
32 ATLANTIC VOICE Last Sunday Baseball Game. Cubs vs.
Torbelinos the mu amest After a suspension of the games in connection with the League 1938 season, for the purpose of allowing both players and sport fans the opportunity of enjoying the et a Christmas and New Year fes the tivities, playing was resumalleres ed last Sunday in the presenof a fair representative tho number of on lookers, when Erant the Cubs out. scored the Torunho bellino: to with an inIR AZU Whes ce pile ning to spare.
pleted Costa close CIGARETTES her rep there under their first 1!
IN QUALITY IN MILDNESS IN TASTE IN VALUE 223 re AND THEREFORE The Fastest Selling CIGARETTE From the first inning it was the noticable to many keen observers, that the players were apparently lacking of the necessary grease to arms and wrists; The services of a pitcher who had been on ide the reserved list for many years, were utilized by the Cubs, and it was noticed that st was no high powered caves bombs in their battery. PitEndea cher Halley, however, soon ere discovered a pathway into the fortress of the Torbillinos.
three batsmen: Panchito, Prasehall and Santa Maria, were easily dispatched to the pavillion, the first ove and second being pegged at dide first base while the third was caught by Ralph behind the jus plate.
In their opening inning, the Cubs sent Ralph to face the attack of Pitcher Grahain, and with his usual good luck, got safe to First when it was thought he would have been beaten by the ball thrown in from Third. Miller, the succeeding batsman, made a pleCIGARRILLOS asing hit, but was cleverly taken by left field. Carter svas left at the plate to wonder why chief Umpire Phipps raised three right fingers Both teams stood evenly with IN In the second inning. Big Boy tried to change the scene, but Babb at Third said. They shall not pass, Ruben followed and was well stopped at First. Altimont made a home. and registered the first run for his side. Following in regular order, the Cubs were again treated with scant courtesy, Panchito maone to First. only to await, ting to hit Pitcher Halley, close to them, Pitcher halles de a daredevil catch, and sto At this stage it seemed as his arrival.
sent the ball into the protee was seen to request a relief isted fped what seemed like a ho if Manager Johnson, for the The Fourth inning was dis ting glove of Hart. On came Bailey, the Cubs ştar pitcher me run. Another was re Cubs told the Boys to stop astrous. Pitcher Halley sud Graham to receive the an came on the scene to stop the gistered for the Cubs.
their nonsense and play the denly remembered his days noucement of Three strik racket and he did so. Me The Torbillinos short lived game for they were seen 10 of yore. His first two delive es. Instructions of a varied Guinnis was struck out their third inning. Mascot was spurt, hitting the ball at will, ries sent two batsmen to character were now heaped the plate. Arturo made keenly taken behind the pla liners passing Short Stop First their seats, as the result of on the man at Third. The bunt which beat him to te by Ralph. Graham drove Base dropping balls thrown catches. Allan Brock being incoming batsman got left First One into the unsympathetic to him, In the midst of these taken at right field by Bai at the plate, so in spite of maglove of George Hart. Pan Kerr reached First and Ralph ley, while Barnet did not king his three bagger Ruben Panchito on whom all ho.
chito drove Pitcher Halley making a carpet sweeper. care that Santa Maria should met his Waterloo. The se pes now relied, was apparea and got safe to Second. Pra sent him home. With an ap exert himself too much by venth brought the Cubs one uy too anxious and the three sehall made a Bunt but the parent feeling of jealousy, running. Big Boy was pegged more run. The Torbillinos fai tricky ones from Bailey finball very unkindly reached Carter did the same trick, and at First. Another inning clo led once again at the eigth, ished the day engagemen: Hart before him. The inning sent in another by care of sed without a run.
while their opponents added with a victory of one run ard closed for Naught. Ralph. Hart then sent a fast The Torbillinos made chan a her. The score therefore an inning to spare in favoue ges in their battery at this stood. six for the Cubs and of the Cubs.
stage. Arturo was sent to two for the Torbillinos.
First and Brock to Short SENSATIONAL OFFER The Ninth inning was now Stop. Panchito again proved reached and the Torbillinos FOR JANUARY ONLY his claim as a great catcherheld a conference to do by smartly taking Barnet; but die. Victory must be snatchLic. DANIEL ZELEDON 1, 500 Yords BROWN COTTON one yard Wide in spite of all the Cubs made ed. Big Boy slugged the worn and out Pitcher Formerly 0. 65 now 0. 55 per yord reached Abogado y The fifth inning was a ne First, he cunningly made the BUY TODAY gatiye one for both teams. Second. Ruben made a daisy Notorio Público The sixth brought one for the liner. and in came Big Boy.
THE PEOPLES HOUSE Torbillinos, for the Altimont rallied to the ten Oficina: Altos PasCubs. The seventh stirred so se hour with a forceful hit me excitement. Ruben made which sent home Ruben and cual Ingianna Jack Orone Sucs.
Limon a three Bagger. Altimont Brahim. Apparently thinkwho followed him, in attemp Ting the Cubs were now too Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
IRAZU COSTA RICA di 091 or two more runs.


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