
EDITORIAI DESPITE THE PRESENT CRISIS, WE CONTEMPLATE NOTHING THE ATLANTIC VOICE as The terrible events of life are aye openers, and should serve to concentrate our most serious thoughts. It ill be Devoted to the interest of the people of the Atlantic Zone comes us to sit idly without giving consideration to the many important and urgent matters to be reckoned with YEAR LIMON, COSTA RICA, 4th. Nº 231 If never before, we ought, today, to be up and doing; the era requires action; necessity, as is well known, is the pro WIRELESS NEWS mulgator of inventions.
CONGRATULATION Oils Present day economic and other conditions call for asM our careful and constant contemplation. Hungry wolves LONDON. Great Britaore at our very thresholds. Shelter is slipping away from in has announced plans for Commodities which once were eagerly sought, now an Industry Army of mous.
re than six million men linger in our markets and business places unwanted. And the events in Spain intensithis is not the result of extra or over production. Our far fied European concern over mers are greatly discouraged to cultivate crops for which what consequences may ultithey may not find a market, or which they must sell for primately arise from the civil ces too low to cover the cost of cultivating and reaping.
war. Through the Minister of Labour, the government said We are all exuperiencing the Crisis in common. Neithe scheme was one of sether the producer nor the consumer can comfortably exist lective recruitment, by which under the present stress Even those who did not in the workmen between the ages past feel the pinch are now taking a ride in Depression of 18 and 64 would, in wartiVan.
me, be placed in reserved occupation.
It behoves us to assiduously contemplate how best we WASHINGTON. formay emerge from so depressing a state; and since it is mal demand in the House for apparent there is a slump in our Banana industry. the impeachment of the first should, if we desire to survive, make a right about turn. woman Cabinet member.
We are of the opinion there are many industries of and brought from Secretary Labour, Frances Perkins, methods of productions which, if scientifically followed, request for an immediate hewill afford us some appreciable amelioration, the while aring. An impeachment resogiving us lucrative returns for the capital invested. lution, aimed not only at dairy conducted on modern lines for the production of but.
Mi Perkins, but also at the ter, cheese cream and pasturized milk, should be a profitable Immigration Commissioner strail undertaking. Poultry rearing, if carried out scientifically, Solicitor, accused the trio of and the Labour Department Mr. WEEKS should not only enable us to take care of our home requir high crimes and misdemeanlebo ements, but provide us with a new avenue of trade by ors, in failing to continue de Once again we are afford aniversary of his birth, and fulfilling the wants of other markets. Bee keeping is ano portation proceedings against ed the sincere pleasure of of in adding our expressions of ther profitable industry, which carries a minimum amount Harry Bridges, West Coastfering our wholehearted conheartfelt felicitations to the of operating expense with an almost assured large profit.
CI. leader. The measure gratulations to our widely ho scores of scores already recei During the 1914 19918 war period honey was readily, we was turned over to the House noured citizen, Mr. We ved by him, we hope his AllJudiciary Committee.
remember, sold for as high as five dollars per gallon. Anoeks, on the completion of an otted Span will enable him SHANGHAI. Chinese other year of life.
to continue his life of usefulther world war is inevitable but whether so or not, there guerirlla forces reported they On Thursday last our faith ness for many more years.
is a perpetual demand for honey and wax.
had defeacted 1, 000 Japanese ful friend celebrated the 82nd.
Now is the time for all who are reguarded as Leaand Manchoukuan troops at ders to come forward with their solving programmes in the Sinlo, on the Peiping Hankow of interests of our community. Will they?
reilway, 150 miles south (TO PAGE 11)
HITLER REICHSTAG SPEECH REGARDED MODERATE SERVICIO DE VAPORES next use his regained power, and if he would support Italy In his anxiously awaited return of his country prewar claims against France. Hitler speech to the Reichstag on the colonies. He also warned the declared Germany Salidas semanales de Limón para Nueva York and Italy sixth anniversary of National United States to keep her escala en Cristóbal y Habana.
ests. His followers regarded Socialistic rule in Germany, hands off German trade with Adolf Hitler pledged were determined to give comGerman South America.
his speech as firm but concilitoLlevando café para todos los puertos support for Italy in any war To a world tensely awaiting against her, and demanded the an indication of how he would culties figured large ry. The Reich economic diffiEuropeos y Americanos in the address, and were regarded as VAPORES SALIDAS Jhaving had a strong influence on its moderate tone.
The Western Powers were VERAGUA Febrero further warned against inter CHIRIQUI Febrero 12 fering in matters which did not TALAMANCA Febrero 19 concern them for the purpose of preventing natural and sensible solutions. Force or common sense were the methods by which redistribution of the riches of the world could be accomplished, the Chancellor claim Próximas salidas de PUERTO LIMON 19 ed, but the colonial question CORRALES Febrero 10 was in no sense a problem which could cause wars. He re.
Llevando café solamente para Londres pudiated American intervenA EUROPA: tion in German affairs, and said ALVARADO y Cía. SUCS.
MN. CARIBIA relations with the United 13 de Febrero States suffered from a campaign Agentes para Limón y Puntarenae.
of defamation carried on to GUATEMALA: serve obvious political and fi Para otros informes dirijose a las oficinas de lo nancial intereses, bitter MN. CARIBIA UNITED FRUIT COMPANY de Febrero attack was launched against Bolshevism, while the Insurgent los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Ric.
success in Spain was hailed as. TEI EFONO 1 6 another valiant defeat of the newest universal attempt to destroy the European culbred many has no territorial demands were declared to be ready for world. Europe would not he against them except that of the everything.
AGENCIA COSTA RICA proclaimed, come to rest until restoration of her colonies. The Hitler addressed a Reichstag the Jewish question had been possibility of a trade war of 855 Brown Shirted Depusettled also envisaged in which Ger ties, 73 Austrians and 41 SuAVENIDA CENTRAL TELEFONO 2086 England and France were many would either live or die, detens taking their places for given the assurance that Ger though the nation leaders the first time among their Germany hnssoterritor iadi Tism man colleagues.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

    BolshevismEnglandFranceGermanyHitlerItalySpainWorld War

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