
THE ATLANTIC VOICE SO of fourth part of the country stim proposals, and the taking over Spain for aid in rehabilitating that is bavors milions soulie Twenty five Years of HIS HOLINESS THE POPE IS DEAD SIn union with the whole, half and gradually grew weakvorid, Costa Rica todey mouras er until the end came as stated.
he death of the Temporal Hed His Holines bad almost reaOS the Catholic Church, His ched the advanced age of eignfoliness Pope Pius XI, who ty two years, being born on the des assed on to his eternal rest at 3ist. of May 1957. He was elec Devoted to the interest of the people of the Atlantic Zone even minutes to the hour of ted Supreme Pontiff on the men Heven Thursday night (Co ta the 6th of February 1922, YEAR LIMON, COSTA RICA, FEBRUARY 11th. 232.
De Rican time) and 31 yesterday had just completed his Sevenmorn according to that of Rome. teenth year as Temporal Head WIRELESS NEWS Cause Which Needs Much Sympathy and For several days pa it was of the Catholic Church. His reknown that the Supreme Pon ulains will be taken today to the Financial Help e tiff physical condition had been Ba ilica of St. Peter where they London, British Foreign seriously undermined as the re will remain in state until it is Office Officials declared Great all suit of recent attack, of astma expected, the 15th. instant, when Britain and France were semal and bronchial affections, The One. time Progressive Republic of Chile it after the accustomed funeral riously considering according Suffers Intensely de was ſcared he would be unable ceremonies, they will be paced recognition of the Insurgent to resist this last one. And so ntheir last resting place near regime of General Francisco It is already widely known has taken place in Chile could be it was for he failed to respond those of his predecessors. Fianco as the sole official gov that an earthquake, described al o have happened in our vicini to the efforts made on his beernment of Spain. Spanish In as one of the heaviest which nity. As it is, we know nothsurgent authorities, in Lon neve oceurred on the Western ing of our own destiny, while THE SITUATION IN EUROPE don, said Franco had not yet Hemi phere almost completely no section of man abode can asked for de Jure recogni ruined a extensive area of the be regarded as immune from The latest from the war zones Dictator deires which would tion of his government. Brit Republic of Chile, a short while similar upheavals. Without war of Spain indicate, notwithstan allow Italy a controlling influen ish Officials, however, thought ago. Series of minor shocks con ings they come on us in varying ding other advices, that the lez ce in the future conduct that unless Franco is recog tinue to jarr the ruins of the (TO PAGE 9)
ders of the government party Spain s, internal affairs, as also nized soon, his party would ancient city of Santiago where have decided to continue thel on account of the General in look entirely to Germany and once dwelt a population of mgnt in defence of the one alina tion toward Britian recent.
The surviwors of this terrible under their. catastrophe are still being subquence of General Franco re Italy has announced her inPriestly Service fusal to accept certain of the ention of mobilizing 10. 000. 000 Dublin. Prime Ministerjected to the most awe inspiring On Wednesday next, the propo als submitted for putting men in view, it is said, of the Eamon de Valera has intro experiences.
an end to the warfare.
intentions of Britain and France duced Bills to maintain the Our deepest sympathy should 15 th. Cinstant, His Lordship From Paris it is rumoured to prevent foreign intervention government of Ireland pozi be touched when we think o Bishop Odendahl, our highly that General Franco may break, in Spain, after the fell of the tion and authority against the enormous number of lives distinguished and much apVicar Apostolic with Mussolini on account of prezent government.
the illegal Irish Republican lost, the extensive damage oc preciated celebrate the twenty his refusal to accept the Italian Army, whose campaign of ter casioned and the thousands and will thousands rorism has caused England to rendered. homeless, fifth anniversary of his ordi to the Priesthood Tigress Shot Near NOTICE place a special guard over her confronted with starvation and nation the numerous other inconve which took place in Theux in 10 King and Queen and public Pandora buildings. Details of the Bills niences and troubles produced Belgium.
In commemoration this all We desire to advice our Sub were not disclosed but inform by so awful a visitation. It is which has During the night of the scribers, Collaborators and the ed circles said they would gi! not at all unlikely that the pre important event 30th January, a huge tigress general Public, that the English ve the government wide pow sent volcanic activities may be eventually brought our Vica.
was shot along the bank of Section of this Journal is repre ers against extremist limits.
come more intensive and cause riate under so enobling, upthe river which flows bet sented in this Zone, by the Ungreater devastation; while it has lifting an influence which His ween the districts of Bethi dersigried. All matters, other to be borne in mind that the Lordship displays at all tiMexico City. The govern Capital City of the Republic ismes throughout his extensiand Atalanta, by an Indian than those required to be taken ment is reported to be givlad known by the name of up directly with the Director: Jir. new consideration to pay des, the originator of devasta cal Mass will be sung in the located on the great river An ve field of labour, a PontifiGregorio Martinez. The ani don Rogelio Gutierrez, should ment for the 17 United States!
de mal measured 97 12 inches! be transacted through him.
Cathedral at a. that day.
and other foreign Oil Compa ting storms. from head to tail and 52 inches It is our earnest desire We feel we should, every one Preparations of the most ento nies expropriated last March.
cross. wise.
bring the service of the News An authoritative source said of u be stirred to offer our in thusiastic characters are also The residents in Bethi, Ata paper to the highest point of ef President Cardenas discussed dividual and collective assistan. under way to afford His Lord lanta. Vesta and Alsace Lo ficiency.
ce to our suffering and grief ship a very happy Feast day.
the matter with the Mexican stricken brethren. Their suffer The Atlantic Voice takes rraine having lost many of Petroleum Despartment, and their pigs by the activities of Jos. Thomas. Box 199 or that a further conference was est sympathy and enliven a rea the ing should awaken our tender this opportunity of tendering the tigress, are contributing Jackson Tailoriss Stablishdistinguished Prelate, expected soon with the fortoward a generous reward for ment in front the Post Office. mer NRA Admini trator who sibility. Let us not for one split mited to see many more simi.
lization of our fellow respon with the hope he will be per the lad bravery.
is Counsel for some of the second forget that that whichilar anniversaries among us.
American Companies.
பய London. Increased Guards ROYAL NETHERLAND were thrown around Bucking ham Palace and Britain faSERVICIO DE VAPORES mous Houses of Parliament STEAMSHIP CO.
on the dicsovery of bizarre conspiracy rivaling the 17th.
Salidas semanales de Limón para Nueva York 21. centuary Gunpowder plot. Compañia Real Holandesa de Vapores)
escala en Cristóbal y Habana, Scotland Yard Officials, who attribute the recent wave of Llevendo café para todos los puerto bombings to the King hating Europeos y Americanor cutlawed Irish Republican ar my, said details of the plot PROXIMAC SALIDAS DE LIMON: VAPORES SALIDAS were uncovered in a raid at Belfast, Northern Ireland 10, 000 extra police were imCHIRIQUI Febrero 12 mediately pressed into serviTALAMANCA Febrero 19 ce to guard the country vital services and historic build QUIRIGUA Febrero 26 ings. special guard watched Windsor Castle where OFICINA SAN JOSE: TELEFONO 3417 King George and Queen Elizabeth were on a holiday. Des FRENTE AL ALMACEN KOBERG pite the elaborate precautions there were spasmodic outbreaks of terrorism. Incendia CORRALES Febrero 10 ry bombs were set off in four Llevando café solamente para Londres tores at Coventry and an ey Agentes ED. JANIN Co.
plosion blew out a part of Wal ton Prison, at Liverpool, whe ALVARADO y Cía. SUCS.
AGENTES EN LIMON: re a number of persons accus Agentes poia Limón y Puntarena.
ed of taking part in the terrorist activities were being Felipe Alvarado Co. Sucs.
Pero otros informes dirijase a les oficines de le TINITED FRUIT COMPANY Moscow. The Soviet gov sequences. communique gun River, which forms the ernment report a new clash was issued stating 18 Japane northwestern boundary bet.
los bajos del Gran Hotel Conte Rico on the Siberian. Manchukuose and Manchukuo soldiers ween Japan protectorate of SFONO 3156 border after months of quiet attempted to take possession manchukuo and Siberia.
land announced Japan was of a Soviet Island in the ArEste documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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