
Peiping. In a clash in north La confianza suya la merece la Anhwei province, the Japs said they had routed a large band of guerrillas armed BOTICA ALEMANA with trench mortars and machine guns, near Pengpu on del the Tientsin Pukow railway, LIC. PAUL KLEEFELD northwest of Nanking. Guerrillas were also said to have attacked a garrison at Yaowan, 15 miles south of LungIN THE INTEREST OF SPORT hai railway in north Kiangsu province, and killed 180 Japs.
ABSOLUTELY SAFE MILK CUBS SECOND DIVISION TRIMMED TORBILLINOS WASHINGTON By the IN LAST SUNDAY BASEBALL GAME dramatic margin of a single FOR YOUR BABY When a team can compile bag by their non appearance. vote, the Senate rebelled at the score of eight runs in a After waiting three quarters President Roosevelt spendLIM is pure, fresh, passingle inning with which Klim is safeK enough is of an hour beyond the regu ng policies, and joined the teurized, cows milk guarded in every step of prosaid.
lar starting time, the Motive House in ordering a 150. 000, powdered and packed by an duction insures the batom exclusive sanitary processso The morning play started Powes sent their Catcher, Jo 60 out in work relicf appropurity and safety of every that it will keep fresh and tin on a rather even basis, and it nes, to face Chief Umpire Mc priations. It voted to provide pure indefinitely without reMake sure that your baby was hoped that continuation Guinness, who pitched a stri 525. 000. 000 10 finance WPA frigeration. All the natural gets the daily fresh milk of a keen contest would be ke to him as a signal of read Tror February to June in tenourishment and natural Aa nourishment it needs for secn, but the tide turned sud jines and thereby invokyng ad of the 875. 000. 000 requesvor of pure, fresh milk remain straight bones and sound dently and its rushing waters the rule of forfeiture against ed by the Chief Executive.
unchanged. Only water has health. Use Klim and be completely placed the Torbí the absentees.
been removed. Nothing has The Senate Economy Bloc assured of pure, fresh milk been added.
whenever you want it.
llinos in a quagmire from As a means of entertaining consisting of almost the entiThe powdering prore Republican membership Order Klim for your which they could not emer the large number of sporting cess makes Klim easier baby today.
ge. The Cubs kept them in fans who had gathered to wit and 20 odd Democrats. was for the delicate stomachs of babies to digest.
complete submission and pilness the game, a Scrap match jubilant at winning the first And the extreme care ed up nineteen runs against was arranged, the teams be battle of the session.
their four.
BERLIN. The Nazi Press ing designated, respectively. Cats and Pats. The law ha sinaugurated a campaign The Milk That Keeps.
THE AFERNOONS LEAGUE of nature however for German colonies as Chandid not And Keeps Its Natural Flavor GAME work as customary, for at the cellor Hitler studied Premier Chamberlain demand for The Motive Power and end of the ninth inning for Pathfinders were slated to both teams, the Rats had swa deeds not words in favour of cross bats and gloses, but lloed up the Cats with a sco peace Chateng itei clients from EXCURSIONISTS EXPECTED YOUNG LIFE CLOSED the latter hoisted the whitelre of six runs againt four.
the Fuehrer Reichstag speech, in which he demanded co FROM JAMAICA lonies, the press said our deSorrowfully we mention DISTINGUISHED PERSONAGES ARRIVED HERE LAST mands are so just and so long the sad passing of our youthoverdue that they do not adFrom a usually reliable ful citizen, Master Carios Rud SUNDAY mit a deal.
source, it is relaased that Mr. dock.
When the gang planks of Leo Brown, the Promotor As previously stated, on dethe ULUA were loweof a pleasure trip for Jamai veloping an infection the lad red at our pier, last sunday, SEÑORA. SENORITA has perfected all the was hurried to San José for there were numbered among neces ary details so that he special medical treatment the transients, Mr. Demetrio and his company are due to He underwent ar bperaton Porras from the neighRIZADO PERMANENTE arrive at this port on the 2nd. there some weeks ago, and bouring Republic of Panama. EN FRIO CON ACEITES ESPECIALES March. The palatial Simon though this was, of itself He was accompanied by his Bolivar of the Royal Nether most successful, the unfortu.
GARANTIA DE UN ANO wife, land Steamship Line is tonate lad, continued suffering The visitor is the Leader Precios Módicos convey them. stay of abo and despite all the medica of the Socialist Party and alut three weeks is considered. skill afforded him, he gra so a Deputy of the National AIDA CHARPENTIER We understand Baseball pla dually grew worse until the Assembly of that Republic.
Pensión MARIA LUISA yers, Cricketers, Cyclists, Elo end came near the dawn It is reported that Mr. PoFrente al Parque Vargas cuționists and many repre Wednesday last.
sentatives of other activities rras was the moving spirit The remains arrived her for equity in the Boundary will be among the group. the same afternoon and wer Dispute which waxed fame with a wide and po MEMORIAL SERVICE FOR As the date of their arrival shortly afterwards interret warmly a few months ago bet pular reputation.
is not so far distant, We show in the presence of a larg ween his country and ours, Dr. Belisario Porras, the THE LATE HENRY HYLTON uld begin to prepare our pro number of sympathising fri meeting was held at the one time famed President is grammes for their entertain ends.
of Moderno Theatre of this city, numbered among the list of The Department Amng his many and varied ac Sunday afternoon, at well recognized Fathers of tivities for the well being Sports and Improvements of Our sincerest condolence ti which the Panamanian Mes his country, therefore, it is the community in which he li the St. Anthony Associa the sorrowing parents, sister a very inspiring and amica such sterling qualities should is and much lamented citizen, e programme on the 3rd, of senger of Good will delivered quite natural that some of yed for so many years, our lation plan to stage the Cham brothers and other relatives pion hip ble discourse. Apparently due be inherited.
Mr. Henry Hylton, occupied to other previously arranged the position of Secretary to the March. We also understand engagements, numerically, We hope don Demetrio Managing Committee of the that plans are under way to the audience was scanty, but and his dear wife have taken Costa Rica Association; have a few additional items the spirit of those in atten with them a fond recollection and as a token of the great es produced by some of our vidance was lively, and must of our sincere appreciation of teem in which he was held by sitors on the same occasion.
have brought a full sense of their visit. May they long all, the Associations Manage. This should be a great attracesteem to that distinguished cherish its remembrance. as ment intend holding a Service tion.
gentleman and his admirable we, on our part, will keep in honour of his memory on wife.
for women who them fresh on the tablets of the 21st instant.
We shall gladly support It should not be surprising our fondest recollection. Some are run down and An invitation has been exsuch other arrangements suffer from to find Mr. Porras so eminent seeds of real friendship must tended to the general public, may be in the making on beperiodic an Orator and Statesman. His germinate from such a cont and it is hoped all, who can pos half of our expected guests.
discomfort lineage is of long established act.
sibly attend, will do so as a Now is the time to get ready.
further expression of their sympathy for the sorrowing relatives.
JUGANDO BILLETES DE LA FROM PAGE 10 place. However, with his chaAS199000 2001 157 man was elected President. She racteristic optimism, Mr. BlackS313 LOTERIA NACIONAL served in this position to early man never dispaired, and so 1938. During this period the his untiring efforts were fully Department carried through rewarded on the 24th of last ayuda usted al sostenimiento de los desvalidos, de los many enjoyable and very suc month when he witnessed the pobres, de los enfermos y puede usted ser uno de los toncesful functions. It was, un Department reorganization fortunately so severely hit by We sincerely wish it a much S3A3 tos felices que obtienen premios de la our economic depression, that longer existence with all the BOA during the latter part of the successes possible, LOTERIA NACIONAL d33 past year its aissolution took Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
cans, SO on of CARDUI as Ladies Dept.
ano) 403 INIAN שעקומק מהר

    GuerrillaHitlerNazismSocialismSocialist Party

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