
SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 4th 1939 VOZ DEL ATLANTICO PAGINA ya Bu prematurely aged, use Fertilinets STARTLING FEATS IN LIMON JUNIOR vs. GIMNASTICA Today Fashion FOOTBALL GAME STIR BIG CROWD BUDWEISER son el resultado de 80 años de SPEED AND ACCURACY THE HIGH MARKS WHICH experiencia en su elaboración.
BROUGHT THE JUNIOR VICTORY WITH FOUR La calidad delicada y el gusto distinguido de GOALS TO TWO Capt. Jackson and his Team the 1938 League Champions La popularidad de BUDWEISER fundó la cervecería mayor del mundo.
With the close of last Sun fence created admiration. The day game, the Champions fiery discharge of the Gimhip Contest has been won bynastica was nevertheless noteAhora se consigue en latitas doradas.
the Limon Junior. They de worthy, but the array of the feated the strong and power Junior was too much for COMO BUDWEISER. ninguna ful Gimnastica.
them. At the call of time the From the start of the after Golden Meed wa von by noon engagement it was ev the Junior with four goals ident the contest would be against their opponents two.
brim full of excitement. The very creditable record biggest margin, however, of was set by the victors durthe Exercise went to the Ju ing the campaign. Taking LIMON TRADING nior.
part in ten games, they won They kicked in the first eight and tied in the other goal, in the first half, which two.
DISTRIBUIDORES caused the encounter to wax The ATLANTIC VOICE Budweise more warmly. The Junior heartily congratulates them Goalie put up a very rigid for their archievement, and resistence, but his opponents wish them Future Jaurels.
pierced through and entered We also desire to express the forbidden ground. Thus our sincere appreciation to the first half terminated with the other Clubs who particione goal for each team. pated in the series of games, After the recess, the Junior for their efforts and the splen In the current mode. resumed more forcefully, and did entertainments afforded their attack and line of de the sport loving public.
the rejuvenating. hormone proparation By VERA WINSTON FOR WOMEN.
The fur trimmed cloth coat, with BRITISH PREMIER CALLS FOR CONCRETE EVIDENCE according to Dr Rich Weiss.
inatching math and hat trimmed Ask for our illustrated booklat with fur, is one of the smartest of OF DICTATORS DESIRE FOR PEACE winter town garments. Much, much better such an outfit than a cheap ON SALE IN ALL DRUGSTORES fur coat. Here we have this fashion LONDON. Prime Minister Hitler moderate Reichstag beautifully done in the current Neville Chamberlain has de speech, the premier, commentmode. The fabric is a mauve woolmanded that Europe Dictatorsing on the expressed peace de CHILE SUFFERS FROM FURTHER EARTH SHOCKS in a very soft weave. The collar and of sires of both the Fuehrer and tuxedo front panel are of astrakan produce concrete evidence series of fur. dyed to match. The top part of their desire for Peace before Mussolini, declared with empfurther earth stated to be taxing the forces the coat is slightly bloused, more so we can enter on the final set hasis: What we want to see is shocks, accompanied by electri at work. Bodies had to be plain back. The belt is in one with the tlement of the European situa not only words which indicate cal storms and unusual volca ced in mass burial pits, some top of the skirt section, and it but tion. Willingness to disarm or a desire for peace, but, before nic activity, have been occur dug, others simply the fissure tons across the fur with two buttons.
The sleeves are pufied to make high limit armaments would, Cham we can enter on the final set ring in the same regions which opened in the earth by the treaboulders. The collar terminates in berlein said, be proof of their tlement, we shall want to see suffered so seriously last week. mors.
a round yoke in back. The muff has peaceful intentions. He added, concrete evidence in a willing. The new tremors caused addi An accurate count of the licenter panel of the fur.
Britain was ready to contribu ness, let us say, to enter into tional personal injuries in Chi ves lost could never, it is exte to a general solution. arrangements if not for disar Man and Conception, and struck pected, be obtained, but it was Addressing an opening ses mament, at any rate for a li fresh fear in the hearts of the estimated than perhaps 30, 000 COSQUILLAS sion of the House of Commons mitation of armaments.
destitute thousands.
persons had perished.
just one day after Chancellor The government of the stric Our national congress has. Qué no tan encantador! Tieken Republic was continuing a voted the sum of five thousand ne los ojos de su mamá, la nariz strenous fight to fend off dis dollars as Costa Rica aid for de su papá. SUCCESSFUL HARVEST SERVICE NO case in the vast area, especially the afflicted people. The United Kla El niño encantador: los As was anticipated, the Har a large number of her associa et Chillan and Conception whe States has contributed a millen calzones de su abuelo.
vest Ingathering Service, orga tes who little knew she was posre the burial of the dead was lion.
nized by the Ladies Depart sessed of such a remarkable tament of the Costa Rica Burial. lent.
LADIES DEPT. OF COSTA RICA ASSOCIATION Scheme Association, came off But one unfortunate occurlos most successfully on the night rence marred the evening enRE ORGANIZED Dje of the 31st. ultimo. The spa joyment: Mrs. Blackman, who WATER FACTORY cious Hall was filled to its capa planned the Service and perso This important and exceedin, reached the total of sixty, un Jen city nally trained the Juveniles, gly useful department of the der the Presidency of Mrs. Een The duties of Chairman were took ill the previous Sun long established Costa Rica Bu Sterling and her energetic AsFábrica de Hielo entrusted to Mr. Jasper Drys day and was unable to Scheme Association was sistants.
dale, and he certainly carried present. She was greatly mis organized in 1933 by Mr. Peter change of Officers took them through with much persed We wish her a speedy reco Plackman with a members place in 1935 when Mrs. Blacky Refrescos sonal credit and the great pleasu very.
hip of thirty eight, which soon TO PAGE 11 re of the large audience. The pro Limón gramme consisting of Anthems, solos, duets, recitations, etc, was an exceedingly attractive one FLORIDA ICE AND and all who contributed did so remarkably well that it would, FARM CO.
we feel, be like painting the Lily, if we individualized. Hobe LA FLORIDA wever, these notes would imcomplete if we failed to men tion the speech of Mr. McDonald LIMON BRANCH Fábrica de Hielo on the meaning of Harvest it was certainly grand and most Venta de Leche educative. Mrs. Jane Edwards Desires to advise all Cacao Producers that its departy Maderas must also be particularly referred to for her very inspiring ment for receiving and handling of Cacao Consignments for address. She greatly surprised direct disposal in foreign markets at the best prices obtainable and with lowest expense, is now at their service in the building known as Cine Mundial (late Ramos Bodega. the rejuvenating The Bank is willing to make cash advances on the conhormone preparation FOR MEN, signments to those Producers who may need same.
according to Dr. Rich Weiss Ask for our illustrated booklet te Costa Rica Soda be rial pel CS EL BANCO NACIONAL DE COSTA RICA enfeebled by age.
Virilinets use Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventura, Costa Rica


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