
The Popular Actor of the SpanishAmerican Cine, CHAFLAN, Visits the Factories of the Republic Tobacco Co.
WITH WORDS FULL OF ENCOURAGEMENT, HE EULOGIZED THE WORK REALIZED BY THIS ENTERPRISE IN THE INTEREST OF THE INDUSTRIAL PROGRESS OF THE COUNTRY He is of the opinion that the quality and presentation of the Cigarettes of this Company are in no way inferior to those of the countries which are in the forefront of this class of The Directors of this Important Industrial Firm acknowledged their appreciation of his Visit and encouraging words, and in turn expressed their opinion regarding the close Continental Co operation accomplished by the Spanish Cine.
activities CO.
The popular Spanish American Cine Stor, the great Humorist of our Sister Aztec territory, Carlos Lopez, try. It is not possible to indefinitely Chaflón. at present a guest of our limit a Movie Star to such an idec.
This Chaflan said in pleasant char country, on Thursdoy morning visitwith the many friends he acquired ed the factories of the Republic Tobacco Company, the well known nasince his arrival, or whom he hod previously known From this point tional firm which manufactures the CF Emu, Irazu, Elegantes, Lanceros, view we heheld the great Mexicon Avion and Rex Cigarettes.
Actor on Thursday.
In his travels through the AmeHe spent many hours visiting the rican Continent where the distinfactories of the aforementioned Inguished Screen Stor is widely known dustrial Company, and his comments Lopez desired to obtain o vivid imregarding the matters we have alrecpression of the inhabitants, who ty dy stated were profuse, so too were their ethnic connections of habits his distinct references to the perscand longuage, retain unimpaired sinal sympathy which at present cons.
militudes with the piquant and beautitute the great attraction of the tiful land of Mexico.
people of Costa Rica.
The intention of Lopez is to return He was courteously attended by to the bosom of his native land, takthe General Manager of the Com ing nthe spirit, the true vision of pany, Mr. Federston by the Adminis.
the life of these nations, the Sisters trator, Sr. Fernandez, as well as by the of his country, where his heart has entire staff, who received with much fluttered as it would have, were he satisfoction, this visit of the Cine travelling through the cities and Star, whom all San Jose is anxious to woods of Mexico his beloved Mexisee In the fulfilment of these desiHe went through all the deport.
res, he did not confine himself ements of the modern factories and clusively to the artistic perception, expressed his admiration to see that he loved to secure o vivid impression such progress, in this class of indus.
of these people in all the ramificotrial activities, had been made here tions of their activities.
Refering particularly to the products They are so close to own manufactured by the Company, he country, that is why they are so dear praised their quality and presentation to us, and when we visit them it is which he thought were in no way innecessary to know and study them ferior to those of the countries which in every respect: From this mutuol are at the head of these kinds of inunderstanding will spring a better dustrial activities.
cohesion between us, whereby the He finally said good bye to the enAmerican nationality will become a tire personnel of the Company, onc reality Thus spoke the fomous Acthe Directors to whom he expressed tor, in expressing his satisfaction of his words o fsincere congratulations having arrived here and os evidence for the efforts made in the interest of his desire to become better acof the progress of our notional indusquainted with the nations he hos vitry in the realm of the manufactursited in his journeys as on Artist ing of Cigarettes. Such were his worde His desire of visiting the Spanishof encouragement in aluding, with all American countries is not only as a kindness, to the work of the closer Comic Actor, for as is known, Lopez continental co operation which hoc before being a Cine Star, is a Mexibeen accomplished by the Sponish con and by this reason is related to Cine of which he Choflen iso The popular Spanish American CineStar, Carlos Lopez, the rest of the great American coundignified exponent of the progress Chatlan. is seen with the Directors and Employees of the realized in this Industry.
Republic Tobacco Cº whose Factory he visited on Thursday in the forenoon, and to whose progress he attributed the greatest praise.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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