and ArPatrons and Friends, as also the general with us throughout the coming year, and, like Milton, be gentina over the problem of ever ready to repeat.
committing the 21 American This is the month, and this the happy Morn, Republics to a strong declaraWherein the Son of Heaven eternal King tion of solidarity ana defense.
When Landon said Agents Of wedded maid and virgin mother born, of totalitarian powers Our great redemption from above did bring; Prosperous 1939.
busy spreading propaganda For so the holy soaes once did sing.
all over Central and South que That He our deadly forfeit should release, America to the effect that And with His Father work us a perpetual peoce, those countries cannot count Our Teachers and Scholars Now on Vacation de on the continuity of policy of WHO WAS SANTA CLAUS?
the he answered Argentinas questions After 000 Although the naine of San resident in Patara or Panthera Roosevelt, what. He decla 16ih, marked the closing of but in a great majority of caThe weck, ending December need a much longer vacation, ta Claus is so closely cscocin in the province of Lycia in red the Monroe doctrine the school year, and tire be ses, an extended one would ted with our Chrismas celebra Asia Minor, Nicholas, as he was one policy which the sginning of the vacation per result in unfavourable condition but a very few person, we named, inherited a collosal for nas pursued for over a cen iod for both teachers believe, know who he was or tune on their deaths; and insury regardless of and tions. On the other hand, the election have a knowledge of his histotead of recking political or so results.
scholars, but this he had to longer the children are out be limited to abouth four of schol the greater will be the ry cial preferment to which his The son of wealthy parents cminence entitled him, he ente weeks only, due principally task of the teachers on resum to the very low financial option. it is regrettable to say.
ed the ministry, and giving his port obtained by the teachers though true that the majoriLubstance to the poor, devoted during the term. Physically ty of pupils of today will not his services to the people and end mentally, the instructors his life to God. After a short To Page 11 visit to the Holy Land, Nicholas transferred his residence to My SERVICIO DE VAPORES ra, where he is said to have pursued a retired life of such ROYAL NETHERLAND Salidos semanales de Limón para Nueva York con humility and service, that escalo en Cristóbal y Habana.
the death of the Bishop of that Diocese he was elected his sueSTEAMSHIP Co.
Llevando café para todos los puertos cessor. His day of celebrat on Europeos y Americanos dates from December 6th. 326 326 His various names (Compañía Real Holandesa de Vapores)
VAPORES SALIDAS indicate the spaciousness of his influence; in Latin he is known as Sanctus Nicholaus; in ItaJAMAICA Diciembre 25 lian, San Nicolo or Nicola di VERAGUA Bari: in German, Der Meilige PROXIMAS SALIDAS DE LIMON: Enero Nicolaus or Niklas; in Dutch CHIRIQUI Enero St. Nicolas or Niclaes; while with the English he is known as good old Sinta Claus.
He is the Patron Saint of chil dren. of portionless maidens of sailors of travellers OFICINA SAN JOSE: TELEFONO 3417 CHAGRES Diciembre 30 and of merchants. He was estee med as the Leader of democraFRENTE AL ALMACEN KOBERG Llevando cafe solamente para Londres ey and honoured as the ropresentative of humanism rather ALVARADO y Cía. SUCS.
than nationalism, and as the directing personality of the Yu Agentes para Limón y Puntarenas.
Jetide feast.
Paro otros informes dirijose a los oficinas de lo It is claimed that during the Agentes ED. JANIN Co.
reign of the Roman Emperor LINITED FRUIT COMPANY Diocletian he was persecuted AGENTES EN LIMON: for his faith and kept in pri on en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica until the more merciful EmpeTEJ EFONO 1 6 ror Corstantine released him, Felipe Alvarado Co. Sucs.
He died a martyr, it is alleged.
UNITED FRUIT COMPANY on Simón Bolívar. 24 Dicbre.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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