
PAGE THE MORE OF THE SCOTTSBORO BOYS The First Limon Cadet TIENDAMIL COLORES necessary inquiry of the Banks Closing Exercises of Sacred Heart Day School To some minds it might be From Montgomery, Alaba la of attacking two white considered of little import to ma, A, comes the in girls was nine, but four were have these with us; this would formation that the State Au frecd last year when the Sta be a mistaken idea. Militarism thorities have again turned te dropped the charges against SUCURSAL. LIMON, AP. 578 is a high cultural and discipli down pardon applications sub them. The five still in jail.
nary branch of service apartmitted on behalf of the five and on who e behalf the cie from its greater work in times Scottboro boys serving long mency pleas were made, are of disorder.
term prison sentences the Clarence Norris, whose death CABALLERO GENTLEMEN: Col. Sydney Crowther, Int. outcome of the notorious sentence was a few monins Col. Arnold Grant and all oth trials which have caused ago commuted to life impriIf you desire to be properly ers associated with this organi worlds wide aggitation dur sonment; Charles Weems sen Ud. que gusta vestir bien le zation are to be congratulated ing the past six or seven teneed to 75 years; Andy ofrecemos un incomparable dressed, we offer you an iofor their endeavours. Some tan years Wright to 99 years; Heywood surtido en CASIMTRES IN comparable lot of gible good must ultimately re The number of boys origina Patterson to 75 years and GLESES que acabamos de resuit from such efforts.
lly charged with the offen Ozie. Poweto 20.
clbir. Contamos con los esti ENGLISH TWEEDS los más modernos y a precios que nadie nos iguala.
just received INFORMATION we give the most modern GOOD NEWS Visite nuestro almacén Style at Prices which eannot portunamente y ordene sus We feel ourselves obligated to be equalley.
Trabajos para NOCHE BUEadopt this means of advising to SUFFERERS FROM FOOT TROUBLES NA y las FIESTAS CIVICAS Pay us an early visit and residents of the line towns, who (Corns, Sallouses, Bunions, Fallen Arch, Ingrowing Nails, Ze la capital, para que noso order your work for NOCHE may anticipate coming to LiAthlete Foot, etc. iros podamos darle buen cum BUENA and the SAN JOSE mon for the purpose of buying wil benefit greatly by consulting plimiento y dejarlo satisfe CIVIC FIESTAS. We desire drafts for remittance to Jamai!
to please you in every resca and elsewhere, that the sales MRS. FRANKLIN pect.
of the e are subjected to a monthly limitation by a Board Graduate Surgical Chiropodist.
of Control in San José.
ZENT Enrique Yankelewitz, Proprietor COSTA RICA Prior to their leaving their homes, it would be to their in FRANCISCO AGUILAR, Cutter such parties the 09. 08 Des.
through someone residing here.
Scotch Lily Lodge Nominates Officers Interesting Briefs The annual Closing Exerci. all present for their attendA special meeting of this It is hoped all members, ses and Prize Giving of the ance.
Lodge was held on the 14th good standing, will avail themabove named school took plainst for the helf yearly Nomina selves the opportunity and alLondon announces that the ce on Friday afternoon the CONGRATULATIONS tion of Officers. The session tend so as to select the most British government is arrange 16th. His Lordship, Bishop waz most intere ting and har qualified to guide the destinying to make China a loan of Odendhal, the Reverend Fat The Exhibition of the schemonious.
of their Lodge, during the cor five hundred thousand pounds her John, as also a large num ol, both intellectually and Elections will take place on ming term.
sterling to acsist her purchasing ber of parents, guardians and manually, within the short the 28th of the present month.
various transportation equip well wishers were pre ent period of assignment to Mrs.
The Report of the school, Bernards, merts congratulatfor the year under review, ions. The highest credit is alThanksgiving Service at Estrada Rumania is reported to be was read by the Priest whoso due Mrs. de La Bastide, negotiating for the settlement also distributed the Prizes to who presided at the piano.
of 150. 000 of her Jewish sub the merited scholars, which Her efficient and pains takDear Mr. Editor of Matina, and Teacher Morris.
jects on British territory. UnAmong the many occupying was preceded by an eloquenting execution of the music der the proposed plan 50. 000 Please grant me the necessa seats with the Choir were seen address for the technical drills, perf.
ry space for the insertion of Mr. Nesbeth Mr. Smith might go to Jerusalem and the The Schoolmistress, Mrs. ormed so well by the pupils remainder distributed among these few lines in the coming and their families.
the different areas controled by sehool and in her own name, talent. The afternoon funcC. Bernard, on behalf of the were high marks in musical issue of your esteemed Jour The opening item was the Great Britain.
nal well known hymn Picasant thanked his Lordship, the Bis tion was most enjoyable and The members and friends of are thy Courts above which The Inspector General of Muhop, the Reverend Father and beneficial.
the Wesleyan Church at Estra was impressively played on the nicipalities estimates that durda celebrated a Thanksgiving Organ by Mrs. Vore. Miss ing the coming period of 1939, Seru Srday the 11th ins Smith Shok charge of the ins.
the financial manipulations of EDGAR ODIO GONZALEZ iant in connection with the re trument after this. After the our Municipalities will produpairs recently done to the Or reading of Psalm 26 by the RODRIGO ODIO GONZALEZ ce a total income of 358, 497, 75 gan as the result of the noble Chairman, Mr. Morris gave colones while expendures will Abogados y Notarios generosity of Mr. John Vose much appreciated address in absorb 350. 357. 75.
opposite the Park and his wife.
which he elaborated on the mea Lowyers. Public Notaries. SAN JOSE LIMON The service commenced at ning of Thanksgiving Messrs.
Office in Limon adjoins that of the Municipality 30 m, under the Chairman Maitland and Duncan followed ST. MARK CHURCH of Mr. Fairclough, within a similar strain, and asked whom were bssogiated, on the the blessing of God on the CHRISTMAS EVE MidAnnual Xmas Service By Bethlehemites plataform, Messrs. Maitland of Vose family for their great be night Mass. 11. 00 Zent, Duncan of the Estrada neficence. Mr. Duncan stated CHRISTMAS DAY LodAnglican Church, Murray Chat the repairs to the Organ ge Service (Pride of Limon) As an historical event of nity. However, this year the at the Anglican Church had al 500 the Illustrious Order of the management has decided on a so been effected through Mr.
Holy Communion 00 Star of Bethlehem on the change of time for the Divine Vose magnanimity. Mr.
Mu Musical Recital 00 24th. night of every December Service, so instead of the cray thanked the Officers and Evening Song 700 they celebratre an in door usual morning march the proMembers of the Church for service, traditionally follow cession is scheduled to leave their cordial invitation and con BOOTH ing the Star which appeared the Forester Court at 00 gratulated the Vose family for THE PEOPLE BAKERY to the Wise men in the East for the Baptist Churen.
their: splendid contribution to BEST on the nativity of the Divine Invitationes have been isthe Churches, also Mr. Fair BAKED Babe of Bethlehem.
sued to many of the well esFábrica de Hielo clough for bringing about the BERLIN It was their custom, on tablisned Benevolent and interesting Service, and all BREAD Refrescos Christmas morning, to march Fraternal Organizations to who had es isted in making it BUNS from the Lodge room to the accompany the Bethlehemitso succesful.
BISCUITS CAKES LIMON Baptist Church for worship es. It is hoped a full co opeWith thanks in anticipation. 0, Box 179 Limốn and thanksgiving to God for ration will be in evidence.
Correspondent this precious gift to humaa COSTA RICA SODA WATER FACTORY FLORIDA ICE AND FARM Co.
LA FLORIDA Fábrica de Hielo Venta de Leche Maderas Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back de su recibo que dice: of receipt which reads: Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina This bill must be paid at our office before dentro de los primeros 10 días the 10th of the month.
de cada mes.
Be so good as to comply with this request and do not Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena obtige us to suspend our service, a step which de tener que cortar su servicio.
we would much regret to take.
COMPANIA ELECTRICA allІНТІНННННННННННННННННННННННННІІІШІНІННІ DE LIMON Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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