
KLIN was as will The Botica Alemana 90 OUR CITY IN THE SINO. JAPANESE STRUGGLE HERE IS WHY YOU ALWAYS GET (FROM PAGE 7)Operations in this warfare tened landing of Japanese were latterly reported as scat troops there in an effort to sidence where the Nation tered over a 1, 500 mile front cut off munitions imports saTHE SAME FINE MILK FROM ME. 193 Anthem was again played and the length of the country and id to be flowing in from lustily sung by the merry ga to sectors more than 600 miFrench Indo China.
les inland from the eastern From Shanghai is it further All the social events schecoast.
stated that the Japanese are duled in houor of this eventThe Japanese claim their re inforcing their Mongolian nosat visit were pleasurably and succesfully war planes had heavily bom garrisons in preparation, pos carried bed Yenan, in northern Shen sity for the long expected through, while much satisfac guid tion continues si province, and destroying offensive against the vast to be manifthe headquarters of the Com area to the north of China ested regarding the many be munist Eight Route Army proper, which leads though loqnefits it is believed must ev Weinan. in Central Shensi the outer Mongolian Staentually accrue to our com was also reported attacked te to Soviet Ru ia. It POWDERED munity and people, as a con and Pakhoi, in southwestern known that fresh troops weWHOLE MILK das.
sequence of the more intima Kwangsi. The raid on Pak re arriving daily at Paotow.
te and personal knowledge hoi was regarded as a possi chen, the terminus of the Pei which this visit has afforded ble prelude to the long thea ping Suiyan Railway, and at nguethe President and his princiPailing Miao, the westernpal adviers. Don Leon has most Japanese base in inner particularly assured us that Mongolia he will not only see that tho AFTER Claiming he had repulsed se concerned accelerate their DAY IN THE exploratory attacks by the activities in connection with SUN milk nourishment and sich Japanese, General Fu Tso Yi, KLIM never varies in the proposals for the canaliChairman of the Suiyuan Pro quality, purity, and nat flavor. You simply mix tzation of the Tortuguero LaKlim with water ural milk flavor as you vincial government and Comgoons, but will also give speneed fresh milk. The rest mander in Chief of the Chincind consideration to such URINE ese Northern army, reported It is pure, full cream milk, will keep for weeks even other ways and means RELIEVE TIRED EYES FOR YOUR powdered and packed by an after the tin has been opened to Chungking that defences ght be found available for EVES exclusive sanitary process were ready and morale was There is no waste. So relieving the serious econoexcellent so that it will keep without Klim is economical. Oroes mic conditions of our Zone.
refrigeration. Only water Yalim today.
We are satisfied that whate oscocceed OSOBOCS. CooovesesoosOLS is removed. nothing added.
ver don Leon promises te enn will do, hence Klim gives you all the our feeling PURCHASE YOUR MEDICINES that his stay among us IN DRUG STORE The Mak That Keeps.
be productive of much good.
The long to be remem 10 And Keeps Its Natural Flavor Su bered visit came to a lose at med eight o clock Nonday mornwhich merits your Confidence, bet ing when the Party left for en Cairo to inspect the Goodycar FOOTBALL GAME IN HONOUR OF PRESIDENT AND rd) Rubber Plantations.
PARTY Lic. Paul Kleefeld. Prop.
AVISO 960oooeco 060. Coooooeeo. sc00000ODOC. His Excellency Trophy, a beautiful Ball, was played for En esta fesho he abierwith bulldog tenacity, between the 1st. diccions of the to un negocio de HosteEARTHQUAKE TAKES AWFUL TOLL en Limon Junior and Vesubio ra con camas y cuartos, Described as one of the worst loss of life reached around.
cien metros al Este de la During the afternoon of last, again we experienced the agedisa ters which have occurred 2, 000.
be stación del ferrocarril.
Sunday, the Stadium and Pla oid and true maxin. Neon the Western Continents, a teServicio a toda hora de Various other towns and dis. za were crowded with spec ver calculate on our chicks rrible earth hock took place in triets located in the six provin tators, which was natural, in until the process of incubala noche.
the Republic of Chile during the ces affected by the catastrophe view of the presence of our tion is accomplished. The ga EDUVIJES AGUIRRE night of last Tuesday. The re also suffered heavy material distinguished guests.
me terminated in a draw with Propietaria ports already to hand tate the damages, though with a much Siquirres, enero de 1939 As was to be expected on one goal each.
shock embraced an extensive smaller number of victims.
such an occasion, each team It is understood the teams area in the southern region of From early the following had its favourites anxiously will again contend for the the country, causing the deaths morning, auxiliary forces were awaiting a victory, but once! Trophy tomorrow.
WORLD PEACE. of from 12. 000 to 15, 000 pe rushed by the authorities to the sons, and making more than affected areas, and all the eid 50. 000 homeless. The large ana possible is being rendered the BIRTAIN WARNED OF DANGERS tin (FROM PAGE 7)
important town of Chillan was unfortunate sufferers, in which almost totally destroyed with a humanitarian service all the and are mobilizing in the vicini death toll of over 4, 000 of its surrounding sister Republics, as a common warning was given vil Defence Army.
Though quite unconnected, ages of 14 and 65 for the Cities of their re pective fronti citizens. In Conception, anoth well as the United States and a few nights ago by Prime er largely populated city. the England, are lending much ap Minister Addressing his constituency Chamberlain Much unrest is also being mapreciable asistance.
and at Coventry, in a speech unformer Foreign Secretary, An connected with the Chambernifested in Britain in view of thony Eden, regarding the lain plea, Anthony Eden said the situation in Spain, as it is danger with, which Britons that if the insurgents should e thought Mussolit Inay in ist are faced.
win, the Spanish civil at on keeping his troops by the In an Empire wide radio would be a foreign victo1 side of General Franco and not address at the opening of ar only create a permanent menaRegular Supplies of recruiting drive for a huge ce to France but to her own interests along hep Mediterranean COCONUTS, BANANAS (rejects. PLANTAINS, YAMS, volunteer Home defence arroute. The French press annoBREADFRUIT, PEARS (avocado. APPLES, SOURmy, the Premier said his remarks did not mean he thounce that both these governSOPS, JEW PLUMS, CORN, etc. etc.
ught war was coming. But.
mient are determined to do Please quote prices to include Railway Freight to Cartago he declared, we might WATER FACTORY be everything necessary to in the independence of Spain.
THE CHILIPEP AGENCIES forced to take part in a war Cartago begun by others, or we might Fábrica de Hielo be attacked ourselves, if the government of some other JOE LOUIS AGAIN THE VICTOR country were to think wel y Refrescos could not effectively defend In an encounter described disappointed them of much ourselves. He appealed for Limón as the most rapid and decisi they had oped to see. The the voluntary support of 50, ve yet registered in the his fight lasted for just two mi 000, 000 Britons between the tory of the World Champion nuts and twenty nine seconds FLORIDA ICE AND Besides easing functional snip, Joe Louis successfully in the first minute and a half pains of menstruation, Cardefended his Championship Lewis was sent to the mat won by Os. and by dedui aids in building up the Title by defeating his oppo twice, and on the third oc cisions. His one and only deFARM Co.
whole system by helping nent, John Henry Lewis, in casion, the referee, seeing him fcat was that by Schmeling.
women to get more energy the first of their scheduled suffering in an apparently Lewis was the holder of the and strength 15 round Bout, last Wednes unconscious condition, stop Middleweight Championship, LA FLORIDA from their food.
day night in the Madison ped the encounter after he had and had previous to this one, for Women Square Gardens, New York, made the count of five.
Fabrica de Hielo fought 103 fights 44 of which multtiude of 16, 000 per Joe was declared the victor he gained by Os. and 48 Venta de Leche sons witnessed the fight, the by technically knocking out by points. He tied on five oerapidity and decisiveness of Lewis. This is the Champion casions and lot six by deciy Maderos which is seid to have greatly fiftieth fight, 43 of which helsions.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
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