
uons thi cal on Clean and Clear USE. lev sort very Tron the hond witi MURINE FOR YOUR ASK YOUR DRUGGIST If enfeebled by age.
Virilinets ing use Restaurante. Siquirres Our Teachers.
men a LAST SUNDAY PAGE 11 THE ATLANTIC VOICE 238 SATURDAY, December 24th. 1938 THE GOSPEL OF PEACE Why Can it always be Christmas BY EDITH JOHNSON By Rev. John Chinn thing, with its joys and sadnesse EVANGELIST and pains. And it is along this Behold Bring you good ars ago. Today, instead of The unfortunate feature of line of right human relations KEEP YOUR tidings of great joy which peace there are wars and ru Christmas is that it does not hips here and now, that pepa shall be to all people. To the mours of wars. Is there any last long onough. do not referre us for the after life.
EYES readers of the Atlantic Voi hope for peace? Yes, there is to the Christmas of extra fee The sumptuous feeding and ce. Greetings. This Christ. We can only have peace thrc. ing and griety but to the Chris gaiety of Christmas time canmas of 1938 has found this ugh the Gospel of Peace, and tmas of good. will toward not, and should not, last throug world in great distress and as long as we shut the Gospel each cther. If we could only hout the year, but the good wili this season out of our minds, there must shake the hands as heartily, and can, and should, and with maperplexity. Yet reminds us of the glad tid be confusion and strife What great each other as cheerily, ny, it does last. This condition EYES ings spoken by the An can we, here in Costa Rica, for twelve months in the year. is possible by the God willing gels nearly two thousand ye do to help our world?
instead of for one week, then Saviour within the heart of Eeach one Costa Rica would be a Verita man.
fli can do something. It is in my ble Paradise.
All the hatreds, malice and place to remind the busy And yet this condition of hu strifes, among nations and indi ase world that God is at the head man relations hip was the purviduals, are sontrary to the int of all affairs and we must pose of God in giving His only Kingdom of Christ, as truly as sior obey Him. The year 1939 will Begotten Son, the purpose for the banana disease is contrary be a great one in the history which Jesus lived and taught to the welfare of the Banana the rejuvenating of this world. shall do my in Galilee, and for which, He Industry.
hormono preparation part, by God help, and died, am not forgetting the ibs FOR MEN, shall look to others to heip great Eternity hereafter: but So. Why Can it alwasta be Ma aaording to Dr. Rich Weiss me in this great field of lab the present life is a very real Christmas, hi Ask for our illustrated booklet our so that may be able to POUR. 000. 000 ad ON SALE IN ALL DRUGSTORES fulfil my duty which God th has called me to do. For my tel feet is shod with the prepaPo ration of the Gospel of Peahei ce. Eph. 6:15. wish you th From Page ining, and that they endea all a Merry Christmas. Peace El tren de pasajeros de Limón a San José se detiene en wa study outside of the class vour always to Siquirres 20 minutos, para que los pasajeros puedan alexercise on Earth, Good will toward ho morzar cómodamente. Compre su tiqu en el tren para room.
exemplified conduct and good We desire to make a spe manners both in and out of que sea atendido a la llegada. El precio es 50. El th cial appeal to parents and school.
Restaurant queda a la derecha de la Estación. Cantina, guardians to come more geCigarros y cigarrillos. Se habla inglés.
nerously to the aid of the We understand the teachFrom Page 10 SULLIVAN teachers by impressing oners anticipate convening perio famous cigarette, when a few the minds of the childrer the dical sessions to which the months ago they defeated the importance of studying the parents will be invited with once unbeatable Cubs.
Extension of Old School Building lessons assigned them by a view of securing better coViewing the uncertainty of their teachers: to honour, operation and understanding the weather, Umpires Big Boy obey and respect those who between all who are iterested and Lazarus were promptly at We note with much satis dable work at it is known are itrusted with their tra in this noble work.
their posts the latter in char faction the preparatory work our population is rapidly inge of the ba: es. The Motive in connection with the exten creasing, it is estimated that cinco años de prisión en San Lucas fué elevada Power, wtih physical alert sion of the old building which the construction will cost obness took the field. It must houses the Government Boys out thirty thousand co! ones.
la pena impuesta al autor del crimen de El To be admitted that the outfield School in this city. Our Gov. It is stated that in the extenwas not the best, but the in ernor, the Board of Education sion provisions will be in de ro, por la Sala Penal de la Corte Suprma de field was in a fair shape. The and the Municipal Fathers for an amnsement hall for the Justicia ball was instrusted to Pitcher deserve our whole hearted use of pupils; a splendid idea Dowden. Kerr, one of the congratulations for this lau this. Cubs formidable hitters, faEste semanario ha venido inced the attack from which Champion Elocutionist to Defend Title formando ampliamente el curso he gained a free base.
sid de este proceso en el cual puFrancisco Fonseca Ch. From then on the Umpire Shortly after the great Con is now in the capable hands sieron las autoridades judiciahad to use his left hand con test, held by the Managem of a special Committee conar les del puerto todo su empeño Antonio LAWYER NOTARY siderably in signalling balls, ent of St. Anthony Depart sisting of Messrs.
nd por apartar de las sombras de PUBLIC as strikes were not forth co ment of Sports and Improve Maxwell, Jerry Butler, a disdudas que cubrian a simple vis Office: ming. Thus, the Cubs made ments, when Mrs. de La tinguished Jamaican who is ta los móviles del crimen. ya Adjoining to the City their first two runs. By this Bastide won the Champion a guest of Mr. Harold Smith, ry que la carencia de elementos preliminary brilliant display, ship, Mr. Walter Barnett, one Burrows and Jos.
Public Library ev probatorios, ante el silencio de ENGLISH SPOKEN what had looked like a certa of the then Contestants, iss Thomas to select a Poem to la víctima por no haber podiin defeat at the start begins ued a challenge to the Cham be recited by both the chamdo declarar y en la forma un FORMER JUDGE OF THE to take a change.
pion, who pleasantly accep pion, in defence of her title, ly que se desfrrolló el hecho, LIMON DISTRICT COURT ted.
Pitcher Bailey, for the Cubs, and Challenger, Mr. Barnett.
en la selva muda, dejaban en with splendid pitching supNo time was delayed in Further announcements will la incógnita circunstancias que todas sus partes las razones ju ported by tightened fielding, importing a Book of Stand be made through the columns en demandaron la investigación st personal del juez, quien se cons pero con tal mala suerte para in their first inning for a Cirídicas que adujo en su apoyo, dismissed the Motive Power ard Elocutionary Poems whiehl of this paper.
ts tituyó a varias millas de la pla Montoña que elevó a cinco añospher. The Cubs in their seIN DRUG STORE taforma del TORO, donde tuvo de prisión en San Lucas la pecond inning registered two lugar el hecho, para formarse PURCHASE YOUR MEDICINES criterio y dictar su fallo na impuesta en primer instanmore runs. The Motives, desEste es el saldo que dejó pite their renewed efforts to Tres años ocho meses y un aquella tragedia en que en de change the order of things adía impuso a Félix Pedro Mon fensa de una muchacha intervi gain failed to register a run.
which merits your Confidence, toya como autor del crimen en no el reo. Según dicen nues. The third encounter resulted perjuicio de Eduardo Suther tros informantes, para evitar in another run for the victors.
Inad, y el Tribunal Superior que fuera castigada por la vic George Hart made a The Botica Alemana three al conocer del asunto acogió en tima base hit and joyfully the great crowd cheered him. The Lic. Paul Kleefeld. Prop.
next inning for the Motive IA PROVEEDORA Power gave no change of fiis ALMACEN PARA FAMILIAS gures on the Score Board LIMON. COSTA RICA Things cannot continue in this marvellous feat. In the 6th. ted; The changing of time onesided way, was the ejacu and seventh innnings, the brings failure and success, and Offers an extensive assortment of Groceries, Fresh lation by many of the specta Cubs failed to score, while affluence is no bar to human Fruit, Canned and Dried Fruit, Oils, Jellies, Biscuits of tors.
the Motives scored one in the dejection.
every class, Chocolates, Candies, etc, It was now seen that Pit seventh and eight, respectivecher Dowden could not be rely. The heroes of the day made venged for having humiliated three runs in their eight and For each purchase of the Value of ONE COLON we give the Cubs on a former enga none in the ninth.
Lic. DANIEL ZELEDON a numbered Ticket which enables you to gain gement. He was, therefore, Victory resulted for the ONE, FIVE or TEN COLONES relieved by Bertie Evans, but Cubs with twelve runs aga Abogado y it corresponding to the respective last two, three or the Cubs said. San José or inst two for the Motive Pow four figures of the Grand Prixe of the Limon all the same: on and er. In spite of this crushing Loteria del Asilo Chapui on they scored. George Bobb, defeat, the excellent sportin the forth inning for the Mo manship displayed by ManaGoods of Excellent Quality, Prices moderate and good tives, made a brilliant displayger Skipton and his men was Oficina: Altos Pastreatment is our motto.
with a crossarmed catch; he most praiseworthy. Thus the cual Ingianna was loudly applaused for this time aged saying is manifes bt he ne ar a cia. Notaris Público Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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