
PAGE THE ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY, JANUARY 28th. 1939 GUILLERMO NIEHA CO Henry Hylton Crosses The Great Divide VACUNAS con ra el carbón ceremonial rites were most im.
presively conducted by the The evening shadows had Freedom Hall.
LIMON Rev. Wrigley and the passed away and night had fr While in tre pursuit of a lithe choir. Many hearts must lien, when the Curfew gave velihood, he was none the less have seriously meditated the forth the piercing news that of a worthy Christian character. Colemn and mournful moment, with his sickle, Father Time had As a Cetechi of the Anglican As the cortege wended its way reaped into Eternity. Henry Church of St. Mark in this Cinto the end of seventh Street, al Hylton, a distinguished Educa ty, he deligently, impressively most every person along the tor and highly esteemed citi and unfalteringly performed the route seemed to have muttered zen. The end came on Friday thre important duties assigned him. March on, we foliow. When 20th. instant while he was an We do not profess to an un the Cemetery was reached, thoinmate of the locul hospital der, tanding of the principles of usands stood around the grave Mr. Hylton was a native of the Jehovah. We cannot trace for such a one goes not unhoJamaica, born on the 8th of the process, and oftim. the noured to his last re ting plo May 1877 in the district of Roe method seem somewhat disap. After the Priest had completed hampton in the parish or provin pointing but by which. He raises the Church ceremonial, the ce of St. James, County of Sur up great mortals to prepare Ritualistie Rites of the Costa rey. Hi parent. who were well them for His Kingdom.
Rico Burial Scheme Associntion to the forefront of human pro He whom we knew as Henry followed, and thus was closed grees, provided him with an Hylton is now beyond the pale the life of one of cur most use early education at Montpelier. of nature beauty, gone frсm ful and honoured citizens Displaying an unusurl youthful his te ovedg wife and children. Heny Hyton, has left a wide ambition, he left the elementary relatives and friends, gone from three daughters and a son here, class rcom in the year 1895 to daylight and fragrant air. But in addition to several relatives enter the Mico Training Colle we firmly believe he has gone abrotd, to mourn his irrepar ge, from which noted Institu to enjoy Divine Fellowship and able loss. To these bereaved SERVICIO DE CABOTAJE LANCHA tion of learning he graduated Celestial Light.
ones, the Atlantic Voice tenders two years later (1897. fuly Preceded by the First Limon its sincerest condolence and ccm ENERGY.
qualified to pursue the stre Cadets, Brigades, Giri Guide. mend them to the care of Him SALIDAS: Dias lunes y jueves a medio dia para Canuous work of an educator. His a full fureral array of the So who is able to keep them under huila, Puerto Viejo y Manzanillo.
first as igment was the school at ciety and its member, as well His protecting arms.
SALIDA: Jueves por la noche para la Barra del Colo Le terfield.
as more than a thou and mourn rado, el Bluff y Bluefields.
After giving many years ofers, the mortal remains of our Father. Why were ус LLEVANDO CARGA PASAJEROS Bunique service to the educatio dear departed one, were remo kept in at school last afternoon?
nal wellare of his native Isle, ved from the hospital to the Hall Mike Because didn he was seized with pioneering of the Costa Rica Burial Asso know where the Azores were.
lure, so in 1901 we found himciation where a short service Father. In the future, just Another Drastic Anti. Jewish Decres numbered among those who was held; thence to the St. please remember where you One of the more recent deve. the Jewish husbands or wive: sought their pastures new in Mark Church where the full place things.
Spments in the Nazis anti Je are unwiling to permit their thi country. He served our loeh campaiga has convinced mates suffering their terrib. e cal Baptist Denomination for a any observers that Germany fate.
penta o about cion Sears as SENORES GANADEROS determined to squeeze the na In cares where married part Schoolmaster, Deacon and Orga s Jews out of existence. ners hold tit. e to family homes, nist. In 1906 he married Miss Foreign diplomatis are reper unless the Aryan agrees to divor Susan Johnson also a Jaanaiup to have received the infor ce the Jewish mate, the property can from the parish of St. Ann tion that the Nazis are plan will fall under the stringent She now mourns his lor. The MAMITIS, ABORTO, etc.
ng a decree to dissolve all cemi confiscation decrees of the union brought them a son and Marriages betweeen Aryans and Economies Ministry. This pro three daughters.
Sueros contra MORDEDURAS SERPIENTES tus, unless the Aryan memb posed decree will leave Jews The deceased was, without of earch union is wiling to stripped of practically every doubt, one of the most promi Acaba de recibir a precios bajísimos, el e legally adjudged a Jew. The vestige of influence, dignity, nent pioneer Educators in this scree will, it is believed, re and security the Race enjoyed Republic, not only in English it in the disruption of a large previously.
for he was possessed of a wideamber of marriages in which spread popularity and fame as a Tutor in the Spanish language. He served the Educational Department for more than e deLA PROVEEDORA cade where he also secured an ALMACEN PARA FAMILIAS extraordinary record and acqui viene de la pág. graado de nuestra sociedad, red the exhalted position of As.
LIMON. COSTA RICA de la Zona y numerosas persosi faut Director of the School in nor presidente, acompañado del nas de la capital.
Offers an extensive assortment of Groceries, Fresh this city.
scñor Gobernador y de otros flot, Canned and Dried Fruit, Oils, Jellies, Biscuits of La música a cargo de la MaCombined with his naturel funcionarios recorrió la ciudad rimba Costa Rica e tuvo a la every class, Chocolates, Candies, etc.
gifts and genuire educational visitando el mercado de abas.
altura del festejo. Numerosistachievements, his deep expe toj en construcción, el nuevo riences in connection with the Hospital cuyos trabajos están mas parejas danzaron alegre mente y tuvimos oportunidad For each purchase of the Value of ONE COLON we give development of the human paralizado por falta de fondos brrin, qualified him with an al y algunas otros lugares impor vios femeninos junto con la jus de admirar elegantisimos ataa numbered Ticket which enables you to gain most unsurpassable proficiency tantes, para darse cuenta pertamente alabada ONE, FIVE or TEN COLONES belleza de He taught with much acceptan sonalmente de les condiciones if corresponding to the respective last two, three or nuestras mujere.
ce and great practical useful en que te llevan a cebo estas lafour figures of the Grand Prize of the Fué una noche ca exquisito Loteria del Asilo Chapui ness. Learned men, who little bores y las necesidades que urarte y alegria radiante ympathised with his educage remediar.
que perdurará en la memoria de Goods of Excellent Quality, Prices moderate and good tional purpose, felt the spell cf his vivid embodiments, his clear Espléndido baile en los salones presidente sa mostró muy comtodos los a. istentes. El señor treatment is our motto.
and kean insight. The young, de Community House placido por el cálido homenaje first starting on their course, terminando el baile en las hosought hin for guidance and en las nueve de la noche se Resolution of Condolence cas de la madrugada.
court gement. The aged, linge verificó en los salones del CoAt their mecting on the wing resolution of condolence a3 ring for while on the brink of mmunity Hou e el primer gran 25th instant, the Officers a consequence of the death of life, had him o ntheir lips. No baile social del año que le fue La partida the 25th, instant, the Officers their feloow member Mrs. El. human creature was too hum dedicado al Primer Mandatario ard members of the Scotch Li Ireda McCrae, who died in Co ble to be denied his listening de la nación por la Comp ñia la ccho de la mañana del y Lodge Number 59a, Inde lon. anama, on the 28th. in ear and a voice chimed in har Bananera. Nos falten términos lunes, salió de esta ciudad el pendent United Order of Sectt stant and was buried there the many with his words of com para expresar toda la alegria tren presidencial con rumbo Mechanics, possed the follo following day.
fort and sympathy. We believe que reinó en dicho aconteci San José, deteniér. dose en las To Page 101 his soul must have reigned inmiento, donde se reunió lo más plantaciones de la Good Yeard Rubber Cº en Cairo donde el rekor Presidente fué obsequiado con un almuerzo.
Nos permitimos llamor su atención a la nota al dorso We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back de su recibo que dice: of receipt which reads: Comentarios finales Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina This bill must be paid at our office before La visita del enor presidendentro de los primeros 10 dias the 10th of the month.
te ha dejado una gratisima imde cada mes.
presión no solamente entre los Be so good as to comply with this request and do not elementos sociales sino también Lo rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena oblige us to suspend our service, a step which entre la masa popular. se esde tener que cortar su servicio.
we would much regret to take.
pera de esta visita, como al principio de eta erónica lo anotamos, un cambio radical en las condiciones de paralización Miquel Obregon izan del Sistema Nacion en que vivimos Laboratorio CARLOS VIQUEZ En medio de un.
a COMPANIA ELECTRICA DE LIMON Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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