
A Christmas Message ON VACATION hite here Sia nst Bail cie are uns d IRAZU the The cycle of time has again On Saturday morning last brought us to another 25th when the Boat from New York December, designated Christ dropped anchor here, there was mas. almost throughout chris numbered among her passen tendom. Soon we shall be slia gers Mrs. Carmen St. Bernard king hands and uttering the and her two sons, who are on time honoured, and ever new. la trip from the Great City. MERRY CHRISTMAS. Our visitor is the niece ob oue Whether this any longer ex much respected citizens. Mescites our minds with myrth sers. Victor and Charles Hayland joy, is a matter for dee in, and are their house guest per consideration.
Mrs. St. Bernard left Limon some fourteen years or so ago We live in auniverse in which for the United Siates alons there should exist the absolu with her mother Mrs. Louisa te Law of Love; hence, we Evanson, and this is her first will find order happiness and visit to her grandmother and peace only as we think, feel. other relatives. We wish her and live in harmony with the land her sons a very enjoyable, requirement. Every thought, dima word or action, not in harmony with the Angelic Message Peace on Earth and Good In Sporting Circles will to men. is outside the true spirit of Christmas. What Great enthusiasm is being we mear by love is best evinced in sporting circles in expressed by the word good connection with the coming will. We should always en tournament between a team of deavour to hold each one in Nicaraguan Baseball players thoughts of good will, and and our best representatives.
thus destroy the idea of gettThe visitors are expected to ing even with others, or reach San José today and to getting our own back. Of co be making their debut tomorure, this may not be always, row against the Goldsmiths.
easy but it is the narrow The programme of games, gate way to a Merrier and which will take place during Richer Christmas.
the holiday season, includes, we are pleased to note, one with Let us remember there is our Motive Power Boys. Lets only one Principle The prin hope Limon will mcintain her ciple of good for which the reputation.
Eternall Christ came to Earth to redeem us after the tragedy in the Garden of Eden.
There was no evil design in Our 1937 Champion Lady the Divine Plan for the comBasket. Ballers, La Libering of the Divine Babe of tad. have, we noto, been inBethlehem.
vited to Panama to take part in a series of games which are When we cease throwing being arranged for the coming stones of ill will, hatred, ma month, when it is expected an lice and resentment and acu American team will be visiting vely substtiute these with the Isthmus on their way home constructive thoughts and fe from South America.
elings of good will. the true meaning of MERRY CHRISTI.
MAS must appear of its own Fernando del Barco accord.
While celebrating this Yule tice, it well be well for us ABOGADO to meditate the words heralOficina Limón ded centuries ago; Behold Frente almacén Peña Sucs.
bring you good tidings of Apartado 446 great joy which shall be to all people. The time is ripe when more actions than San José words are needed.
Apartado 626 Tel. 4420 THOMAS Frente Botica Francesa FASTEST SELLING CIGARRILLOS IRAZU cigarette in the country 11 because ed cococo THE XMASTIDE SEASON BY REV. WRIGLEY го р er po ba ra qu at of its TASTE. Fear not, for, behold, forgiveness and the promise bring you good tidings of of eternal life, if we come great joy which shall be to with penitence and faith to all people, for unto you is greet Lim born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is come, let us adore Him Christ the Lord.
Let us make sure we offer That is the Christmas Mes our praise and worship in sage, in the words spoken by God House at this time, rethe Angel. What are the good membering the true meantidings. That our Saviour is ing of the Festival.
born into the World to bring! May this Christmastide be as the greatest of all gifts a season of joy and happiness and blessings; assurance of to all.
re SU ca CIC les los ро ор les ter un fici prematurely aged, Fertilinets use ho the rejuvenating hormone proparation FOR WOMEN qarording to Dr Rich Weiss Ask forow illudrated bophia fo 30 ON SALE IN ALL DRUGSTORES Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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