
PAGE 10 THE ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY, DECEMBER 24th. 1938 EL BANCO NACIONAL DE COSTA RICA Ex Member of Reichstag Denounces Nazism Cardui Edgar Young LAST SUNDAY SPORTING EVENTS Our hopes were almost go Both teams tried assiduons ne for the regular amusement ly for supramacy, but this and thrill obtainable from was not to be for at the cal these exercises in conseque of time the goals were on ence of the almost continuai nach.
showers of rain which fell BASE BALL from Saturday evening to LIMON BRANCH early Sunday morning This anxiously awaited ev The dawn of the morning ent was at hand. The sport with its low hanging clouds, ing fans from almost every Desires to advise all Cacao Producers that its departindicated that the watery va rart of our city many fron pors in them were apt to pass the line towns, thronged the ment for receiving and handling of Cacao Consignments for through a state of condensa tadium, and the Diamond was completely circled witi direct disposal in foreign markets at the best prices obtaintion at any moment, howe persons from all walks of li ver, the day trurned out cool e.
able and with lowest expense, is now at their service in the and refreshing Many of the Cruise Pase engers from the vessels in building known as Cine Mundial (late Ramos Bodega. Foot Ball Port also graced the occasion The Bank is willing to make cash advances on the conDuring the forenon the sec mith their presence, making ond divisions of both Gimns it appear more like an Olym tica and Limon Junior took pic Game than an ordinar signments to those Producers who may need same.
the field which was in a very one between two local Clubs bad condition, with heavy As the hour drew near, Ma clots of mud and stagnant nager Johnson and hill pools of water here and the Cubs looking fit and reads re. The Gimnasticas won by for the Battle arrived on the seven goals against a Cipher scene. They were inmediately for the Juniors. This victory followed by the Motive Po was obtained by a great dis wer team, dressed in thei Speaking from the Forum ofnizations of a military characplay of physical force. dark shirts lettered with th the City Hall, Washington, so ter suppressed. He furher sug.
The afternoon game bet word CACIQUE. which wa me days ago an ex Member gested that an investigation be ween Heredia and the Limon given them as a badge of ho of the Reichstag named Seger, made of the operations of the Sports, played upon a much nour and victory, also as a who now works as a reporter German. American League improved ground, was well advertising medium forth for a German newspaper of which finances Nazi propagan Besides easing functional contested. TO PAGE 11)
New York, insisted it was ab da with American funds.
pains of menstruation, Car.
solutely necessary that the Uni dal alds in building up tho ted States government make whole system by helping every possible effort to THERE IS AN supwomen to get more energy press Nazi activities in Ameriand strength EVER INCRESAING DEMAND from their food.
FOR THE TICKETS OF THE GREAT XMAS. DRAWING ca. As a means toward this end Seger recommended that the in COMERCIANTE WHICH WILL DISTRIBUTE terchange of students and propor más uc. años for Women 472, 510. 00 Establecido en la Presincla fessors between the United Sta Vende al detal, Viros y LI(IN PRIZES)
tes and Germany be stopped: cores extronjeros y del pais, This sensational Drawing will take place on that greater vigilance be paid MISCELANEA SUNDAY THE 25th. DECEMBER the activities of the diplomatic abarrotes en general THE NATIONAL LOTTERY enriches the Poor and has representatives of the totalita Sstablecimiento esquina rian nations; that all Nazi assoall the possibilities for OFFERING FORTUNE Norte del Mercado, ORBITUARY VALUE of TICKET 30, 00 FIRST PRIZE 150. 000 ciations be dissolved and orgaEntro We deeply regret having to inform the members of the In dependent United Order of Scot The members of the Wo to assist in providing a Christ tish Mechanics and their symmen League attached to the mas theath for some of our pathizer, that news has been At the hour of seven o clock of their teacher, Mrs. Jessie Methodist Church here, have less fortunate people.
received of the death of the charp on Monday night, the Wright who, without doubt been issuing circulars since This is a very an charitable Grand Secretary. Robert Wi 19thinstant, the sacred edi had an ungrudged task Last month to almost all the cause and we hope the res Noverber, and was laid at rest dists was filled to capacity other characteristics of the lliamson, who died on the ist fice of the Wesleyan Metho developing the culture and Benevolent and other Organi ponse will be generous.
zations solicitng financial aid on the 3rd, with a host of frien with parents, guardians and children.
ds and members paying their friends who had assembled The chair was in the very last respects.
to listen to and encourage the capable possesion of the Rev.
pupils in their entertainment. John Chinn.
This is rather a heavy blow well prepared and ably to the Order, as by his courte rendered programme of dia Mrs. Wright spoke briefly services, the Grand Se logues, recitations and songs to the parents regarding the cretary had endeared him elf gave ample satisfaction to great necessity of the regular THE VOGUE TAILORS to everyone, both at home and the audience.
attendance of their children abroad. Those of us who had Each ambitious scholar se as this was not so in the past Rogers contact with him shall feel his emed to have fully realized and was against the interests loss acutely; but will count the it was incumbent on him or of both the children and teatime he was with us a gain. her to maintain the standard chers.
friend and trusty Chief has fallen; and his summer noon Buy Your Sui on Easy is past. PLEASANT SUNDAY AFTERNOON Payment Plan The Mothers Union society, ked ability, and Congratula BOXING operated under the auspices of tions were extended those res.
the Aglican Church, celebra ponsible for the presentation See Our Lines of ted a pleasant Afternoon on of the pleasing event.
The report came to us from Sunday last. The entertainment Tweeds, Serges, Palm.
Mr. Wm. Da ley occupied San Jose, regarding the pugi was praiseworthy in every way. the chair until the Reverend Beach, Linens and listic engagement recently sta The artists executed their res Father Wrigley, who was Drills.
ged there in which Limon was pective assignments with mar on the lines, arrived.
represented by two of its colou red Boxers: Messrs Juan Bagas Make your choice. Pay and Arturo Clarke.
FOR THE XMAS SEASON any amount from one In the bout between Bagas and Castrillo, the once formicolón upwards. We make dable Bagas was dismissed in New Arrivals of the Latest Goods the fifth round. His opponent for Men, Ladies and Children your suit to your entire we are told was master of the in Hats, Caps, Tweeds and Fancy Material satisfaction.
situation from the start. Howe ver, the standard of our ProDONT FORGET vince was upheld by Arturo, who put the aspiring Lampara The Toys for the kiddies to the canvas three times in the first round, and completely cent him to the land of dreams THE PEOPLES HOUSE LIMON in the third Xmas Treat by Women League Methodist day school closing entertainment ous Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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