
PAGE 10 THE ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY, JANUARY 28th, 1939A premakurely aged, use Fertilinets Budweise Unanimous Support Given Inter America Restaurante. Siquirres RESOLUTION. FROM PAGE 8)
BUDWEISER son el resultado de 80 años Whereas the sad report bas experiencia en su elaboración.
the nejuvenating been tendered to us that it has La calidad delicada y el gusto distinguido hormone proparation pleased Almighty God in His FOR WOMEN Divine Plan to remove from according to Dr. Rich Weiss this Mundane Sphere, our dear La popularidad de BUDWEISER fundó la ce Ask forow illustrated booklet beloved Sister Elfreda McCrae en vecería mayor del mundo.
whose death occurred on the ON SALE IN ALL DRUGSTORES 20th instant in the City of Colon. Republic of Panama, and.
Ahora se consigue en latitas doradas.
Whereas by her death our COMO BUDWEISER.
Lodge and Order has sustained Panamá Makes Free Grant of Covt. Lands ninguna an irreparable loss, due principally to her exemplified attainA few weeks ago Panama, poorer class. The lands, which ment and comprehension in the made another move which are located in the provinces of tenets of our Order as testimoshould not only help in ame Cocle, Panama, Herrera and ny from abroad has upheld, and liorating her unemployment Darien, are to be surveyed and Whereas death has taken her th problem, but provide her agri sub divided into tracts varying while sojourning in a foreign LIMON TRADING cultural activities with a fur from five to ten hectareas and land, and, by this distance we ther and valuable impetus, given, free of charge, to unem were rendered unable to depoPresident Arosemena is sta ployed natives, or sold, after a sit her remains into its last rest DISTRIBUIDORES ted to have issued an Executive very low rate, to those who pos ing place according to our traDecree authorizing the grant ses a small amount of capi ditional rites, and to have comof various areas of government tal.
mended her spirit to God Who tiliable lands to persons of the gave it, be RESOLVED, that in view of VE the fact that our Dispensation is now draped in black for our to deceased Grand Secretary, Brot Highway her Robert Williamson, that the There was not dissenting It is the only hurdl same token of grief will be re voice among the delegates from to surmount. The South El tren de pasajeros de Limón a San José se detiene en garded as also applicable to our the 21 American republics when merican republics are doir et departed Sister, Elfreda Siquirres 20 minutos, para que los pasajeros puedan alMc the resolution to speed up com bly, and Mexico can be coin Crae, be it further.
morzar cómodamente. Compre su tiquete en el tren para pletion of the Inter American on to finish the extension que sea atendido a la llegada. El precio es 50. El RESOLVED, that the memb highway was put to the vote at Tehuacan to the border ers here in session will Restaurant queda a la derecha de la Estación. Cantina, bow the recent Lima Conference. Fi 1943.
their heads in silent meditation led with enthusiasm over one Cigarros y cigarrillos. Se habla inglés.
Anyway, there is no SULLIVAN for three minutes, and that a of the major achievements of now, as was expressed copy of this Resolution be sent the 20th century, and, admitte three years ago, that the to her mother and daughters dly, one of the largest single will be completed and in a who now mourn her loss, a co contributors to inter continental er time than was then bell AN ALMOST FATAL ACCIDENT py to be inserted on the face of solidarity, the delegates even All the republics are now our Minutes and a copy be pu started prophesying that the roughly imbued with the blished in the Atlantic Voice. next conference to be held at Bo of speed. It means a better It has been reported that ant. He, now lies, we under Knowing well, that it is appoin gotá in 1943 will celebrate the erstanding and more bul Mr. Koffer, one of the Bana stand, in a very precarious ted unto all to see death and as opening of the new north and for every one.
na Receivers of the Fruit Com state in our local hospital.
we look forward to a general south artery of travel by most pany, narrowly escaped with We extend our utmost sym resurrection, which is a his life in a tram derailment pathy to the unfortunate suf consolation to again meet our making the trip in autos.
sweet of the delegates to that meet at Golden Grove, on the Cai ferer and hope he will early departed loved ones, may her This may seem a bit optimisro Branch, on the 20th. inst recover from his agony. soul rest in peace until that tic taking into account the progreat Day.
gress made during the past five Lic. don Octavio Beeche Again we extend our pro years, especially in Central As opposed the candidate of found condolence to all those merica. The spirit is willing tional Republican Party These Ine. who now mourn with us in her enough in all the five Central last presidential election. FROM PAGE 7)
American republics, but the intimated his intention, we rother commend a life of activity and service, on which ilesh is weak, so that funds are of supporting Dr. Calderon hinges the Ideal Life. It is not only the things that PERISH LUIS WA CHONG not readily available.
dia in the coming company an ti which are the Essentials to be remembered but also those which support all visible motter. Such a life will lead us on The Immigration Offici en Washington, are said to to Joys Eternal, and when the porting comes, the sorrows of our bereaved ones will find solace from many sources.
GUACIMO y GUAPILES IN are nearly 300. 000 persons We look forward to a full appreciation of those who have Electric Service Abarrotes en general ting permission to migrate the served and at times shortened their own existence in the the United States from carrying out of the material duties of life, and when this Seizing the opportunity of the ny. Ninety per cent of the side is observed, we must admire the lives lived by such faithful Tiendo bien situada presence of the President of the plicants are reported to on Republic in their township last Jews.
CE ones who pass from our view and strive that the survivors Precios sin competencia Monday, a Commission tere repremay realize and appreciate the fruits of a Life of Service.
senting the Municipality of Sirou quirres, consisting of Lic. don Solicitor, in Police, Coute Daniel Zeledon, don Vicente de How is it you say you ha mea la Pena, the Jefe Politico and education when you and ever the Superintendent, waited on my question so smartly don Leon and called his attenWitness. You don ha tion to the serious sufferings be a scholar to answer a they were experiencing for lack question, of an electric service, After cefully listening to all the Commission had to say, LIMON BRANCH don Leon is said to have reque Striker, No. Say ted the Minister of Public what are we out for this ti Works, who fortunately Striker, Nº For she with him, to send an Engineer hours.
Desires to advise all Cacao Producers that its departfrom the Department to start Striker Nº Ear, ear.
the work of installing the ne ways did say as ow sixtym ment for receiving and handling of Cacao Consignments for cessary plant.
tes was too long.
direct disposal in foreign markets at the best prices obtainable and with lowest expense, is now at their service in the building known as Cine Mundial (late Ramos Bodega. The Bank is willing to make cash advances on the conthe rejuvenating hormone preparation signments to those Producers who may need same.
FOR MEN, according to Dr. Rich Weiss Ask for our illustrated booklet ON SALE IN ALL DRUGSTORES Items of Current Inter Remember Siquirres Hopes for Early received information that EL BANCO NACIONAL DE COSTA RICA was If enfeebled by age, Virilinets use Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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